
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by simslacker, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. simslacker

    simslacker New Member


    i invited the headmaster one day said he/she'd be there at 5 for dinner - never came. what should i do? how does it work? also i have a child and a teen and i want to try to get them both in a private school - how do i do that?
  2. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    well try inviting the headmaster again. When it's almost 5pm, watch out for the headmaster. If you're playing in a fast forward mode, when its close to 5pm, go back to normal speed.

    once the headmaster has arrived, greet him and "scmooze" with him. You get points from doing that. After that, select the option "show tour" or "tour" (I cant remember the option exactly, but its tour related :p ). Show him the rooms by entering each room in your home one by one. Once you're in the room, select the headmaster and select the option "show room". Do this for each room in your house. If he likes it, he will do some "excited" actions.

    before you show him the last 2 rooms, make your other sim cook a meal. Any meal would do, but hopefully "lobster" (I did mine with mac and cheese). Once the meal is served, select on the headmaster and select the option "call for dinner". After dinner, if possible, try and "smooze" with him again. You get more points from doing that. :D

    Hopefully you will get your children in private school. I got a score of 130/90 :p hope this helps you :D
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Tour is under entertain.
    Aim to show the best 3 rooms in house. (Best = most expensively furnished) A good room is good for 10 points. I try to finish the tour in Kitchen. As dinner is being served.

    The head won't eat until he is called for dinner.

    Call for Dinner is under entertain.

    When yopu have shown him the kitchen. Click on him to get End Tour. He'll say thanks and then call him for dinner.

    He'll sit down straight away if you have the table in the kitchen like I always do.

    Watch him carefully to see which subjects he likes talking about and make sure to keep the table chat angled towards him.

    As soon as he finishes get the sim who has got on best with the head to play chess with him. No actual smooching will be needed if the head plays chess with a compatible sim. They usually become friends just playing chess! This is worth at least 40 smooch points!

    1. The head doesn't ring the door bell. He just hangs around on the sidewalk. (Beware that if you have sopmething like a swing in the backyard the head might just decide to head for that and wait for you there!
    2. Mac & cheese is usually worth 30 points if the cook has 4+ points and the cooker is the best one. Lobster can easily get burned - a disaster! Mac is also very cheap ... no point wasting simoleons on the silly old snob! ;)
    3. Have the tour conducted by a sim who can run or skip. A walk only sim slows down the tour a little because they can block routes and the head will wait around too much. I usually get of the kids to conduct the tour,
    4. Get rid of surplus sims (send 'em to bed or set them studying). You need one to cook, and one to play chess/smooch. I usually sned the kids to bed.
    5. When the dinner is served make all your sims wait until the head sits down - it's not important but it helps avoid trouble.
    6. Send all other visitors home before 5pm - again not important but makes management of the head simpler.
    6. As soon as the head finishes his dinner stop one of your sims eating immediately so that you don't leave him to his own devices. Don't leave the old fool alone for a second. I've never seen the head use the toilet ... though I suppose it must happen. :eek:
  4. aragorn231

    aragorn231 New Member

    And if you really want to score when you're showing your house: buy a couple of "Environment: 10" paintings and move them from room to room (each time into the next room that you're going to show). You can even sell them afterwards, no simoleons lost.

    Okay, some people may consider this is cheating, but hey, it could happen in RL too, just have one of your kids move the paintings, and no hacking/cheat code is involved :)
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Hoo that ain't cheating, oh son of Arathorn, tha's just downright sneaky ... like I do the same kinda thing too.
  6. Simi

    Simi New Member

    You also get a bonus 10 points for him getting into the hottub. Last time I did that he went in it after dinner. Which was good because after he got in, he stayed there for hours. Got the lil box saying the time ran out about 5 times. He was still sitting in the hottub happy as can be. The family finally gave up trying to get him out and went to bed. About 4am he got out and woke up my family and said he was impressed and let my kids in, then left.
  7. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    hmm ive gotten 15 points from one room on the tour and then 10 points for the other 3 rooms i show him. just have a high cookin level also and cook salmon or something. i usually get over 90 for just thAt
  8. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I generally have them eat dinner first. I've found that even with shooing, sometimes the Headmaster won't quit doing something he really likes to go to dinner. For example, I've had him decide he wasn't going to leave the pinball machine for anything. (They seem to be *especially* fond of the pinball machines.) And I've had him refuse to stop playing chess. When this happens, he doesn't get dinner and then won't let the kids into private school. (Which is a really expensive bummer from an aspiration level point of view.)

    So, I have him called to dinner as soon as he is met (and smoozed for a short while at the front door). (I have the dinner started at 4:30pm which is when the time flips from lunch menu to dinner menu.) Then after dinner I do the tour. Most of the time he's maxed the score even before he finishes touring the 3rd room, says the kids are in and leaves. (He can be a *very* annoying caller if you make friends with him, I've found.)

    There is what seems to be a bug regarding the headmaster. It seems to be related to the jump bug so hopefully the update/patch will fix it (as it's not listed separately.) If you've asked him to come, sometimes he gets there and then suddenly disappears. Unfortunately, you may not be able to get him to come back. Hopefully that's not what's keeping you from getting a successful invite.
  9. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    one question.
    why does everyone say tour the 3 rooms?
    I can tour 4 and it really helps out alot lol
  10. Zeljkaa

    Zeljkaa New Member

    I've only done the headmaster thing 4 times, but I was never rejected, having all children in the home accepted each time (siblings, cousins, roomates etc..)

    I make sure the home is clean, trash is out, bills are paid and homework is done or being done. The child's grade doesn't seem to matter.
    I dress a charismatic woman in formal attire to greet him with a joke (which either works or doesn't)
    Either way, she gives him a tour of the best rooms in the house, (send a Sim on a tour beforehand and check the environment to know which rooms)
    I make sure the main floor bathroom is clean, functional and empty.
    One of the better cooks in the home begins dinner as the tour is underway. If there is time between the meal and the tour, I schmooze about work or school, then call him to dinner (though tour and dinner points alone are always more than enough).
    For dinner, I usually only have the Sim who's given him the tour eating with him (to prevent jumping) and each time, the headmaster eats, (whatever I am confident the cook can do well and doesn't burn) chats with my Sim, then tells my Sim that the kids in the home are approved for private school and leaves immediately (usually only a couple hours)
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Why 3 rooms? Well 3 good rooms = 30 points. A good dinner is another 30. And -- I've found -- a sim hour playing chess = another 30 points. You only need 90 and I've scored 35 with toasted cheese sandwiches before now Story Is Here (note that I also got 7 points for the one-room roach-infested shack!)
  12. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Ah, yes, the good ol' Potemkin Village trick.

    Hey, royalty have fallen for this one in the past, so I hardly think the headmaster would be immune to such tricks. :)

    If the headmaster gets stuck on an object, you may be forced to destroy the object. Deletion sometimes works, but if this vaporizes the headmaster, try fire instead. Sims can never resist a good fire.

    These all appear to be myths: None of these actually directly impact the headmaster. The thing which causes the headmaster to simply disappear before you can ever greet him is actually a bug related to saving the game after calling him. If you immediately call again, he returns and behaves normally even if nothing is changed. Of course, trash negatively affects the room score, so can hamper touring, if you show him that room.

    Neither the joke, nor the attire, really has any effect. People have reported that they've gotten in with the whole family tromping around in their underwear.
  13. MZB

    MZB New Member

    ok i have a problem with the headmaster

    now this is my problem

    i invited the headmaster over once and my sister played it for me and made my kid not get in, so i invited him again and this time i was going to try to get my kid in, but when the next day came around and the headmater showed up before i could even great him a message popped up and said that the headmaster doesn't think this is the type of family for such a fine institute or something like that now can somebody tell me what's going on here???

    oh i didn't read some of the other replies :D but i have called the headmaster right after he left and still nothing they even sent a different looking one over but still the same thing
  14. lou_knee

    lou_knee New Member

    I've had the same problem myself. Originaly I invited the headmaster over and he came, but I couldn't workout how to get him to eat. Needless to say my kids didn't get in to the school. After I found out how to get him to eat I thought I'd better give it another go and invite him again. He said he'd gome over but never showed up. This has happened several times now but only in this one house, all of my other families have been accepted first time.:confusion:

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