TV---> work out?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by klara_lutil, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. klara_lutil

    klara_lutil New Member

    TV---> work out?

    Hi all. :) How does sims make use of the television to work out? everytime i tried to make the sims work out, a thought bubble comes out with a picture of a wooden plank or something like that, and the sims will not be able to work out:( . anyone knows how?:confused:
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Sims need space to work out. Ideally you should allow 2 full squares between the TV screen and the furniture. A sim also needs 3 squares to lay down in (2 and a half actually ... but the beds all take up 3 squares ... so you need an area of empty floor measuring 2 squares by 3 squares with the TV along the 3 square side ... OK?
  3. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    I totally agree! I usually have a 3x3 or 4x4 space between the couch and tele if I wanted them to work out using the tele, but most of the time I use the exercise machine because it seems faster to me :p and when my sims's fitness are not that bad, Ill make them do yoga or exercise with the radio :p
  4. klara_lutil

    klara_lutil New Member

    thx 4 the replies:D i'm just starting out so my sims are rather poor, can't afford to buy the excercise machine:confused: will try yoga with radio ;)
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    A quick screenshot ... ;)

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  6. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Yeah, I thought the TV Workout thing was pretty hilarious, since in my mind, TV has always been the antithesis of exercise. I guess people will try to combine anything.
  7. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Hey, I work out to television all the time. ;) :p

    The thing I don't like about the working out with the TV on TS2 is when you have tiny house and the work-out 'zone' takes up the whole walk-way. Other than that it's a cheap way to get their body skills up.
  8. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Heh, if you say so. Until I actually saw it happen in TS2, though, I was unaware that such a thing was even possible. I'd always thought that TV was something performed while vegetating, and involved no physical activity at all. I don't watch TV, anyway. It's not sufficiently engaging for my tastes.

    Well, if you want a CHEAP way of getting your body skills up, you can rent a workout bench, which, although it costs like $1400, can be immediately returned after you reach the 3 body points you need to perform yoga, at no loss. A useful TV costs like $3500 or $8000, and the cheapest TV is simply terrible at raising fun anyway, so I never buy it. A fun-giving item has to be pretty powerful to even begin to compete with the hands thing.
  10. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    No, I can't say I've ever heard of him. Is this another British thing? I happen to be a barbaric American, you see, so maybe this is cultural?
  11. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    Googling it returned is he, like, famous or something?

    I've never heard of such a thing as working out in front of TV either, in addition to working out via radio. Why one needs a TV to do situps and pushups, and a radio for jumping jacks, is completely beyond me.
  12. Sorry, forgot it was the WORLD wide web

    Hee, sorry, forgot not everyone is British.

    He was a guy who used to do a fitness slot on a morning tv show, he was sort of hated with a muted respect. He was on sooo early in the morning when it was hard enough to stand up, never mind do squats. And he always wore horrible fluorescent clothes (much like some of our sims when they're working out, but I think thats just coincidence)

    Anyway he was annoying, but in a loveable way.

    Sorry to be so presumptious (though it was meant as a joke), I will consider the multi national appeal of the Sims in future posts :)
  13. mglp

    mglp New Member

    There are hundreds of aerobic shows and videos in the states. Not everyone uses a TV for the vegetation aspect.

  14. I've just thought...

    ...what about Tae-Bo? Thats big in the States isn't it? And thats done in front of a tv. I know that the sims obviously aren't doing Tae-Bo but the exercise/TV link is there.
  15. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Okay, but you are male. Have you never been flipping through the TV channels on a morning when you were off from school/work and not seen the girls working out on ESPN or some other channels? Most guys I know see them and stop to drool for awhile. :D There are exercise shows on TV all the time, especially here in the states where we all spend millions of $$ on exercise equipment, aerobic tapes, and the like, and still get fatter and fatter.
  16. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Idiot men! I imagine that (if they were the appropriate age at the time) they would have piled around their friend's TV to watch the first TV work out ... any one remember the Jane Fonda Workout ... one of the first best-selling VHS tapes ...

    I know, I know ... for the benefit of the youngster out there a VHS is a huge clunky plastic box full of very thin tape brown that is the favorite food of special machines called VCR's. It was what we old wrinkly people had to use before DVDs were invented. VCR's were very good for the social life bar of owners. After eating a VHS tape a VCR generally needed the attention of a VCR repairman. This was because a VCR was slightly heavier than a four year old with an eating disorder ( one that involves eating 120 PBJ's a day) ... so it was too heavy to carry to the shop ... even if SUV's had also been invented, which they hadn't.

    The VCR repairman would generally stare at the sulky VCR for about 5 seconds before taking a sharp intake of breath through pursed lips and exclaiming: "this would never have happened if you hadn't let it get so close to a PBJ..." He owuld then cart the offending machine away in a semi with 36 wheels and when you phoned him 3 weeks later to inquire after your property you'd be told that "they" were waiting for a new part to arrive from Japan .... Eventually we grew tired of waiting and went a bought a new one. This caused Japan to experience an economic boom. Unfortunately, worried by the huge backlog of orders for spare VCR parts, the moguls of Nipponese eloctronics set their R&D geeks to improving the technology. The result was the DVD.

    Now that's progress, kids! :D
  17. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Err, no, not really. I'm kind of a non-TV-watcher. I grew up in a family that didn't own a TV, and when I actually *HAD* my own TV, I only watched specific programs. And what's ESPN? That anything like CNN?

    These are for fat people? Why would anyone want to watch fat people exercising?

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