Expectations of Sims 2 University EP

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Expectations of Sims 2 University EP

    What are your expectations for Sims 2 University EP? I'm looking forward to a college realm, filled with dorms, classrooms, and all the aspects of college life (minus the frat parties)
  2. Sylla

    Sylla New Member

    Bring on the frat parties!!!!! :D

    No, i'm mostly looking forward to a new range of objects, haven't played the game for a while now because I'm bored with the limited range of things to decorate with. The young adult stage should be interesting too, looking forward to what ever new interactions are going to be involved with that.
    My expectations though? I prefer not to have those so then your never disapointed...
  3. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    University addiction

    When the release of this expansion was announced, one of my friends said, "Oh, No! Now you'll never leave university!" I have been attending university now for 11 years completing two degrees and next year is supposed to be my final year...but now that the sims has brought out this expansion, it's true...I will never be able to leave...Maybe I'll get it as a graduation present!!!! :)
  4. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    My expectations:

    1. It will corrupt the neighborhood file at least once.
    2. It will contain at least one severe gamebreaking bug.
    3. It will be late.
    4. It will demonstrate that at least half the screenshots seen so far are, in fact, staged. The events depicted will not actually occur in the game.
  5. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Come on JM...be a bit more optimistic :p
  6. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I thought this was about expectations. That *IS* being optimistic. I reason that if I expect the worst, at least I won't be disappointed.
  7. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    It is...but everything that was listed was all negative. Nothing positive :)
  8. Sylla

    Sylla New Member

    But unfortunately, most likely true.....
  9. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Isn't that how expectations work? Expectations are negative. If they were positive, they'd be called dreams or wishes instead. However, you don't *EXPECT* these things, so they're not expectations.
  10. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Mild tangent...so if you are "expecting" a baby in real life, are you saying a baby is a wish or dream? That doesn't sound right.
  11. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    Im preety much expecting to have more furniture lolx eg. better wardrobes? lolx :p :p but if it's based on the university part, hmm :rolleyes: Im just wondering how it will turn out living with an npc in the same room etc :D :D
  12. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I think that this is something Maxis has had in the works the entire time, or else, Josh, why would they have thought to name the event you attended last year "Sims 2 University", and why would they have made the Sims so "young adult" friendly? It seems to me that the main feel of TS2 is young adult. The most fun in the game, to me, is getting started on a career path, romancing a sim, "hooking up" and starting a family. These are things that most people do from the ages of 18-30. After that, the game revolves around more mundane chores of making sure the kids do their homework and fulfilling wants.

    So, the University will add more to that period of life, making it even more important in careers and socially. A Sim who finishes college with good grades will start higher in their career path or have newer ones opened up, if I'm understanding correctly. They will also have more social interactions, and the opportunity to make more friends. Imagine playing a Popularity Sim in college: You'll have them throwing keggers and hanging out in the student union. A Romance Sim, well, just imagine all the Woo Hoo! You may actually be able to achieve the "Have 10 Lovers" Want.

    So I think it will be fun. I feel sorry for some of the Sims I have raised from babies who will not get the opportunity to go to college. Ah, well, we can always want better for the next generation.
  13. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Oh come on, he was just being hilarious old Pescado, trailing angsty techy bathos with him wherever he goes :).
    is going to be so fun. I am serious. If this actually happens, it will be a brilliant challenge. I am really looking forward to it.

    This is a bit annoying. It'd be great if future EPs will develop other stages of life more fully, though I'm not hopeful as I doubt an EP which revolved around old age and death would sell too brilliantly, unless they put a lot of effort into making it wonderful.

    Games do tend to be played by primarily young adults. Aiming it at other age groups would be quite risky - older people don't generally play games (with notable exceptions - curtseys to Mirelly), and the game is a little too complex for a lot of younger people. So I doubt they hit upon the age range to aim the Sims 2 at with the content of their first EP in mind. A case of effect rather than cause, IMHO.
  14. Toast

    Toast Rebmem Drawkcab

    Frat parties and streaking. And of course carrying on with my personal mission of constant self enhancement by obtaining the best possible education.
  15. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I'm pretty sure that living with an NPC in the same room would end badly for the NPC, given that the Sims have no survival skills and will quickly die if not aided, unless they're permitted to flee the area whenever their needs go low. Who would these NPCs be, anyway? Our own sims? Townies? I expect nothing but the worst if this comes to pass.
  16. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL and thank you Zooty. I wondered, too, about a "Rest Home" EP and try as I might I couldn't see it working. :p
  17. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Presumably Maxis will work round this by having the NPC flit in and out of the dorm all the time on the pretext of going out or to lectures or something, and then return to wreck havoc in your Sim's private space.
  18. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I'm pretty sure that if I were trapped into sharing a room with a NPC clone mere hours would pass before I arrived at the decision to pour a gallon of gasoline over myself before adjourning to kitchen to cook and cook and cook and cook ... but only after taking the batteries out of the smoke alarm ... ;)
  19. Nellie

    Nellie New Member

    At the moment its an expansion that I'm pretty neutral towards because I dont really care about the teen sims in the slightest. They are slightly more useful than the kids but still in a transient stage where supposedly important things like first love are completely meaningless.

    To be perfectly honest, if there was a choice of having the full university expansion or a "lite" version to just get the new toys, I'd take the new toys.
  20. shadystiles

    shadystiles New Member

    Hey, I'm a newbie, um...Of what I've seen so far, University looks like it's gonna be another big hit, however I do COMPLETELY agree with J.M. in that half the screenshots are staged. I mean I got so excited about my sims having a child, the first time, thinking their would be some sort of 'hospital cut scene' because of the pics!

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