Share your knowledge about the pre-made Sims of the different neighbourhoods

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Simari, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. Simari

    Simari New Member

    Share your knowledge about the pre-made Sims of the different neighbourhoods

    Well, one of my single fathers of the Shakespearian neighbourhood (forgot the name and unsure of the translation) just had the postman (well, -woman) move in. She was a level 9 in cooking skills and a level 10 in mechanical skills adn had an additional 4 in logics and some other points. Very nice, since evrything is breaking around that family, now she can fix it. Also she was very neat (you know, doesn't burp at the table, eat old food or splash water all over the bathroom) and playful which complimented the father extremely well. Now I can actually give the child a proper upbringing, since the father is a total slob...

    Her name is Celeste Rossi, but I am not sure if the names are the same in the different translations (had a few translation errors in this forum already).

    But what are your experience with the pre-made sims of the neighbourhood?

    I know the maids are level 10s in cleaning, but what about the gardener? The bartender? Tell me...
  2. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    I got an NPC to move in with me for the first time yesterday! I decided that Yishank Yokota-Plume needed a bride, but didn't really want any of my Sims to move in with him. All his siblings have moved out and have families, but he still lives at home with his dad and a teenage dumpee of Chosledei. So I decided to romance the maid! It was Lucy Hanby, the one with the big mouth, small eyes and red hair, who will compliment Yishank's skull-like feautures perfectly in babymaking. She didn't have a family tree, she's all on her own in the middle, which I was disappointed about. At least a pair of dead parents would be nice, just to make the thing look a little less bleak. And she didn't know ANYONE. I hoped she'd be good friends with the other maids. Her memories were all of a 'Mystery Sim' nature. But she was bursting with skills, which was excellent. She had a Popularity aspiration, which is a little dissonant with the Yokota-Plume tradtion of Knowledge Sims, but that's okay. The weirdest thing, though, was how, when they got married, she gave Yishank her second name, rather than vice-versa which is how it normally goes when Sims move in and marry. So that was annoying (Yokota-Plume poons Hanby in the cool name stakes). She was also unemployed, had a low-green asp meter, and about 1000-3000 or so asp points in the Rewards thingy, as far as I remember - enough to buy a money tree, I think.

    Despite petty disappointments, I am overjoyed with my NPC bride! :)
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    In my first n'hood one of my sims had Lucy move in (I wasn't risking marriage until I saw her profile!) ... needless to say I was disappointed with her so I moved her straight back out again and kept the $9000 she arrived with. ;)
  4. pretty_princess

    pretty_princess HeY tHeRe

  5. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    What's wrong with her? She's a little ... stranded in terms of relationships, but that can be easily rectified. She's well skilled and, while her personality is a little challenging, it's not as if it's unplayable. What didn't you like?
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Well it was the lack of friends for one thing. I'd only moved her in with a pair of (married) sims for some jealousy type interactions and to hopefully replace the family friends that had been lost when a grown up teen left home ... Secondly the $9000 was barely enough to buy a hot tub ... what was she thinking of? LOL
  7. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I married in a few NPC's, mainly for my Legacy Sims.

    1) Kaylyn the maid: Married my town stud Napoleon. I thought she was pretty. Anyway, she only brought in 1,000, but was extremely high in cleaning, cooking, charisma , and logic points, I think. She and Napoleon made odd looking babies, though. And they are all blonde! (Napoleon is a red head)

    2) Pao the mailman: also had many of his skills maxed out or high, also only brought in $1,000. His tiny eyes are hereditary, he passed them down to all his children and grandchildren.

    3) Maryleana the delivery girl: Her points were not as high, I don't think. Nothing remarkable about her.

    4) Brandon the Scottish Townie: Had a good time with him. His points were okay, but he was a romance sim and came with relationships already! I let him continue to date his townie girlfriends. Had a good amount of cash, too, but I can't remember how much.

    5) Remington the Maid: High points, only $1,000

    6) Vince the Headmaster: Low points, family Sim, he's kindof boring

    7) Leo the Gardener: cute once you fix his hair. He's a knowledge sim. Also has high points.
  8. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Fair enough. As I say, my Lucy was a bride and babymaker rather than a source of friends and money, so the lack of these things (I only got $1000 from her) didn't really matter.

    She's pregnant with her first child! Sadly she can't meditate because her playful meter is full, so it'll be a battle trying to make sure she doesn't pee herself, pass out or starve :(.
  9. Simari

    Simari New Member

    Meditation is good for pregnant sims? It's funny that you call them NPCs, I did that too, but I thought I'd be misunderstood in here if I used that word...

    ARGH. Translation is a *****.
  10. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Mhmm, their needs drain really fast in pregnancy, y'see, especially bladder, hunger and energy. Meditation freezes their needs (but, crucially, not their aspiration meter), so the easiest thing to do is have them meditate through it and then fish them out of red when the sprog pops. To meditate, get three logic points and then click on your Sim. Sims that meditate for ages can levitate, and Sims that meditate for ages and ages can teleport around.

    Like the hardcore gamers!;)

    You speak better English than plenty of native speakers :).
  11. pretty_princess

    pretty_princess HeY tHeRe

    I agree:bunny: :bunny: :D
  12. Simari

    Simari New Member

    That's so wicked, I wondered what that meditation option was all about... I've tried it a few times, but didn't notice that their needs were frozen. Guess you learn something every day...

    Once a gamer, always a gamer. Once a grammar-whore, always a grammar-whore...
  13. pretty_princess

    pretty_princess HeY tHeRe

    :D :D hehehehehehehe:) :) :p

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