Legacy Challenge stories

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Zootyzoot, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Well, I've been playing it since the end of Nov. I guess, and I'm up to my 4th generation. But, I had to start over after I had that neighborhood crash, and I had already worked my way up to the 3rd generation.

    Sarah married Leo the Gardener and had a baby girl, named Mary. Mary looks like Leo. I guess that my orginial sim's lavender eyes (the only custom genetic I ever made! I wanted it passed down!) is now gone to the ages, and the NPC's boring standard eyes are going to rule the gene pool. :(
  2. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    hmm, i got a pretty good legacy story started. i started with Sarah Legacy. she's an aquarius. she got a job in the culinary career(Dishwasher) and has been promoted to Hostess. then she met Alex Generics(i dunno, i couldn't think of a good name, and i accidentally typed R instead of T). he's a capricorn, so they naturally bonded. she kissed him, and asked him to move in, and then he proposed to her, and then, since it was still light out and Sarah had the day off, they had a quick wedding ceremony, then took a nap, then went on their honeymoon. after they came back, they tried for a baby, but no lullaby, so they tried again, and it worked!! she got her maternity leave a day later, and now they're just waiting for the baby to come. by the way, alex doesn't have a job, but we really don't need another person with a job as he brought in 19,000 simoleans when he moved in. so...yeah. i'll post updates.

    by the way, you're probably wondering why i'm here now, since normally i'd be at school, well i have a fever, so...yeah.(as you can see, that's my favorite expression.)
  3. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Latest from the Coniferouses: Felicita has moved out with Chombee to allow space for more babymaking (there were 8 in the family and I want to fulfill the 10 children hyperwant). She and Herth, who has temporarily abandoned his wife Chosledei and their toddler (though given the amount of times she's done that to him, I'm sure she won't mind too much. Her parents live with them so she's not all alone) are now living together in MikeInside's Lakrid house (if you want beautiful downloadable houses and lucid building tutorials to make wonderful things, go to his website http://mikeinside.illusionfxnet.com/sims2/ ! Be very cautious about the forums though, as there is some non-'T for Teen' content on them). I have decided to keep Chombee grouchy because she makes an interesting contrast with the rest of the family. Felicita and Herth have had another baby, Aiko, and Chombee is in Private School. Herth is making friends with Tronfan, wife of a Hammoman cultist, and may well be having a fruitful affair with her soon (I want to fulfill the 10 children want with Herth, too). I'm planning on moving Felicita and Chombee back in with her parents once they've had their ten children and are elders, which is when Herth'll move back with Chosledei, too.
  4. Melara

    Melara New Member

    Update on mine:

    Ariel did indeed catch Gary cheating, THREE TIMES, and got very upset. Her meter for him went clear down to -100. She started treating him like he was as stranger, refusing to even sleep in the same bed with him. He seemed oblivious that anything was wrong. He kept popping up with wants to talk to her, flirt with her, and his love meter barely went down.

    Well, I kept things as calm as possible for a while. Benjamin grew into a kid and Bohbah (the little girl alien that Gary finally gave birth too) grew into a toddler, and I wanted her to be at least a kid before giving Gary the boot. Finally, she had her birthday and became a kid, and Ariel gave Gary a bit of a smacking around. It was so funny. He was in the bathroom using the facilities and she came in and started cracking her fingers and punching her palm, all ready to go WWF on his butt. And she sure did! She totally whooped his butt and he slunk out, cried a bit, then found a new home. So they're divorced, and of course the kids were devestated (for all of ten seconds).

    Of course, as soon as they broke up Ariel had a break DOWN. She flopped down onto the ground and started going nuts until the flying doctor showed up and made her act like a gorilla. As soon as she was cured she wanted to get married again and have a baby, even started playing with a flour sack. But at only five days till being an elder I think her chances of having another baby are slim to none. Though she does have a marriage prospect in the works already...Curtis.

    So we'll see what happens :)
  5. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    YAY!!! sarah has given birth to a healthy little baby boy named Eric Legacy!!! i can't wait for him to grow into a toddler so i can teach him all his stuff!! and alex got a job as a...dishwasher? i don't remember, but he got a job. i was starting to realize that we weren't making enough money because i wasn't even able to build a nursery for Eric(he's sleeping in the livingroom so far), so...yeah.
  6. aharris

    aharris New Member

    I've been playing a legacy game of a different sort. I have 8 families in the neighborhood. Each started as a young couple. I created each sim completely randomly, assigning both personality points and aspirations randomly (my fav was the shy money sim who entered the corporate world and had to make friends). I play each family for three sim days at a time, 8am to 8am.

    I don't get to play as often or for very long at any one time, so my game, despite being started as soon as I got the game installed in October, is just now getting to the second generation with the first grandchild one the way as of yesterday.

    My families are:

    1. The deCastries - Gustave (popularity sim) was a private in the army when he met Shoko (romance sim) working at a Japanese bathhouse in Okinawa. After one "special massage," it was love at first sight. After the two married, Gustave was transferred back to the US, and the two took up residence in my neighborhood. Currently, both are seniors. Gustave retired as a Commander while Shoko is still trying to max out her Slacker track. They have two kids, Kellsey and Jacques. The third child in the house, Shuying, is actually the child of Shoko and nextdoor neighbor, Vincent Mwakesi. Jacques has a good relationship going with Raenon Wyndham. Despite the obvious infidelity of his wife, Gustave continues to be a good father to all three kids although the older two are slightly hostile to Shuying because they both caught their mom in bed with their youngest sister's father after school one day. Kellsey grew up to have the Knowledge aspiration, and she just married and moved in with long-time boyfriend Alberto Zurbaran yesterday. The couple had an excellent honeymoon and are already expecting their first child.

    2. The de Vaux - Damien was a pirate raiding ships for the French navy when a fateful trip through the Bermuda Triangle whisked him off to modern America. He met Dolores in a little town in southern Arizona, and she helped him to fit in. In the process, the two fell deeply in love and got married. Damien (popularity ? sim) joined the army while Dolores (family sim) got into law enforcement. Along the way, the two had two gorgeous daughters that might as well be twins. Emmanuelle (popularity sim) is on the verge of growing up and bids fair to marry her long-time boy friend, Flannen Wyndham. The younger girl, Lilia (knowledge sim), plays a lot of piano and is currently entranced by one of the local bad boys, Phoenix Zurbaran.

    3. The Mwakesi - Vincent was the man on his college basketball team. Caroline (popularity sim) was the hottest cheerleader on the squad. It seemed only natural that these two would hit it off. When college was done, Vincent got drafted to play for the Llamas, and he moved Caroline, his new wife, to the burbs. Pro life is full of temptations for Vincent (romance sim), and with green-eyed Japanese hottie Shoko next door, things get even tougher at home. Still, even into his old age, Vincent has manged to keep his marriage strong and juggle affairs with both Shoko and Kaylynn the maid. Caroline and Vincent have two children, Jack and Ulicia. Jack knows that his father has been carrying on the affair with the maid although he seems to blaim the maid more than his father. Jack (I forget his aspiration right off the top of my head) is the local party boy. Everyone wants to go out or sneak out with him, but Jack is very devoted and loyal to his girlfriend, Fataneh Yimaz. Ulicia, strangely enough, is pretty good friends with the neighbor girl, Shuying, and neither seems to have noticed any resemblance. Both girls may have a falling out as they are both currently trying to catch the eys of another boy in the neighborhood, Archer Neuner.

    4. The Neuner - The Neuners are new in town having replaced my only failed family out fo the first eight. Dr. Regimius Neuner has made his early career out of studying the social interactions between the members of primitive tribes. As Archer has grown into boyhood, Xenokleia impressed him the need for their son to grow up in "normal" surroundings. Dr. Neuner decided to relocate his family, but onyl because he had hit upon the idea for the next great social study. He wants to compare how social interactions change based upon the society of the interacties. In other words, does suburban life alter social interactions as opposed to primitive life. To facilitate his research, he needs a subject raised exclusively within the confines of the suburban community in question. This would be Subject A, called Myles by the rest of the family. He has already been able to observe the neighborhood support network (Xenokleia lost her job), and he has noticed strange notions creeping into his son's head like the belief in extraterrestrials. He has also noticed the strong facial resemblance between Shuying and Ulicia who are both always hanging out at his house and vying for Archer's attention.

    5. Sigvaldsen - Jesper (family sim) and Gerda (money sim) are both of Scandinavian descent. They tired of the high tax rates of their own countries and moved to the US in order to keep more of what they made. Jesper wanted the extra cash in order to provide good lives for his family. He immediately joined the army. Gerda just wanted to be rich, but she didn't want to get rich by hard work. She wanted to get rich quick. She fell into a life of crime. Even today, she is still one of the best cat-burglars around. The two had two beautiful daughters, Marlies and Isleen. These two could not be any more different. Marlies is quiet and good (family sim) where Isleen is outgoing and brazen (romance sim). Marlies has been waiting to grow up so that she can marry her one true love, Spencer Yimaz. Even grown up he is such a dream boat! Isleen tried early on to steal Spencer from her sister, but it didn't work. Now she contents herself with trying to ensnare every teenage boy in the neighborhood into her web.

    6. Wyndham - Shandon (knowledge sim) was the son of wealthy parents who wanted to make it on his own. Corvinia (family sim) was the daughter of hippies who urged Shandon to stick up to his family and make it on his own. To date, Shandon and Corvinia are the patriarch and matriarch of the most successful famiy in the neighborhood. The Wyndhams have four children: grown son Flannen (family sim), daughter Raenon (money sim), and the twins, Tiberius and Taveon. Flannen is hopelessly in love with Emmanuelle de Vaux. His bankroll isn't impressive as he spent more time at home raising his siblings than he did in finding a job, but he feels ready to step up and be a father when the time comes. Raenon is losing her heart to Jacques deCastries. It must be the big grey eyes. The twins are just strange.

    7. The Yimaz - Izad and Sylvie met in Paris. Izad was a young Middle Eastern student studying abroad and Sylvie was a local girl studying business. Despite culteral and religious differences, the two fell deeply in love. They defied both families and eloped fleeing to the US to escape the difficult situation. Izad (knowledge sim) currently works as a top secret researcher even though he could have retired. Sylvie (family sim) climbed rather high on the corporate ladder and lasted long enough to give her son, Spencer, a big career boost before she retired. At first, the couple had trouble having children, so they adopted not long after arriving in their new home. That child was Spencer. Spencer is hard-working and hopelessly in love with Marlies Sigvaldsen even though he is quite a bit older than she. He works hard trying to claim an impressive salary so that he can support her in style when they finally do get married. Izad and Sylvie also have two natural children. Fataneh arrived not long after Spencer was adopted. Fataneh is currently wrapped up in her relationship with Jack Mwakesi. And last, they have a natural son named, Clive. Clive is one of the boys caught up in Isleen's feminine wiles.

    8. The Zurbaran - This is now a very full house! Rodrigo and Vera are both of American descent. They are probably the couple with blandest back-story in the hood. Vera (knowledge sim) is a practicing medical specialist while Rodrigo (money sim) is the company President. Neither have yet retired from their busy work lives. Rodrigo and Vera had four children, three natural and one adopted. Unfortunately, a late pregnancy resulted in the last child, Petro, being born just as Vera was starting to get a little senile. One day, while she was potty training him, she just forgot what she was doing and trapped poor little Petro on his training toilet for days until the social worker rescued him (fortunately the patch fixed her, but not before the social worker repoed little Petro). Their oldest son, Alberto (knowledge sim) has just married his long-time girlfriend, Kellsey deCastries. The two have built a semi-private apartment onto the back of the family house, and if Kellsey's recent morning sickness is any indication, there will soon be a grandchild in the family! Vera and Rodrigo are beside themselves with joy. Like The Yimaz family, Vera and Rodrigo also adopted a boy to keep Alberto company. His name is Phoenix (romance sim) and he seems to be leading several of the neighborhood's girls on a marry chase although Lilia de Vaux seems to be his main squeeze. And after Phoenix was adopted, the couple had another child. This one was a girl they named Graciela. Graciela is very serious about everything in life.
  7. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Wow, aharris!

    After being invaded by an army of repomen forcing them to move out and then in again (the game still went slow even after I deleted them all :(), the Coniferouses have settled back to babymaking once more. In East Hastings (the original family home, the one that got invaded) Lucyferous is pregnant with her sixth child. Mishca and Moxecei have finally grown into sweet little children, and run around the house playing cops and robbers all day. Over in Lakrid, Herth is currently conducting a thinly-veiled affair with one of the neighbourhood sluts, Anathapikinda Thakavelgnish, hoping she'll bear him his seventh child (I have the 10-children want locked). Chombee is doing very well in Private School, and comes home every day with an A+ (which I don't have to worry about now thanks to the patch :)). Yesterday she saw Herth flirting with Anathapikinda and burst into tears. Herth is clearly torn between the responsibility he feels for his existing families (Chosledei, Jo-Ya-Ya, Thesmii and Flying Cat Yokota-Plume, Theei and Time-Yo Tide, and Felicita, Chombee and Aiko Coniferous), and an overwhelming desire to knock up anything that moves.
  8. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Wow, aharris, I wanna come live in your neighborhood! It sounds like a lot of fun. Very creative. :)
  9. aharris

    aharris New Member

    I got quite a bit of play time in yesterday.

    Update: Flannen Wyndham got seriously tired of living with three younger siblings and dealing with his father's propensity for creating weird diseases with his Anthrax Jr. Designer Germ Factory (guy had an 8+ logic and still managed to infect himself almost every time he touched the thing). He moved into a cozy little bungalow and invited Emmanuelle over so that he could pop the question to her. She said yes and moved in. Now they're married with a baby named Shandon after his (deceased) grandfather. Their kids ought to have interesting noses considering that Flannen has a veritable beak on his face while Emmanuelle has a nose so snub it may as well not exist. Dare I hope their kids will have *gasp* normal noses?

    Back at the Wyndham's main residence, Shandon Sr. finally concocts something his immune system can't beat, and he has become the first of my original 16 sims to shuffle off this mortal coil (sad since I used my husband's head for him). In addition, daughter Raenon has picked up the disease which will heretofore be known as Shandon's gastroenteritis or SGE for short. It causes violent purging, and in a shocking display of lack of hygiene in the daughter of two scientists, she yakked twice at boyfriend, Jacques', house before going out of the bathroom to make out with him for a solid half hour. Now, guess who suddenly has his own violent case of SGE?
  10. aharris

    aharris New Member

    Wow, aharris, I wanna come live in your neighborhood! It sounds like a lot of fun. Very creative. :)

    It is so long as I don't have to go through too many cycles without changes to my families. I was getting a little bored here before the first round of teens started growing into adults. :)
  11. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    Wow you guys totally lost me there. Could you elucidate for us (well at least me) common mortal
  12. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    We're basically talking about the Knowledge sims' "impossible" want, which is Maximise All Skills. It is the most finite and attainable ultimate Want. And if you lose a skill point so that skills are no longer maximised, they'll have a good chance of rerolling the Maximise want, so all you need to do is gain that one skillpoint back and Bam! you get credit for it again. Simply fulfill a few Fears, put on Thinking Cap, wait for the want to reappear, then regain that skill point.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I have not posted here (or anywhere for that matter) before but decided to take on the Legacy challenge and have been really enjoying the stories. My own family seems quite boring by comparison, but I'll introduce them.

    1st generation: Duke Sparrow (forgive me, it was so late at night), a family sim. He bought the 5x5 and scraped by until he wooed and married NPC Andrea Hogan II (red hair, a popularity sim). They adopted a child, Sadie, then had two boys, Marlon and Wynter. Sadie (fortune) grew into a beautiful young woman and moved in with NPC Mitch Enriquez (knowledge). They married and live next door. They now have an infant son, Diego. Red haired Marlon (fortune) is now an adult and cautiously befriending NPC Andrea Hogan III (blond.) Red haired Wynter is still a teenager, a very shy knowledge sim with his neatness line maxed. If I don't stop him, he devotes his days to weeding, trimming bushes, cleaning the bathrooms, wearing himself out before he gets his homework done. He's my favorite and I really hope there is a nice NPC in his future. Duke and Andrea are both over sixty days now, and still in love although Duke seems unusually fascinated with Tosha Go. ?? She must be a romance sim. Anyway, Duke has not yet retired from his position as Mayor (likes the helicopter ride.) His wife has retired from her job as SWAT team leader and now likes to visit with her daughter next door and the first grandchild in the family.

    It occurred to me to have family members paint portraits of each other to hang in the family mansion. Mayor Sparrow now has his portrait hanging in the hall.

    Are there an unlimited number of NPCs? Re-using a limited number of names?

    I seem to have a glitch with my Sims2 CD and can't back into the game. ?? Do I have to buy a new CD?:disappointed: I'll test it on another computer before I do that.
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Townies and NPCs

    I've just learned that I was confused about NPCs. I just assumed that Non Player Character referred to all of the homeless Sims wondering thru town, whether it be Sandy Bruty or the Police person. NPCs, it seems, are the service people--police, maid, mail, etc. I can see why you get points for bringing them into the family. They're hard to keep around for conversation.

    My computer is up and running, my CD works. Marlon Sparrow is engaged to (townie) Andrea Hogan III (popularity), who's moved in.

    My 1st generation, Duke and Andrea Sparrow are 69 days old. I'm afraid Andrea Sparrow might die before she gets to throw the big party she's been dreaming of for ages. How long can they live without the green juice?

    Still asking--are there an unlimited number of townies using a limited number of names? I'm engaged to the third Andrea Hogan townie.

  15. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    NPC's are both the service people and the Townies. They are any Maxis-made Sim that you cannot control unless you marry/move in one. This does not, however, include the Sims like the Curious Brothers or the Pleasants or the Romeo/Juliet Sims that are pre-packaged with their own storylines. Those you can play because they are not "homeless." Any other Maxis Sim is free-game.

    I do believe that the game will keep regerating sims and has a limited number of names for them. I have several Marylea's and Ivy's in my game. I also now have a new maid, a blonde named Pamela. I have married/killed off several maids, so I guess there was just too many houses for Lucy and the dark-skinned, blonde headed male maid to handle. LOL
  16. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    Can you get a child NPC to move in with your family so you can get it to grow up so one of your sims can marry him/her/it (lol).
  17. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Not in the official rules, but on the board where I am playing we deicded it would be okay to use SimsPE to "grow up" a teenaged townie.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    NPCs and Townies

    There's a fair amount of talk in the Sims2 BBS about NPCs/Townies. That's where I read that Pinstar1161 considers them to be different. When you marry the "NPC" maid, she joins the family unemployed and has no friends, where as "townies" have jobs and friends. Anyway, I'm not after keeping points, just the challenge of keeping a family going for 10 generations. The townies/NPCs are interesting because you don't know anything about them and can't control them until you persuade them to move in. And the supply appears to be endless :grin: .
  19. darkstormyeve

    darkstormyeve New Member

    I have never fully understood the Legacy thing until I read this thread and it sounds great!

    I have become bored the game, mainly because I can't think of anymore stories. Plus I am a heavy hack user so that probably doesn't help. I also have never let one of my sims turn into an elder.

    But after reading Kristalrose's story, I am inspired!! Don't you think it makes the the world a small place when I am here in Australia and someone from another country has just inspired me to do something??

    Tell me, do most people do the legacy thing in a new neighbourhood or do they do it in the existing three?

    I am itching now to get home and try this!! Leave work early today perhaps...
  20. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    It doesn't matter where you do it. I personally (lol) don't even play the pre-made neighborhoods I ONLY play my own.

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