Bush isn't capable os succeeding in Iraq

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ScootieDude, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. ScootieDude

    ScootieDude New Member

    Bush isn't capable os succeeding in Iraq

    My friend served on a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Red Sea during Desert Storm. His brother served in the same war in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. This past July, members of his Naval Reserves unit in Charleston, S.C., were activated, transferred to Army Command and sent to Iraq, where he now serves near Tikrit.

    Since when did we arbitrarily transfer personnel from one branch of service to another?

    His e-mails are usually one or two terse sentences, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

    So when he called last week, I asked some questions that could be answered with one word because I know the Bush administration is obsessed with control and secrecy.

    "Do R.P.G.'s ever land in your camp?" "Sometimes."

    "Do mortar rounds ever land in your camp?" "Sometimes."

    Then I asked, "What I see on CNN and other media show a really dangerous, messy situation there. Is really like that?" "Yes, it's that bad."

    I have concluded that if we really want to support our troops in Iraq, we can do that best by voting for John Kerry in November, because I don't believe that the present administration can succeed there, ever; too many critical errors caused by ignorance and arrogance.

    "I'm not worried about casualties" ~ G W Bush
  2. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    im not 18 yet, but id vote for Kerry if i could
  3. ScootieDude

    ScootieDude New Member

    Re: vchat20

    That's good that you would vote for Kerry. He would appreciate your vote just as he appreciates all of them. :D
  4. Sceptre

    Sceptre New Member

    Ok... Bush isn't capable of succeeding in Iraq... That's a pretty bold accusation.. Unfortunately, there's no credibility behind such a statement..

    Q: Since when did we arbitrarily transfer personnel from one branch of service to another?

    A: The U.S. military has never "arbitrarily" transfered personnel from one branch of service to another. It has long been a common military practice to attach qualified military personell, specializing in certain fields, to a unit of another service. They are attached to units where their specialties are needed. The probability a serviceman getting attached to a unit of another branch of military service depends on the MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) of that serviceman.

    The most common example of this is the assignment of Navy Corpsmen to Marine Corps unites. The Marine Corps does not have its own medical personell, and it relies greatly on the medical specialists of the Navy.

    You asked your friend: "Do R.P.G.'s ever land in your camp?"

    That is a completely illogical question, and there can be no logical answer for it. RPGs don't "land" like bombs or mortars do. The RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) was designed to destroy military vehicles. They explode on impact. They don't "land" in camps. They were made to fire in a straight line, from the launcher straight to the target. They weren't made to go up, arch, and land down again like mortars.

    Asking military personell such questions is a dangerous thing to do. It could get them in trouble! Servicemen may not be at liberty to disclose such information regarding the security of their emplacements.

    If Kerry is elected president, mortar fire will still be directed at U.S. positions in Iraq, servicemen will still be attached to units in other services, and your friend will still be giving such broad answers.

    If we really support our troops in Iraq, we shouldn't be destroying their morale. Kerry turned his back to the military. Why should he lead it now?

    Peace marches and anti-war rallies carried out over here by ignorant, arrogant, anti-military fanatics only belittles the massive amount of good accomplished by the United States Military. Belittling them, their leaders, and what they have done is a direct attack on their morale. These fanatics shouldn't think that they are protecting the lives of military personell abroad by making idiots out of themselves here at home.

    Kerry's picture is hanging up in the Vietnamese War Museum, in the "Hall of Heroes". Kerry testified that U.S. troops, on a day-to-day basis, committed attrocities with the full consent of their officers.

    Kerry believes it is honorable for a U.S. serviceman to die under the banner of the United Nations, but that it is a waste to die under the banner of the United States. How is this going to help our troops morale?

    The following is a portion of an interview with presidential candidate, John Kerry:

    SESNO: Are they worth dying for? That's the question. Are they worth fighting and dying for?

    KERRY: It depends what you mean by that, Frank. If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yes, it is worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome, the answer is unequivocally no.

    Okay.... Here's another Kerry Quote:

    Sep 6, 2002: "If Saddam Hussein is unwilling to bend to the international community's already existing order, then he will have invited enforcement, even if that enforcement is mostly at the hands of the United States, a right we retain even if the Security Council fails to act."

    Kerry really is sending a mixed message to the American people and our defence personell. I wonder sometimes if he is really just confused himself, or if he intentionally is misleading us.

    Do any of you know why Kerry won't go over to Iraq to meet with the troops? Obviously he's afraid they wouldn't receive him. He's right to make such a presumption.

    Having someone become their commander-in-chief, someone who voted against giving them the supplies necessary to win a war he voted to send them into couldn't sound too appetizing to them, could it?

    My advice is this: Learn a little bit about the military, how it operates, and how it's leaders operate. Once you have obtained knowledge of the military, you will be able to make much, much more intelligent assumptions.
  5. ScootieDude

    ScootieDude New Member

    Signs should be displayed forever

    Signs should be displayed forever


    "People say that G W Bush don't get it. Well I think he gets it, he don't want it"

    This message is in response to those complaining about their Bush/Cheney signs being taken. I would like to join them in asking those who removed them to return them immediately. I would also encourage the rightful owners to display them prominenetly when they get them back and leave them up permanently.

    I believe, these signs have the potential of providing a valuable service in that they alert Emergency Service personnel, postmen, repair men, and anyone else who must visit the property in the course of their duties that they are about to encounter people of a considerably diminished capacity - sort of a "Beware of the Dog" sign for humans.

    As to Bush/Cheney being the "honest ticket," any statement that includes the words "honest" and "Republican" in the same phrase, while maybe valid at one time, has slowly, but surely, rotted into a contradiction over the past 30 or so years.

    I want people to know that I intend to keep my Kerry/Edwards sign up for a long time to come as a symbol of pride and hope. Senator John Kerry is a great man, and a truly patriotic American hero. He will make a great President for our country, one that will make us proud of America again.

    Vote KERRY/EDWARDS for "A Safer America and "A Stronger Economy!!"


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