Repoman Army

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Zootyzoot, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Repoman Army

    My game was going horrifically slowly. Upon looking out of the window, I saw
  2. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    what in the world??? lol
    heh and theres one maid amidst them!
  3. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    i'm scared. that whole army could repossess your entire house!!! i've never had a repo-man come yet. i think it's cool, though, and i think i wanna try!!
  4. kato

    kato New Member

    that looks so awesome, i have had the repoman comes a few times my sims hate it. they hide, they run out into the backyard and stand there till he is gone
  5. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    How the heck did this happen?!?! :confused:
  6. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Did you save the game with a repoman on the lot? Then maybe when you re-booted the game it madly generated the reopman army.

    I'm with person 123, that is a terrifying sight! LOL
  7. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!


    It is also possible it's a pathing block. The first repo showed up and somehow the land shape blocked him from the house (he zigged when everyone else zagged). The game waits--you still ow money--sends another repo. This one is blocked by the first one being in his path.

    Rinse. Repeat.

    The maid just showed up at her alotted time and got stuck in the repolanche.
  8. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    I vote this the best bug I've seen. And they are all different, how cool is that?

    ANGEL_HEART:D Hello,lets be friends.


    This is amazing;) :rolleyes: Its the coolest thread yet:coolnessl: :cool: but i dont understand how all that happend:)
  10. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    I have no idea how it happened. I noticed it after I installed the patch but that family had been going really unplayably slowly beforehand,which suggests it had happened before that patch because the laptop I use to play the game usually runs it very well. It was amazingly neat - all the men stood in perfect rows facing the same way - and it happened all at once, it wasn't a gradual seepage of repomen as Rowanstaff suggests. Also, I've been playing that family in that house for a very long time, and there have been no pathing problems, despite the odd layout. The family continued to be really slow after I deleted them all, to the point where I had to actually move them out and move them in again, which has fixed the problem. I was really worried about them actually because they are my pseudo-Legacy family. I say pseudo, because as you can see by the size of the house I'm not actually playing by the rules of the Challenge ;). Anyway, even though I had to move my family out and loose all the still-lifes I'd put up everywhere :cry:, it was worth it for those pictures and the sheer WIERDNESS of it! :)
  11. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    Well, now each of the repomans have their character file permanently stuck on your harddrive, wasting space. Pretty funny though :D
  12. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Really? ****! That's my boyfriend's laptop that's got to last him all the way through university! Will they still be there after we uninstall the Sims?
  13. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    The only way to delete them without risk is to delete the entire neighborhood. Attempting to delete them yourself can result in consequences later on with broken links, conflicting data and stuff. Not to mention it would take a looong time to sniff through the character folder to kill them all. Fortunately, they don't take up that much space, so it's probably ok just to leave them.
  14. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    But actually uninstalling the entire game would leave no trace on the harddrive? Not that I'm planning to soon, but I'm getting a laptop of my own in July, so my boyfriend'll be able to uninstall the Sims 2 (he doesn't play it for some reason :p. It's funny to be such a [size=-1]clich[/size] - girlfriend buys Sims, installs on quasi-gamer boyfriend's computer, boyfriend never plays it, girlfriend is obsessed with it).

    ANGEL_HEART:D Hello,lets be friends.

  16. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Yeah, I mean, the repoman was probably due. I get repomen all the time, especially in houses which are a long way away from the mailbox so it interferes significantly with my Sims' busy days. But it's very unlikely that that incredibly orderly horde was genrated in response to unpaid bills; the repos didn't even look like they do when they first come, for example - their faces are neutral (they usually wear a deep, evil scowl), and they hold a large green gun for teleporting objects away, which looks a lot like an oversized waterpistol. But the main thing was that the horde appeared all at once, and in perfectly ordered rows in an almost perfect square over a hill. They also didn't move; the maid walked (very slowly! The framerate almost ground to an absolute halt) away, but they stayed in their rows - all that moved was their heads.
  17. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    Not to worry. When you finally get your new laptop, transfer your eagames\the Sims 2 folder that's located in my documents on your new computer and your neighborhood, houses, objects, and character will be exactly the same as before. Then when you uninstall the game, choose to delete the saved files. This should remove almost all trace of Sims 2 on that computer. You took Cyric too literally when he said it was stuck permanently on your hard drive. He meant that he believed they had become a permanent part of your Sims data file, which, Maxis knows, might or might not be right.
  18. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    Ohhh! Bah, I meant that they were stuck "permanently" as long as the rest of the neighborhood exists, meaning it is impossible to delete them selectively while keeping the neighborhood intact without risk of problems. I didn't know you'd take it to mean they were literally undeletable from the hard drive. Doh :D
  19. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Sorry :eek:. The reason I misunderstood was because my dad's always muttering grumpily about how much crap's left on the computer after you delete games. I have no idea whether this is true or not, as he knows about as much about computers as I do.
  20. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    Some games will politely ask you if you want to erase the saved games after you uninstall. Somes games will typically not ask and simply leave the saved games. So yes, you can potentially have a lot of wasted space if you are the type of person that installs and plays with lots of different games but just sticks to the install/uninstall wizard to do all of their housekeeping.

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