Those ghost pictures I promised you

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kristalrose, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Those ghost pictures I promised you

    Remeber when I told you about the ghost that was hiding under the desk? Here's those pictures:

  2. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    That's so weird! What made you decide to get rid of it?
  3. stamata

    stamata New Member

    so can you move the chair, sorry I don't remember the post
    I'm guessing you deleted the ghost
  4. stamata

    stamata New Member

    Oh and why am I called the village drunk? I don't even drink beer... only wine. I know if it's off topic but I don't want to create a whole thread for this question
  5. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    that's too funny. :p
  6. MusicAddict

    MusicAddict New Member

    woah, creepy pic! :eek: sorry, another off topic question, but aren't there certain colored ghosts according to the way they die?
  7. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    Old Age ~ White
    Hunger ~ Transparent
    Fire ~ Red
    Disease ~ Green
    Satellite ~ Orange
    Flies ~ Purple
    Drowning ~ Blue
    Frightened to death ~ Pink
    Electrocuted ~ Yellow

    Also some of the ghosts do different things depending on how they the ones that drowned leave puddles of water behind.:)
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL. You should worry! I seem to have turned into a green senator and I don't understand that either ... and I'm one of the mods. ::)rolleyes::confused:;):p:eek::confusion:
  9. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    I don't understand why we need to be ranked twice. Maybe the second rank is based on something other than or in addition to the number of posts we've made? For example, John EZ is "Admiral of the Seven Seas" and has a picture of a ship as his avatar.
  10. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    Barkeep at the Last Ditch Saloon

    I like my title.
  11. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    I like your title too. It's better than Merchant:rolleyes:
  12. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    It will change soon enough :p
  13. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    I'm quite happy to be a Resident and (my custom title) Admiral of the Seven Seas :) :p
    Don't worry about being the village drunk, I'm sure that will pass soon enough. :)
  14. mangrovejane

    mangrovejane New Member

  15. SaiyanPrincessRa

    SaiyanPrincessRa Saiyan Princess

    awww i feel sorry for the guy....girl?.... ghost
  16. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Wow, a girl posts, goes away to play TS2 for a day, and then comes back and finds lots to reply to! :) I love it.

    I didn't delete the ghost, I just used the move_objects cheat and put him back on his grave. He sat there all day, the same position. Then when night came he roamed the house again like normal. I think I figured out what happened. When I saved the game the last time I had played, he had been in the chair trying to make it levitate. It happened again later on, same house, diffrent ghost, playing in her granddaughter's stove. Weird!

    I think the second titles are kindof cute, like we are more a part of a community. Construction Foreman is okay by me. I can be a boss. ;) Though I don't think I would like being the villiage drunk, either, since I don't drink. It could be worse, though, do we have a "Villiage Idiot?" LOL LOL LOL Now that would be a terrible title!!
  17. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Yeah, it's like we're all playing different roles in a pseudo-medieval village. I still don't understand why we need so many rankings, though :p.

    Back on topic: ghosts sound so much fun! I'm really looking forward to having some.
  18. stamata

    stamata New Member

    problem is usually village drunk= village idiot...

    back to the topic, I think ghosts add a little bit of consequences for the user's actions. For example if you are one that likes to drown their sims (i admit, I have done this more than once) then you will be cursed with puddles of water all over your floors. I have not killed my sims in other ways so I will not comment on the other colours(spelling is correct, cdn :) )
  19. SaiyanPrincessRa

    SaiyanPrincessRa Saiyan Princess

    i haven't really played long enough (i've been playing 3 days) to encounter any ghosts other than the ones at the Specter (sp?) house ^_____^"
  20. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Stamata - yes, you're completely right. It sounds like it adds a lot to the game that Sims never really go away - how they died stays with the household, along with their feelings about events. I can't wait to have some!

    Sorry to go back to this again, but now I understand why we have two rankings! I like the idea now. Yay for custom rankings! I'll be quiet abut it now ;).

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