Baby with no woohoo?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Melara, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. Melara

    Melara New Member

    Baby with no woohoo?

    So I have a female alien sim (product of a telescope kidnapping) and I wanted her to have a baby. So I get her and her beau situated and have him initiate the 'try for baby' option. Well, she gets all miffed and rejects his woohoo and he pouts...then suddenly there's the lullaby music? And now she's pregnant!

    *hums twilight zone theme*
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Spooky ... do do doo doo do do doo doo ... :p
  3. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Melara, keep us posted as to wether or not she has the baby. "Enquiring Minds Want to Know."

    (Maybe it has something to do with her being an alien, and they have some sort of asexual reproduction thing going on. . . " LOL
  4. Melara

    Melara New Member

    Well, she just had it. Normal pregnancy, normal birth and everything. It was a boy, and he looks like a normal baby except that his eyes are a little extra big. They're brown like his 'Daddy'.

    I'm utterly flabbergasted.
  5. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    *Whistles a boring little ditty about bugs*.
  6. JulzSC

    JulzSC Wanderer

    that is the weirdest story ever!
  7. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I wonder if an adoption bug occured....and the baby came to be by birth rather than by a van :)
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Hmmm .... but no-one has actually confirmed that they have managed to "Try For Baby" with a female (half?)-alien sim ... anyone????
  9. ICUQT

    ICUQT ~*Material Girl*~


    The reason your sims had a baby w/out woohoo is because it was abducted by the aliens and they aliens impregnated her. This could also happen with a male sim. Wow. All you Sims junkies and I thought at least one of you would know that! lol.:eek:
  10. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    I don't think the one that got pregnant was abducted. She was BORN from and alien abduction.
  11. ICUQT

    ICUQT ~*Material Girl*~

    Ok..lemme explain in furthur. The female sims was kidnapped through the telescope, which happened to be the aliens abducting her.:alien: When they had her in the "spaceship", they would do experiments on her and like what would most likely happen when any sim is abducted, they impregnated her with an alien instead of a human:alien:. Which means that she would have the alien baby:alien: like any other sim baby. And like I said before...this could happen to any sim, boy or girl. DUH! LOL :shocked:
  12. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Just a small favor ICU...I know you love big font and all, but it becomes a bit of nuisance a lil while :)

    Try refraining from using that feature too much :)
  13. ICUQT

    ICUQT ~*Material Girl*~

    Ok sorry...:embarrassed:
  14. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    OK BUT.. As I said before and as the original post says SHE WAS NOT ABDUCTED. She IS an alien because her dad was abducted and had her.

    We all know what happens when they get abducted. That's how she was born as a female alien in the first place.

    The first post says....

    So I have a female alien sim (product of a telescope kidnapping) and I wanted her to have a baby. So I get her and her beau situated and have him initiate the 'try for baby' option. Well, she gets all miffed and rejects his woohoo and he pouts...then suddenly there's the lullaby music? And now she's pregnant!

    They were trying to have a baby the old fashioned woohoo way but something went wrong and they didn't try for a baby but she ended up pregnant anyway. This pregnany has nothing to do with abductions except for the fact that the mom is an alien.:)
  15. HisBeachgirl

    HisBeachgirl New Member

    I'm sorry. I know this is so not on topic. And I hope that Manager Josh, and everyone else can forgive me. But Daizee, I just had to say that your signature cracked me up! It is so true!! Thanks for making me laugh today. :)
  16. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    :eek: That's really off topic, let's ban her. ;):p j/k
  17. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    Thank you very much:rolleyes:
  18. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Aw Flamey ... you're so mean. I wanted to be first to ban her ... :rambo:
  19. Melara

    Melara New Member

    Right. The mother of the 'virgin' child was never ever kidnapped by aliens. Her father was. Her name is Bohbah, and she's actually an offshoot of my Legacy family. Anyway, when she became an adult she moved out and took her stepfather with her (I know, freaky family dynamics). She met a guy and they fell for each other, got all the way up to 100 relationship and I decided I wanted them to have a baby, so I situated them on the bed the old fashioned way. I guess she just wasn't in the mood because when he tried to woohoo she pushed him away and shook her head, and both of them went all negative, and he started to cry because one of his fears was to be rejected for woohoo.

    Then the lullaby music.

    The baby is now a toddler, and still has really big eyes. I haven't tried the try for baby again, but I'm thinking I will, just to see if the reject/miracle pregnancy thing happens again.
  20. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member


    That is so weird!! I'm still trying to get one of my sims actully abducted!!!

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