My game loads very slow

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by sexierjess14, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    My game loads very slow

    hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me whats the problem with my game. My sims2 game seems to load really really slow. :eek: Meaning when they wanna load the screen which shows the 3 neighbourhood choices, it takes a very long time to load to that page. And once I finally got in, it loads the neighbourhoods slow :confused: is there anything wrong with my game? Or is this because of the many files I had? I've downloaded quite a number of new object recolours including hacks etc. Will that affect the games loading speed? :confused:

    Moreover, my pc has quite a number of online games in it, as a result, my pc lags itself at startup too. :cool: Will this affect the loading of the game? Sorry for asking so many questions, but Im just wondering, because my game really really loads slowly and it gets quite annoying :mad:
  2. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Well you could tell us your system specs first. :rolleyes:
    Also when the PC lags at startup it can mean that you have spyware.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I imagine that it is likely that the more downloads the longer the loading time ... maybe we need a Windoze geek to tell us how to wizz things up a bit.
  4. Krazed_Sim

    Krazed_Sim The Krazed Sim

    My game has the excaxt same problem... The game also lags... All... The... Time...[​IMG]It's really starting to get annoying...
  5. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    My game has always started up slow. It shows the sims logo then waits and waits.... I just get it loading and then walk away and do something else. I always know when it is starting because my son loves the opening movie. when he goes running to the computer laughing I know it is almost time to start playing:D
  6. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    Im suspecting that it has spyware in it or something, because my whole pc lags now :eek: is there anyway I can remove this spyware or something? I have no idea how I got it also :confused:

    p.s : I dont know what my computer specs are, not a computer wiz sorry :( but its a p4, thats all I know lol
  7. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    For spyware use Spybot S&D.

    To find your computer specs:
    Start, run, type 'dxdiag' , and give us this information:
    Processor and Memory.

    Then click the tab 'Display' and tell us what it says in the 'Device' box.

    Do you mean over clocking?
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Ooh no! That's hardware ain't it? I was thinking of stuff like marking folders 'read only' and such like ....
  9. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    I. Purging Running Processes and Startup Entries
    1. If you are familiar with Registry editing:
    a) Check for spyware and programs running at startup, both in the Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder.
    b) Check the startup keys in the Registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run).

    2. If you're unfamiliar with the Registry and/or aren't comfortable with deleting startup items:
    a) Go to Start > Run, type in "msconfig", press enter.
    b) Under the Startup tab, uncheck anything that looks suspicious by looking at the Command line. To confirm suspicions about anything there, simply Google the name of the process.
    c) OK any dialog box asking you to confirm, blah blah.

    3. Use of the Task Manager
    a) Control Alt Delete, open Task Manager.
    b) Under the Processes tab, remember and end anything that looks suspicious (use Google to confirm) or unneeded running under your user name.
    c) Use steps 1 or 2 to purge from startup.

    - Try to have less than 20 startup entries total.
    - Anything located in Program Files is usually something you can do without.
    - Task Manager should show less than ~15 processes running under your username right after startup.

    II. Defragmentation
    1. Go to Start > Run, type in "dfrg.msc", press enter.
    2. If TS2 is installed on a different drive/partition, defragment both the Windows partition and the TS2 partition.
    3. As an alternative, download a program like Diskeeper and use that instead for more complete defragmentation.

    III. Spyware
    1. Download and install Spybot S&D or Ad-Aware.
    2. Update spyware definitions.
    3. Run a full scan and delete everything it finds.

    IV. RAM
    1. Go to Control Panel > System.
    2. In the General tab under the heading Computer, check the amount of RAM installed.
    3. If less than 512Mb, buy more RAM.

    V. Virtual Memory
    1. Go to Control Panel > System.
    2. In the Advanced tab under the heading Performance, open Settings.
    3. In the Advanced tab under the heading Virtual memory, check the Paging file size.
    4. If you have 512Mb of RAM or less:
    a) Click Change and select the drive where the Paging file is located.
    b) Under heading "Paging file size for selected drive", choose Custom size and set the initial size to 1.5 times the amount of installed memory, and the maximum size to 3 times the amount of installed memory.
    5. If you have over 512Mb of RAM, PF size can be set at a lower multiplier range.

    VI. Purging Files, Folders and the Registry
    1. Go through the entire harddrive except for the Windows folder, and delete any suspect or relic files and folders.
    2. Open up the Registry, and purge anything suspect or relic under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software.
    NOTE: Not recommended if you're unwilling to risk your data or don't have the Windows installation CD handy :D

    All I could think of for now...
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Thanx mate! That's the sort of thing I was thinking of. My own machine has been running a treat since I purged out a whole lot of Registry entries identified by a spyware scan. It's quite a scary ordeal going through the registry with a machete but also a curiously satisfying one :)
  11. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    I'm running the game on a machine with only 256 RAM (ugh! I know), so to compensate a little, I've made a command file that I run prior to playing, that pretty much shuts downs every process that isn't necessary for running the computer or the game. That frees up a lot of memory.

    This might be obvious but here goes anyway: A big house with lots of object will create a significant amount of lag. I find my starter houses run much more smoothly. Also, the more people in your house the greater the lag. So keeping your house simple and your family fairly small, might make the game more manageable. Also don't forget your game video settings. They should be all at the miminum settings if your computer is close to the minimum system requirement.
  12. Mikkdc

    Mikkdc New Member

    I myself used to have just 256mb RAM and the game would take an absolute age to load. Even the intro movie would skip. This is due to windows having to utilise "Virtual Memory", otherwise known as the page file. This is extremely slow.

    I bought myself an extra 512mb to take the total up to 768mb and now the game flies along.

    Theres also very good registry checkers out there.I recommend Regscrub XP .
    I recommend giving that a go for people that wish to clear up their registry. I find having to manually clean up the registry takes a while and is a real chore but Regscrib XP does all the hard work for you :)
  13. frantill

    frantill New Member

    installation problems

    i just got the sims 2 and i've been trying to install it on my notebook...but i cant install anything past the first cd. i download the first cd fine (23% installed) but when i put in the second cd, nothing happens. in the task manager, it shows the program as running, but i havent had any change in the 23% installation for over 14 hours now! did anyone else have this problem?
  14. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    How much does it cost to buy virtual memory? and a better video card?
  15. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Re Installation Problems
    I think you should give in. Remove disc 2 from the drive. Reboot your machine. Defrag. The check disc 2 for obvious defects, then insyert it in the drive and use My Computer to browse it (this will check that its file registry isn't corrupted).

    Next check that you have the latest display drivers and Directx files for your computer.

    Then start over with installation and disc 1.
  16. rik

    rik New Member

    as i dont really know much about the insides of a computer i am very sceptical about buying upgrades for it. ive read in various places that some things arn't compatable with others and so this puts me off buying anything. i want to upgrade to atleast 512mb but im worried about compatability issues. how can i find out if it will work if i buy some and would instructions come with it?

  17. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    Not as tough as you think

    rik said:
    as i dont really know much about the insides of a computer i am very sceptical about buying upgrades for it.
    Honestly, you don't know because you've never tried. There are many good guides out there online to buying / constructing / and upgrading your PC. Like this one:'s Guide To Build Your PC. There are literally hundreds of others. A quick search will bring up many more. Some have pictures, some have links to vendor sitres so you can see the product types they advise to buy up close.

    The only way to upgrade your computer is to get out the manual, read your specs, learn the tricks, and then do it. The truth is, in most comps these days, there's only one place for each upgrade item to go. RAM won't fit in your graphics slot; your graphics card will not go in a PCI slot.
  18. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Buying extra memory (RAM) is quite simple. You local computer store can do it for you if you aren't confident about doing it yourself. Upgrading a PC isn't much more difficult than changing a fuse or a plug. Why not get a book out the library and learn what the various bits are and how to pull em out and plug them back in?

    (NOTE this applies to PC's. Laptops are not easy to mess with and only an expert should even think of opening one up!)
  19. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    Mirelly surmised:

    (NOTE this applies to PC's. Laptops are not easy to mess with and only an expert should even think of opening one up!)
    You are so correct. Laptops have space and ventilation issues. It comes with the small size. Put a part that runs too hot in the wrong spot and you can burn out you laptop in short order.
  20. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    Deffintly, unless your an expert don't mess with labtops!!!!

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