Private School?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Simari, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. Simari

    Simari New Member

    Private School?

    This question may have been posted before, but I cannot find any information anywhere... It's quite simple: How do I get my teens accepted to the private school? I have two, they're both A+ students and generally happy.

    I've had the headmaster come to the house, but he just says something like "I don't think these are the type of girls to attend our school" and drives away (I'm playing the translated version and I cannot remember his exact words...). What am I doing wrong? Should the family be dressed in any specific way, should the house look any specific way, what is not good enough? Should they be in top of their teen carreer as well?

    Any comments would be appreciated...
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    What did you do when the headmaster was invited??
  3. Simari

    Simari New Member

    Do you mean preparations? I had a dinner prepared by my cooking-Sim and the entire family and girls girls where happy. The headmaster didn't even enter the door. Just got out of the car, said something like I wrote before and left.

    But what are the normal conditions? As I said they're both A+ students, but not in top of their carrers. Is that it?
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    The head is a total snob. First have a sim welcome him! He needs to be fed (so get the houshold's best cook to cook up the best meal while someone gives the head a tour of the house) Give tour option is under entertain. Whichever sim offers the tour then goes to each room you want to show off (choose the rooms with most expensive items in them) and then wait while the head wanders along then click on the head and choose 'show room'. I end the tour at the kitchen, by which time the food should be on the table, and choose 'call for dinner' (under the Entertain options when you click on the headmaster). Keep an eye on the score (appears at the top right of screen as soon as someone welcomes the headmaster). You need to get 90 or more points to get your kidz into his school. If you're short of points after dinner get your sims to shmooze him .... :p

    Best day to entertain? Choose a day when when 2 or more sims, including the best cook, have a day off (or at least are in the green and not likely to disappear halfway thru the visit to go to work or take a bubble-bath!:( rolleyes:
  5. Simari

    Simari New Member

    Thank you so much, I'll try it out when I get home...
  6. GrindLine33

    GrindLine33 New Member

    Also, sometimes he doesn't show up/leaves immediately just due to a glitch. I've heard that it might have something to do with saving the game after you invite him but before he shows up. So try not making the call to invite him until about 4:00 and then don't save until after you've successfully gotten them accepted.
  7. Simari

    Simari New Member

    Does any of you know if there's a random risk that he would just leave instantly? Should I have someone out by the the road to welcome him at around 5:00?
  8. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I think something else we decided made him act all huffy and go away was when a house has a messy front yard. If you have a garbage can turned over, weeds growing in front of the house, or a newspaper graying on the sidewalk he won't stay.
  9. Simari

    Simari New Member

    Ah, it is VERY possible that I've missed an old newspaper... I think that's it.

    Thanks, I'll go home now and clean the house and hire a gardener.
  10. Simari

    Simari New Member

    Oh, that poor gardener stayed until hlaf past midnight. We got the headmaster to come and he was very impressed with the tour ariound the house and the carismatic of my teens schmoozed him very well (58 points). But when dinner was ready I couldn't get him to sit down and eat? Has that happened to any of you?

    Well, I figured I had only one option left and I had the same teen talking to him for the last points, a 108 total without any dinner-points.

    So now both my teen girls are in private school! Thanks to you...
  11. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Yay!!!! Congrats to your Sims for their hard work! ;)

    When it was time to call the headmaster to dinner, did you click on "Entertain. . .call to dinner?" He just doesn't sit down when everyone else does.

    Every Headmaster I've had that I've done a ton of schmozing starts to call the house, come over for parties, etc.
  12. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    I find that really funny. You have one of your Sims suck up to him and fawn around him trying to please him, and he's all stuck up and difficult. Then a few days later he sheepishly calls the house wanting to form a relationship with them :p.
  13. pretty_princess

    pretty_princess HeY tHeRe

    Good luck on taking your other sims to a private school!;)
  14. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    I'm an ace at getting my kids intro private school now! Today was like the 8th kids I got in. I even got Dustin in private school back when he was living with Brandi in a very very modest house. So it's not really a question of being rich. However the house must completely neat and clean, inside and outside.

    However I discovered something cool today! I greeted the headmaster at the door. The minute he went in the house he made a beeline for the hot-tub. You can't interact with him in any way when he is in the hot tub. So, I resigned myself to loosing this chance once again, and just ignored him. Well eventually he gets out of the hot tub and I get a message that the headmaster might be hungry. Luckily there was a turkey plate left on the table. I click on the headmaster (from a character that was in another room and playing chess mind you) and called him for dinner. He sat down, and ate my leftover turkey. Final score? 131!. I got a bonus 10 point for the headmaster being in the hot tub and 60 smooze points. I guess all the chat that went on in the hot tub counted!. I was awarded a final 60 points for the meal, so I got in with room to spare. And to think I was so desperate to get him out of the hot tub the last time :)
  15. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    I was just playing, and I showed him three rooms, fed him a chef salad, schmoozed him twice (about school & work) and got in with over 100 points!
  16. Simophile72

    Simophile72 Good mommy, Bad mommy

    I also had a hard time getting my teen into private school. A friend called me ( in real life) and told me these hints and I got her in, first try:

    1) Call him to come over between 3-4, AFTER you have started making turkey dinner
    2) have the teen greet him at the door and instantly give him a tour. Don't forget to promt"show room". After three, he wills ay enough. Take yout sim to the room and he will follow. Take the Head to a room with your games and computer if you can. Bigger points.
    3)Have the cook call him to dinner then have her/him begin eating.
    4)schmooze alot, but dont try to get two to do it at once or he just wanders away.
    5)turn your TV off or the Head will keep going over andtry to watch it! Most annoying!
    The points for eating dont come till he has finished his meal.

    PS all the hints on this thread are very good!

    Good luck.

  17. kato

    kato New Member


    I hate having the headmaster over, it is such hard work but ui have got the hang of it now. First your sims have to have A+ grades. You invite the headmaster over and cook hm a real nice dinner like turkey that gfivesd you lots ofd points. Then take him for a tour, make sure there is no clogged toilets or unmade beds things like that, show him every room, then its time for a little suck up, talk to him chat and flirt, then by the time your time limit runs out you should be on your way to the private school

    Hope that helped:)
  18. GrindLine33

    GrindLine33 New Member

    Fancy dinners help, sure, but if your Sim can't reliably cook something like that without burning it, you are best off playing it safe with something easy. I've gotten accepted after feeding him grilled cheese sandwhiches, macaroni and cheese, or spaghetti. They may be worth only 30 or 35 points (half as much as some of the higher quality foods) but you can still get the job done.

    And your kids do not have to have A+ grades, just no child in the household can have lower than a C. Actually, if a toddler transitions into a child before 5:00 on a weekday or during a weekend, you can invite the headmaster and get your child accepted into private school before he or she even attends a single day of public school (since they get a C as their starting grade).

    You can get bonus points on the scenario by getting the headmaster in the hot tub (as mentioned before), getting him to have a drink from the bar (someone needs to "serve drinks"), or getting him to drink coffee or espresso (someone in the house needs to "serve coffee/espresso"). Even my poorest families tend to have at least a coffee machine, I use this one a lot for a "free" 10 points. And if you don't want to have one in your house all the time you can just buy one for the headmaster's visit and sell it back when he leaves.

    I almost never "schmooze". Schmooze points are actually based on how many relationship points he gains with a family, so I just try and engage him in an activity with another Sim where they chat while doing something (preferably with a child or teen since he doesn't seem as likely to call them afterwards as would an adult). Eating dinner together, playing video games, or watching tv work well. For a teen or adult in a family with a hot tub, you can gain 10 bonus points and keep them chatting for quite a while by getting them in there.

    My scoring for a middle-class to poor family tends to be something like this:
    Tour : 35 - 40
    Dinner: 30 - 35
    Schmooze: 15-20
    Coffee: 10

    Once you've achieved a score of more than 90 points quit interacting with him immediately. After a couple moments he'll announce he's impressed, you're accepted, and then he'll leave.

    My other "trick" is I try and remember to turn the pinball machine (if a family has one) around so it can't be used before the headmaster arrives. If I don't, he seems to make a beeline for it when he arrives and can be somewhat difficult to pull away.
  19. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    All cheers for GrindLine33, but can I just add that, as far as I'm aware, it doesn't matter at all what's in the rooms you show the pretentious old snob, it's the Environment bar that counts. The greener the bar, the more points you get. You can have an enormous, lavishly furnished room full of pianos and original artwork done by the children and bookcases and computers and industrious students scribbling away at their homework while being suppourtively helped by doting relatives and the Headmaster won't care - all he's about is a high environment score.
  20. GrindLine33

    GrindLine33 New Member

    Great point. I've found I have great success with bathrooms (as long as they're clean). Since they're small they're usually very well lit. And there's nothing quite like seeing the headmaster cheering when you show him the john... :D

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