cheats worked b4 - now dont work!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by star2cute4u, Jan 23, 2005.

  1. star2cute4u

    star2cute4u New Member

    cheats worked b4 - now dont work!

    hi every1 i wud appreciate it if u cud help me. i did the 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' cheat to move bars up n down, n itworked b4. but all of a sudden, its stopped! pls help n tell y it mite hav stopped workin? nothin hapens wen i try it! i tried gettin it all rite n i do everythin rite im sure. wot cud i hav done? HELP! xxxxx :mad:
  2. HisBeachgirl

    HisBeachgirl New Member

    I'm not sure if this is the problem. But I've found that when I enable that cheat, I'm usually not able to adjust the skill values. I have to leave the lot, come back, and try again. Then it usually works. Hope this might help.
  3. star2cute4u

    star2cute4u New Member

    when i did the cheat i could move anything but now it wont let me move bladder n stuff! help
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    That cheat is one of the developer cheats that allowed Maxis to force situations. I suspect that it is not a "robust" feature ... meaning that if you use it a lot you run the risk of creating instabilities or inconsistencies in the games database tables.

    Have you tried exiting from the game and restarting it?

    Do you start the game with boolprop testingcheatsenabled true set as standard or set it immediately after starting the game? Try playing without for a while then see if it works again after a period of normal play.
  5. BuBu4411

    BuBu4411 New Member

    Over Load

    I entered 2 many cheats and my nieghbor hood got deleated :disappointed: Wierd right ?:rolleyes:

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