AARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! The Return Of The Jump Bug? Or something else?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kristalrose, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    AARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! The Return Of The Jump Bug? Or something else?

    I've been playing one family now for 4 generations. All of a sudden, they have started to act "buggy." I have noticed what appears to be the jump bug: They start to do an action, like cook, and then they "blink" into another position, the items in their hands disapear, and they look at you as if to say, "Now, what was that again?"

    The tonight something worse happened. Mom went to work as usual in the middle of the night. Morning came, I had the girls up and ready for school, and no bus. It never came! The maid and the gardener show up as usual, though, so I thought, "Okay, maybe it was just a glitch." But Mom never came home from work. It's been all day, and I've gotten that "The carpool is coming in an hour" message, but she is still gone! I keep clicking on her stats, and she's in the red in energy, comfort, bladder, and hygene! I'm really worried about her. Help!! Anyone seen this bug before? It's like no vehicles can travel on that side of the road, but the other side is fine. Oh, and no, I hadn't thought to try calling a taxi.
  2. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    The closest I've seen is that they will jump back from the dishwasher and lose their queue. And I certainly haven't had any of them not come home from work.

    I wish that Maxis had left the feedback form up. However, you have to post the problem in Gameplay Help there now instead.
  3. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    I had the same thing happen to a family of mine in regards to the school bus not coming and then the work vehicles didn't show up. The kid ended up being taken away by social worker because they couldn't get to school. It was so frustrating. I ended up reloading the family to before the child got taken away. Then I moved them all out and into another house which seemed to fix the problem but I lost the rewards and things they had gained :( I didn't experience any jump bug behaviour though.
  4. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Thanks, Kat, I posted it where you told me.

    Jane, I was wondering the same thing, if I should move them out. Think maybe I could move them out and then move them back in?? Think that will fix the problem before the poor Mom dies?
  5. rxpert26

    rxpert26 New Member

    Everytime I move my Sim's they start with all green bars. So I would suspect that moving your Sim's would prevent your Mom from an untimely death!
  6. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    If you want to send me a zip of your entire neighborhood directory, I could take a look at this for you, see what I can find, and maybe fix it.
  7. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Great. That should help.

    Did anyone give you any ideas? Perhaps you could pass them on if they did.

    PS. I did my residency at Moses Cone Memorial in Greensboro, NC. (I only lived there for 3 years though. Ran home to Washington as soon as my residency was over.) I think of telling you each time I see your posts, but this is the first time I followed through.
  8. hunding

    hunding New Member

    I use to have this glitch too, except that my teen girl bus and my military dad car pool was on the door but when i told them to get in, they just "auto-cancel" the command...

    It like that my carpool was unable get to the place it use too, it has stop a little before my mail box, as if something was blocking it.... but strange thing it's when the 9:00 am arrive they had no problem go with out me.... it's the only time it as happen.

    And i have'nt use the move_objects on cheat to get something in the way...

    Any way it was just a test family so i did'nt bother...
  9. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Awww, I wish I would have seen your offer before I moved them out. (pout) But thanks anyway, JMP, that was sweet of you.
  10. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Yep, I moved them out and then back into their house last night. I got the little warning message, "The Carpool will come for Lilith in an hour." and then no car. I waited, and waited, and finally she had missed work and the car never showed. So in frustration I moved them to another lot, tore down their old house, and built them a new one. It's working fine now. I just guess I'm out of the Legacy Challenge I was playing with that family. :(
  11. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    They all just said to move them out. :(

    My sister did her OT Clinicals in Greensboro, too, but I don't know the name of the hosptial. It's 3 hours west of me. I'm living about an hour from the coast, in a little town surrounded by cotton and peanut fields. In the words of Reese Witherspoon from Sweet Home Alabama: "You need a passport to come down here." LOL LOL
  12. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

    I'm living about an hour from the coast, in a little town surrounded by cotton and peanut fields. Sounds like heaven *sigh* I live in a city with smelly cars and too many people. :( I'd like to move to country one day to grow wine grapes and sculpt amazing things. :D

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