Question about Sim Death

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Daizee, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    Question about Sim Death

    Ok, I was wondering what happened to anyones Sim when they died of old age. I finally gave in , turned aging on and stayed in a house long enough to have one die.

    Here's what happened to mine. The grim reaper showed up to get him, my guy fell on the ground, his wife and daughter ran over crying and then a Hula Dancer showed up dancing. After death and the hula girl left his wife and daughter cried, then all of a sudden started dancing together....on his grave.:confused:

    It was all a very odd thing to witness. Wish I had taken pictures but the Hula Dancer kind of had me in shock.

    Has anyone else had her when they had a sim die? Is she a normal thing in the game? Thanks in advance:eek:
  2. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    If a Sim dies with good Aspiration, he goes off with the hula dancers. If he dies badly, he gets dragged off kicking and screaming. Mortimer Goth headed off into the light earlier today in my game, and Dina went loopy right there. First time I've seen an actual nervous breakdown occur naturally without me deliberately torturing a sim.
  3. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    Well, it's nice to know that my sim died happy and is now with hula dancers. Thanks for your help:D
  4. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    That is so wild!! I mean, Hula Dancers?????? LMAO!!!!!!! Why not angels or (for those who don't believe in angels) people wearing white to take them to the other side? You know, long white robes? They don't have to be wearing wings, ya know what I mean?? But, HULA DANCERS???? My Goodness!! (Choking on my diet coke as a laugh at that one)

    Well. I guess when my favorite Sim Napoleon finally buys the farm, he'll be happy that his Heaven is filled with scantilly-clad women! :D :eek:
  5. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I can't say I'd be enthusiastic about the prospect of heaven if that were the case. I mean, read this:

    Does this sound like a NICE PLACE to you? No!

    Hey, at least it's better than the Heaven above. Even if there's likely still too much sunlight. AIEE! IT BURNS! I suspect this is why ghosts return to haunt the lot, after discovering heaven ain't all it's cracked up to be.
  6. mglp

    mglp New Member

    I was so upset when I saw the hula dancers. It seemed so disrespectful. :( I think I was too attached to that sim though. I stopped playing that family.

  7. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Well, what would you have preferred as a "Respectful" animation?

    I somehow don't think that there's any answer you can come up with which will satisfy everyone.
  8. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I've only had the hula girls when Mortimer Goth died. (My other sims weren't happy campers at the time of their death apparently.) They seemed off the wall to me at the time, too. It finally hit me that they were his send-off to paradise. The problem is that the sims "paradise" seems to be their own back yard. I've started worrying about the time when 3 or 4 more generations are buried back there. Back yard barbeque's and hot tub parties will be uncomfortable with hoards of ghosts joining in. I can't quite bring myself to put grandma's ashes in the trash, though.

    Hmm..Mortimer died with the hula girls the first time but I wasn't quite ready for that then. Knowing the hour of his death, I restored and used aging off. When he died the next time, I guess he didn't rate the hula girls. He became the biggest pest as a ghost. Do sims that get the big send off to paradise haunt? If that eliminated their ghost I'd make a bigger effort to have my sims die platinum! lol
  9. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Ghosts that die happy seem to be less agitated, although it's certainly possible to provoke them. I have an old ghost who was created as an Elder knowledge sim, and passed away in platinum to the hula dancers and a shiny gold tombstone, and when he manifested, he just kinda floated serenely around the yard and didn't really raid the house or terrorize the inhabitants much.

    There is, however, evidence that is possible to contain even unruly ghosts:
  10. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I've been watching that thread..waiting for you to provide us with all the details! lol I'm waiting to get the final mauseleum building specs. ;) This thread was about the hula girls and happy ghosts. I just wondered if happy ghosts haunted or really departed to another paradise.
  11. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    Those are the conditions my sim died under. He seems happy just to float around the yard, sometimes going into the house but not bothering anyone. I am glad because I would also have a hard time just deleting the tombstone of the first sim I made and passed away. Somehow it just wouldn't seem right:p
  12. Illuminati

    Illuminati New Member

    Hula Dancers.. What the hell..? It's just hum... misplaced a little bit. Except if in the Sims World heaven is Hawaii..
  13. Thenextsimsaddict

    Thenextsimsaddict New Member

    Doesn anyone have any tips on how to kill your Sim? :devious: :p
  14. Illuminati

    Illuminati New Member

    Well you're kidding?

    If not then try to repair a computer with a sim with zero skill point in mechanic (oh well).
  15. Thenextsimsaddict

    Thenextsimsaddict New Member

    Hahaha, not kidding! It's not like I enjoy watching people die, but A. I'm sick of my Sim. B. I want her son to be living alone and he can't move out yet. C. I want to see the Grim Reaper.
  16. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    The only way I have killed a sim was to starve them. After they died the grim reaper showed up, killed them off, then watched my tv for awhile.:eek:
  17. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    Obviously many enjoy finding creative ways to knock off sims but I hadn't killed anyone in sims2 until last night. I know it isn't rational but I feel bad murdering pixils! lol My knowledge sims all seem to fixate on I broke down and did away with an obnoxious townie. My victim made a beeline for my money trees and I walled him in. It was gruesome but he DID have his pockets stuffed with all my money tree cash. I'm planning a party for all sims in my neighborhood this evening. I hope the ghost appears so I can clear this aspiration off of everyone's list at one time.
  18. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I don't. I'm merciless and cruel, especially when somebody has irritated me already. Being that murder in TS2 really isn't the satisfying, gruesome, and visceral affair that it is in real life, though, I don't really have a hankering to do it on a regular basis, particularly with Sims I actually invested effort into making. I do, however, occasionally kill test sims, but this is more experimental than out of any desire to be malicious. TS2 is not really the game I choose for this sort of activity, but certain stalker townies really ask for it.

    This won't really help them STOP fixating on ghosts. In fact, it'll make the problem worse. Once you entertain this want at all, they'll just want to see it more and more, like a scab they feel compelled to pick. It's the same way with Aliens. Until they meet an alien, no freshly made Sim ever has any interest in them, but once they meet them, they'll want to see them, they'll want their friends to see them, they'll want their family to see them. Since a desire to see aliens does not produce the Curious Brothers "constant abduction" effect, this is basically a wasted want slot, since it's impossible to fulfill. Similarly, I've found out the hard way that Knowledge sims should never be allowed to retire from work, or quit, once they become elders: The constant pestering of wanting to then get a job, after they just wanted to retire, often in the SAME job, at longer hours and lesser pay, is something that takes forever to extinguish. They also tend to roll similarly unreasonable "Win Game With Person Who Is Not Here" wants, which, of course, are similarly unreasonable because there's no way to reliably fill them: Games take forever to play, the winner is completely random, and skills seem to have absolutely no influence on them whatsoever, and the loser generally quits before he can finish losing, and "loss by forfeit" is not a concept recognized in TS2. Plus, the payout is low. On the bright side, the low payout generally causes it to roll over easily, unless it manages to clog all of slots alongside other unreasonable wants.
  19. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    I feel bad killing them too!! In TS1 I could kill them much easier. I think it is harder for me in this one because you can see their expressions.

    It may not be rational but you are not alone in feeling guilty about murdering pixels!!
  20. lou_knee

    lou_knee New Member

    Just don't drown your sims. I had a house that in one night was almost compleatly flooded by a ghost leaving behind puddles. And then the darn thing goes and scares one of my other sims to death herself. After losing the plea with the grim reaper I had to quit without saving afterplaying for about four hours. Grrrr! :mad:

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