How to make a residental home for elderly Sims

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Simari, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. Simari

    Simari New Member

    How to make a residental home for elderly Sims

    Is there any way to make your sims move into a house without getting them an invitation first? My friend and I want to make an elderly home, so we can move in all the old sims before they die and let that place be haunted only.

    But is it possible to just move somebody into a house where they're not neccesarily invited?

    I think I read in here that someone had made such a place...
  2. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    The evidence for this is a vague memory that I might well have just made up, but I think that once a Sim is best friends with another Sim, they can move in with each other just by moving the mover into the movee's house on the neighbourhood screen, as you would with an empty house. But this, even if true, still has the requirement of the good relationship, which I suppose you don't want. Ho hum.
  3. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    have the sim(s) you want to move out and have them use the computer to move out.
  4. Simari

    Simari New Member

    Thanks, but the whole point of the idea was to just move out the granny and let the rest of the family stay in the house. The option to find their own place doesn't give me an opportunity to move into a house with other elderly Sims already in it.

    Just thought it would be cool to have granny-parties and I've already made this very hot nurse to keep the whole place going. She is, of course, extremely outgoing, nice and playful. So I guess I'll just have to make her friends with all the old people I want to move into the home.

    And it's going to be haunted, yeeaah... I figure that in a few weeks there will be so many ghosts that the poor residents of the home will be scared to death after a few days...

    Now I have to find a way to get my nurse-Sim some strong nerves, she will have to be able to deal with seeing ghosts on a regular basis...
  5. kato

    kato New Member

    You can move just one sim out. As vchat 20 soaid gert your sim to go on the computer and look for find own place then the icon will pop up and it says which sims do you want to move out with you just click ok or cancel or something without choosing anyone then a taxi will come and pick her up and then you will be able to find your sim in the family bin
  6. kato

    kato New Member

    You can move just one sim out. As vchat 20 soaid gert your sim to go on the computer and look for find own place then the icon will pop up and it says which sims do you want to move out with you just click ok or cancel or something without choosing anyone then a taxi will come and pick her up and then you will be able to find your sim in the family bin
  7. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    Maybe you could have a little appartement that you move the granny/grandy into. Then you could have the nurse befriend the oldster and then ask them to move in. It's would be like granny moved to a small condo and then was lonely and opted for a nice retirement home :)
  8. Simari

    Simari New Member

    But in this scenario I wouldn't be able to move into a house where some other elderly sims are already living, or am I completely missing the point here? I thought if I moved them to the family bin they would be able to move into any empty house in the neighbourhood.

    Am I wrong about that?
  9. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Okay. There are two and a half ways of moving individual Sims around the neighbourhood.

    WAY 1: Make good (best) friends with a Sim (let's call them Germaine) in the house your Sim (let's call them Elspeth) wants to live in. Invite Elspeth over to Germaine's house, and then get Germaine to invite her to move in (Propose -> Move In).

    WAY 2: Get Elspeth to 'Find Own Place' using the computer or newspaper, by clicking on either and selecting 'find own place'. Elspeth will then give you the option of having anyone in her family move out with her. You don't have to select anyone, but if Elspeth had a twin sister, say, who was also an elder, this might be useful to you. After Elspeth has used the computer/newspaper to move out, her housemates/family will gather round and wave goodbye, and she'll walk off the lot, as a guest would do if you Say Goodbye to them. Elspeth can now be found all on her own in the family bin on the neighbourhood screen, from where you can move her into an empty house, or possibly ...

    WAY 2 AND A HALF ... the house of one of her best friends. This is only a half way because the evidence for this is a vague memory that I might well have just made up, as I said earlier.

    So it seems like it'll have to be a invitation-only residential home (sort of like g-mail).
  10. Simari

    Simari New Member

    Just got myself one of those...

    About the residental home-thing I had two old sims move in today and now there is three sims in the home with different personalities, so it IS actually a g-mil home by now. But it's ok, it's not htat hard to become friends with at least one of these.

    And it's quite funny because they're all level 10'ers in a lot of things so they make each other delicious meals and plays the piano like little wondersims...

    Elderly homes are FUN!

    (Still can't wait for the place to become the Haunted House of the neighbourhood)
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Not sure about way 2.5 ... gonna have to try it myself now, drat it!

    Meanwhile ... I am trying to build and populate Rigsby's infamous bedsit nightmare a la Rising Damp (*IMDB link*) ... the problem is in getting the residents -- one at a time -- to like Rigsby enough to move in with him and then to quickly develop a strong streak of self-interest and to cultivate a suitable degree of suspicion if not outright animosity ... ;) (So far I have Miss Jones and Phillip in place ... ;) ) (Unfortunately I had to junk my first attempt after Rigsby and Phillip became woohoo-ily involved with each other ... :p ) (I'm hoping stuff like this will get easier to arrange when the Uni EP comes out! :D )
  12. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Can I be incredibly rude and ask please may I have an invite, if you have any spare? Please feel free to tell me to bugger off if you don't want to give me one :).
  13. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    email me I have 10 to get rid of :p
  14. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Simari gave me one, but thank you for the offer. :)

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