Circe Beaker: Closet Lesbian?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by J. M. Pescado, Oct 29, 2004.

  1. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Circe Beaker: Closet Lesbian?

    I've observed something very weird about Circe Beaker, Loki's wife. Admittedly, this should not be *IS* Strangetown, after all, but still. According to Maxis, Sims prefer the opposite gender unless induced to do otherwise by the player. I have never attempted to prod Circe, or any other sims, into homosexual interactions or relationships, but nonetheless, Circe performs the attraction emote on the presence of a certain Romance sim she encounters regularly....a female. No other Sims do this. Every other Sim only performs the attraction emote in the presence of one of the opposite gender. Circe, however, does this with one of the same gender, but has never been in a homosexual relationship and has no wants pertaining to doing so. Could "closet lesbian" be one of her personality quirks?
  2. gnokgnoh

    gnokgnoh New Member

    I am unable to answer your question precisely. But I want to share a little expereince with you on the same subject.

    I created a single man family. Then I played it as usual. It came to inviting some sims into my house. Actually they are not invited, they just walked into my house and use my TV, radios, toilet...etc.

    Then out of some social activities, one of the AI sims asked for a hug. I mean does it mean Maxis makes provisions for AI gay sims?

    It's a bold feature, but interesting.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I don't have an answer either but instead another odd question. I have been observing this "attraction" phenomenon for some time and I started experimenting. So far I have not managed to make a single sim "attract" to a sim whose appearance is ... well, ugly. I don't really believe that Maxis have developed an algorithm to measure the attractiveness of sims but I can't yet find an alternative explanation ... other than plain coincidence. ;)
  4. Xenu

    Xenu New Member

    I'm not sure, but I *think* Miana Bohemia (one of my few romance sims) once got "attracted" to Spawn Bonnie.

    Spawn was, ehrm, spawned, when I toyed around with the faces editor. She's not only off the scale ugly, she's clearly inhuman. Huge ears and huge nose on a extremely thin face. Looks like some kind of goblin.
  5. gnokgnoh

    gnokgnoh New Member


    Your observation of attraction in relations to a sim's appeal is the most interesting. I have had looked into this for a little while actuall, when I compose my sim's appearance at creation time.

    To suuplement my previous thread, actually my sim Jesper Reiley I called him is rather not handsome. I made his eyes as small as a straight line (excuse my poor English I hope you understand my descriptions). And his cheeks long with a puffy face. He looks rather fat in the face when view in a distance. So he is ordinary and maybe, slightly ugly.

    I marked his horoscope sign as Libra and give him a "Romance" character for a good start. Then make him socialize a lot. He got a job in the politics field. And on the 2nd day, he came home with a lady colleague. In late evening, he managed to hug the girl.

    Generally, I find these parameters do help a male sim to get attracted to the opposite sex. The funniest thing is that his look seems not be a factor, which is not logical to me even from a game perspective.
  6. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    According to the strategy guide, it's the personality (star sign) they're attracted to. Some signs are just more compatible than others. So that, regardless of sex, your sim will be more attracted to certain personality types.

    **from the book**
    " Sims may befriend and fall in love with anyone but, due to inherent differences in personality types, some combinations are harder or easier than others. Keep the affinities/aversions below in mind to discover who's a more likely friend and who will pose and interesting challenge.

    Aries: Gemini/Taurus(attracted to) Cancer/Libra(repelled by)

    Taurus: Aries/Libra(attracted to) Virgo/Cancer(repelled by)

    Gemini; Pisces/Virgo(attracted to) Capricorn/aries(repelled by)

    Cancer: Taurus/Scorpio(attracted to) Gemini/Aries(repelled by)

    Leo: Sagittarius/Cancer(attracted to) Capricorn/Gemini(repelled by)

    Virgo: Aquarius/Sagittarius(attracted to) Leo/Taurus(repelled by)

    Libra: Virgo/Cancer(attracted to) Pisces/Scorpio(repelled by)

    Scorpio: Pisces/Leo(attracted to) Libra/Aquarius(repelled by)

    Sagittarius: Pisces/Capricorn(attracted to) Libra/Scorpio(repelled by)

    Capricorn: Aquarius/Taurus(attracted to) Leo/Gemini(repelled by)

    Aquarius: Capricorn/Sagittarius(attracted to) Scorpio/Virgo(repelled by)

    [font=&quot]Pisces: Scorpio/Gemini(attracted to) Leo/Aries(repelled by)[/font]

    Hope that helps.

    Cass. :bunny:
  7. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    I believe that by "attraction" they meant the attraction action, where a Sim whistles or swoons at the sight of another Romance Sim... not developing an actual relationship.
  8. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    No, they mean it's easier to make friends with the ones they're "attracted" to then it is to make friends with the ones they're "repelled by". If their peronsalities are compatible, you should have little trouble, but if they're not... you'll have a challenge on your hands.
    I believe the romance sims are swooned over and whistled at whether the sim likes them or not.

    Cass. :bunny:
  9. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Actually, I'm pretty convinced that there's absolutely no true correlation between the astrological sign, and how easy it is to befriend another sim. The true culprit is not the astrological sign, which is only indirectly related, but to the interests of the Sims: If two Sims share multiple strong interests, they get along REALLY well. If they do not, well, they're going to have bad conversation after bad conversation because Sims are stupid and never learn that the first bad conversation about a topic generally should signify "Let us never speak of this again.". So instead they'll keep trying to talk about the same thing over and over, and it doesn't work any better the second time than it did the first time.

    Astrological sign has only a weak link to initial interests, and furthermore, these values are malleable in-game, so the sign really cannot be considered a major determining factor.

    I noticed this because in my neighborhood, two distinct interest cliques have formed: One is the Politics/Money/Culture/Crime/Environment clique, and the other one is the Food/Sports/Entertainment/Fashion clique. Within these groups, the above topics are pretty much the dominant subject of any discussion, and the topics of the other side tend to be poorly received. This is mostly a consequence of magazine-usage, as a Sim who refuses to take interest in anything the locals who regularly visit take interest in, well, doesn't make many friends. So there's a certain pressure towards conformity here. You can actually see this effect in the connecting-lines diagram on my neighborhood, where if you look closely, you can actually gerrymander the borders of each clique, and notice how within these groups, the lines are densely connected to each other, but across the border, connections are sparse: None of this has anything to do with astrological sign! Fresh CAS couples created for compatibility, for instance, may not share common interests and STILL regularly have bad conversations. Couples that SHOULD be completely incompatible, on the other hand, that meet in game after becoming associated with one of the above cliques, often work like magic, becoming 100-daily friends with only a few conversations on the same day. The most obvious example of this is Lilith and Angela Pleasant: The two are identical twins: If you look at their original stats, they're identical, and both of them are the same astrological sign. Therefore, they should get along with the same people, right? Yet you'll quickly find, that while Angela is easy to talk to, Lilith is either completely disagreeable, or clicks like magic. Why is this? Interests. Lilith's interests are much more polarized, so if your Sim likes what she likes, they get along REALLY well. Otherwise, they just can't talk to each other. Even if that Sim gets along perfectly fine with Angela.

    The other noteworthy factor is personality: Playful vs. Serious is noteworthy thing, as playful sims derive greater relationship gains from certain actions than serious ones do. Similarly, nice and outgoing sims are generally more receptive than grouchy ones. (At the same time, an high outgoing sim will have difficulty making friends if allowed to pick his own interactions, as outgoing sims like to antagonize other sims with unwanted socials) In this, astrological signs can once again be a potential indicator, but this isn't really true either, because often times, a Sim born in the game, or one who has been molded through encouragements, will have a personality type completely different from what you'd get if you made that personality using CAS. Nervous, for instance, has a personality that does not, in any way, resemble a standard Aquarius that he's supposed to be. Finally, looking at the above table, you'll notice that some signs are listed as "Attracted to", that the target sign is either indifferent to, or even repelled by.

    The final nail in the astrology-in-TS2 coffin is the fact that two twins don't necessarily share the same sign. Despite the fact that they should, since they have the same birthday, which is what signs in real life are correlated with. Then again, astrology doesn't mean all that much in real life, either. Nyeah.

    Last but not least, the strategy guide is a load of crapola.
  10. sim024

    sim024 New Member

    Well I was playing with the Pleasant family and Lillith actually had an attraction with another Sim. I can't remember her name, but they kissed once or twice. I'm experimenting with this aspect and seeing how far it'll go.
  11. Eleyia

    Eleyia New Member

    I just invited Circe over for a wedding. She was best friends with the bride, because they work together. All of a sudden, I saw hearts and heard chimes and realized Circe and the bride had started slow dancing and fell in love! I never had them do anything romantic together.

    I had to have another person in the house send Circe away so there wouldn't be jealousy issues during the wedding.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    But jealousy is so fun! :D
  13. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    I got a couple of girls that just shot straight up to being bed buddies.
  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I had that in my last game. My bisexual teenaged girls went off to college, I turn my back for a second, and they're kissing. Augh. I wanted them to date other people and still stay friends ...

    It worked out, though. And then the motherboard change wiped 'em out anyway. :p
  15. WereBear

    WereBear Dancing Bear

    This just happened in my neighborhood last night! It was the wedding of Claire Sweetpie and Alvin Go (they took her name BTW). Alvin ended up slow dancing with Melissa (his best friend from uni) by accident because she and the bride were wearing the same dress! I blame it all on Maxis because Claire didn't change into a wedding dress...yeah...that's the ticket... I thought I had gotten away with it, when with :30 seconds left to go, Claire gave Alvin a tender kiss to thank him for a beautiful toast. Next thing ya know Melissa is slapping Alvin silly. Before Alvin had a chance to retaliate I sent him back to the champaign bottle for another toast and the party ended as a roof-raiser.

    Now to keep this from happening again... How do I get the wedding formals back?
  16. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    I was happy though, becaus in my storyline they come into it, and I wanted that to happen. I was pretty pleased!
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Well, cool, then. Morgan and Mallory did the "fall in love the second they got to college" thing too. And now of course they're married.
  18. Willow_Tara

    Willow_Tara New Member

    Well half of my female sims are well Lesbians, and the straights? End up kissing another girl lol...

    Sadly there are only few gay guys around, only because I way way more prettier girls,. so see it's like this, I create a female and none of the males are good enough right? But I see a woman who looks good enough for them so instead they are Lesbian.

    Now the Guys don't have trouble looking for pretty girls so yeah...
    I gotta do more experiment with Circe, currently she caught Loki cheating on her with another female sim who was uysing him to get him to attack her ex husband and his girlfriend who were doing the same thing, Lol, a bit confusing hey?

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