Revisiting Old Families

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kristalrose, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Revisiting Old Families

    I have been playing the "Legacy Challenge" based on the game on the BBS, but with members of another board. Anyway, I've been playing them non-stop for weeks, and they have become boring! The most exciting thing to happen to them right now are ghosts appearing. So, the past two evenings I have went back and revisited older families, the ones I orginially started with. One family was pregnant and a teenager about to turn into an adult when I last played it, so it was fun to have the baby and have a teenager grow up and start chasing men.

    Another family needed some restructuring. They originally started out as two female romance-sim roommates, Becca and Amy. Amy got pregnant and had the father, Tommy, move in with her. Becca got pregnant by my favorite male sim, Napoleon, and was doing the single mother thing. Both children are girls. When we last left our sims, Amy died in a fire, and Becca was persuing a romance with Tommy. So I let her woo hoo with him to fulfill that want, then I moved him and his daughter out of the house. He's a nice guy, a popularity sim, and I just thought he'd be happier raising his daughter far, far away from Becca, who's on her 5th man now.

    Anybody else want to share any stories about what their sims are doing now? I wanna see screenshots, too! C'mon people, share!!
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Right. ;)

    When last seen Blaine Drake was in a bit of a state. Stuffing her face out of garbage cans and getting picked up by the police. As can be seen she finally grew up and married her teenage sweetheart, Jamis Wilson. The wedding was shoestring affair but the party was a roaring success! Blaine was quickly pregnant and their firstborn was a daughter, whom they named Galacia, inherited her mother's ice-blue eyes ... but not her mother's terribly sloppiness.

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  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Galacia recently grew up into a beautiful teenager. She's a real daddy's girl. Blaine and hubby Jamis are doing very well as the final pic shows ... :)

    The final pic shows my 'Me Sim" getting to know my dream date .... :D

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  4. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    This might be a silly question...but how do you capture screenshots so you can post them here? I would love to put up a story with thumbnails but can't work out how to get screenshots on here :eek:
  5. aragorn231

    aragorn231 New Member

    First, there are no silly questions (except questions like "why is a ball round", and even that one is questionable in some places :) ).
    Now, to answer that question of yours, there are actually several ways to capture a screenshot:
    1. using the PrintScreen button on the keyboard and then pasting in some program that can handle images, like MSPaint
    2. using the in-game camera, it's the camera-icon in the bottom-left control thingy. Clicking that will take a picture of what's currently displayed on your screen, leaving out the controls, resulting in images like the ones shown in the posting. These pictures can be retrieved from the ..\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Storytelling\ folder, just sort on "Modified" and you'll find the most recent ones...
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Further to Aragorn's excellent answer.
    To upload pics to the forum you need to use the full Post Reply interface.
    After writing your message look down the screen and you'll see a button to "Manage Attachments". Clicking that opens a pop-up window.

    You can upload up to 5 images per message. Just follow Aragorn's advice to find the pics you want to use. If you have trouble finding them, try clicking "View" then "Details" on the Explorer menu bar. Then click the tab labelled "Date Modified" until the little arrow icon is pointing upwards. The files at the top are then the most recent ones taken. Ignore the ones with 'thumbnail' in the name. (The game uses those for the family albums). I usually right click and copy each file that want and then paste it onto the desktop. Then I rename the pasted in file to make it easy to find, eg 001.jpg. When you upload the files, the forum makes the thumbnails for you. Easy peasy! :)

    And Aragorn's right. It wasn't a silly question. (I'm usually the one who asks the really dumb questions ... ;) )
  7. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Thanks beautiful people :) I will definately follow the advice
  8. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    Ok here I go at trying to upload the photos I took in the game. There were some interesting ones in the storytelling folder that I didn't take. They must have come with the game :confused: Anyways the sim story goes... Isabeau Foundling is a knowledge seeking sim looking for a quiet life of study. She moved into Veronaville as an adult across the road from the Mobile family. Little did she know how they would affect her life. After getting to know the grandfather of the family (sorry temporary blank on the name) a little too well, Isabeau finds herself with child and becomes a single mother to a beautiful elven girl, ROFL. Grandfather Mobile was present for the birth but just couldn't bring himself to leave his family. So Isabeau coos and gurgles and changes stinky nappies by herself until a lovely young man, Dide Jongleur moves in next door. Dide and Isabeau start getting along really well and after a few hot dates and a sleepover, Isabeau plucks up the courage to ask Dide to move in with her. Dide happily accepts and with a big smooch sends Isabeau off to bed while he takes over baby duty. As a sim with a family Aspiration and a culinary career path, Dide has slipped into the role of Stepfather quite well. LIttle ROFL and Dide have become best friends and Isabeau is in a much better mood these days with more time to spend poring over her books. And still Dide yearns for marraige and a large family but wonders if Isabeau is truly the ONE. Will Dide and Isabeau ever get married or will Isabeau return to her first love, grandfather mobile leaving Dide broken hearted? Will little ROFL grow up well and follow in Dide's culinary career path or will she run away to live with her real father? All this and more on Days of our Sim lives....

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  9. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Bombaii Echo-Slide was a player in his youth, moving from bed to bed, house to house, spouse to spouse, without a care from the hearts he broke on his travels. Behind him he left a vertiable posse of pointy-eared weirdos. As Bombaii's philandering ways waned and he built a home for himself, these scattered offspring gradually converged on his house as their mothers deposited thier children onto their father. By the time his children were teenagers, Bombaii had settled down into his true vocation - the pursuit of knowledge. Influenced by the daily sight of their father doing yoga in the garden as they passed him on their way to Private School, the children all grew up to love knowledge as he does.

    First to leave home were Smith and Thierry, as they married their teenage loves to settle down and have babies. They were follwed by by their sister Maybe, who moved in with her best friend Theei, ex-punk and daughter of freqently-resurrected criminal mastermind Yeminie. Yishank never left home, and is currently looking after the daughter of the woman he loves and her husband Herth.

    Herth wants ten children and doesn't care who produces them for him. His and Theei's child Time-Yo recently grew up into very angsty girl-child who is usually to be found stargazing in her black fairy outfit. Herth also knocked up his wife Chosledei, notorious scatterer of children and forest-dweller, and the recently-adult daughter of Lucyferous the Ever-Pregnant. Lucyferous is pregnant again and is expecting her fourth child at around the some time as her first grandchild is due.

    I am populating this neighbourhood at the moment :).
  10. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    LOL I love rading other people's sim stories. They are all so different and give you ideas on other ways to play the game. Bring on more!!!!!!
  11. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    A new man moved into the trailer court this weekend. His name is Will Taylor, and he's a good looking guy with blue-green eyes and long black hair and goatee. Sharp dresser, nicely furnished trailer with a big deck and a hot tub in the back yard. He's a romance sim, and he quickly hooked up with Leia Hicks, a fellow romancer. On his second day of work as a politician, he brough home the townie Komei. (The big red-headed guy.) Now, I've been trying to pair Komei up with several of my female sims because I happen to think he's one of the more attractive townies. But, upon 1st bringing him home, I noticed something odd: Komei was flirting with Will. Then they got into the hot tub (not a love tub, BTW), and was splashing and having a wonderful time. When I would click on Komei to interact with him, romantic options would soon pop up. So, I let it play out. Will wanted to give Komei a backrub, and then flirt back a little. Komei left, and Will dreamed about both he and Leia. The next day, Will invited Leia over, and the two got on well, but Will continued to think of Komei. Komei even called to chat while Leia was there, and Leia left. The next day, Will wanted to to call both Leia and Komei. I let him invite Komei over, and they greeted each other with a kiss, right in front of the mailman and the male gardener, who both expressed displeasure with little red X thought bubbles. Later on, he was invited shopping by Leia (I switched over and played her house), where they playfully woo-hooed in the changing booth. Leia gave birth to a bouncing baby girl, Rowena. Every time Will comes to visit Leia, he thinks about Komei. I think he's trying to decide which one he'd rather be with! ;)

    At least I had my question as to why Komei wasn't interested in any of my female sims answered!!! LMAO!!!!
  12. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    I didn't realise Sims were predisposed either way. I thought they were all just completely bi. Thread time!
  13. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I didn't realize it, either! LOL I thought all sims went both ways.;)
  14. sweetartfreak

    sweetartfreak New Member

    I was playing one of my families earlier and I had a nanny come to take care of the 2 todlers while the parents were at work. The nanny started making lunch and then she started running around... then i realized she was on fire!

    I thought it was funny so i decided to show ya'll

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  15. aharris

    aharris New Member

    Well, I'm still playing my eight family neighborhood, La Jolla Vista. All the original couples are becoming elders while the first crop of babies are starting to mature into adults.

    Poor Dael and her three boys just weren't getting along in life very well, so they had to move out and go live in the projects in order to make ends meet. To take their place, a new family has moved into the neighborhood. They are the Neuners, and unbeknownst to the denizens of the 'hood, Regi Neuner is publishing his magnum opus psychological work on suburban neighborhood psychology and its comparisons to the society of primitive peoples. Dr. Neuner's Opus requires a test subject. So, he and his wife quickly had their first child that she calls Myles, but he secretly refers to as Subject A for research purposes. In addition to Subject A/Myles, the Neuners also have another son named Archer. Archer is getting along famously with the half-sisters Shuying deCastries and Ulicia Mwakesi. I imagine some fine battles over who will marry him.

    Poor Spencer Yimaz is the oldest of the first generation. He's currently waiting patiently for his darling Marlies to grow up so he can marry her. Unfortunately, Marlies is one of the youngest of the first gens. It looks as though Flannen Wyndham will marry Emmanuelle de Vaux before Spencer gets a chance to pop the question to Marlies.

    In addition to the two above, I have two other couples I'm waiting to hitch. I also plan on moving one more new family into the neighborhood. I'm also trying to decide if I want to bother keeping the two youngest Wyndhams, Tiberius and Taveon, around as possible hook-ups for my romance and future female Sims. I also have Graciela Zurbaran and Lilia de Vaux at loose ends, but at the incredibly slow rate of play, I just can't play an unlimited number of households.

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