Ctrl+Shift+C I pressed these buttons to get the cheat menu up, but for some reason, no avail :confusion:. Anyone got any sudjestions?
For my game I have to press ctrl and shift THEN press C otherwise it won't come up. Also other people have talked about sticky keys having to be disabled or something. I don't have that so I can't really explain if that is the problem
To check if you have Sticky Keys got to Control Panel >> Click Accessibility Options. Sticky Keys should be unchecked because the game accept the input otherwise. Otherwise make sure to hold down both the SHIFT key and the CTRL key at the same time before pressing C
Sticky keys is really annoyin if you press the shift key repeatedly like 5 times i think then it will load the windows screen and go through all this stuff and my computer ends up freezing because it opens too many things at once.
I've found that if you press them simultaneously that the cheat box doesn't come up. Pressing the ctrl and shift, and then the C seems to work the best. Also, if you have a lot of things you are going to do in the cheat box at the same time, if you deliberately make an error (something that isn't a real cheat), it opens the cheat box so that you can see what cheats you've already used, as well as staying open but usable until you type "exit" into the cheat box. That way you don't have to keep opening it, but can put in the cheat, press enter, then proceed to the next thing you want to put in.
It's weird, I keep hearing this, but my cheat box comes up fine with StickyKeys enabled. The only time I have to turn it off is if I'm building and have to use shift and control a lot, because that doesn't work correctly with it on. But for cheating, I just use the StickyKeys method (ctrl, shift, then C one-at-a-time) and it works fine.
Make sure that you have stopped all other applications running before playing the game. Disconnect from the net. Disable anti-virus, firewalls, icq, msn, quick time launcher .... duh ... just go thru the list of icons next to the clock click on each (or right click if left click doesn't give an Exit/close option. Then try to play And stop swearing, please.
the only cheats I tend to use are move_objects on, motherlode and aging off, but I thought you did ctrl~shift c to open the window... then type: help to get a list of common cheats though not all of them.
I had the same prob try this!!!!! I have to goto the sim creator screen and make sure you click on the 6th button for aspiration and sign. Dont make a sim unless u want to. But make sure u are on the 6th step to making a sim and the hit ctrl+shift+c.( if not making a sim just cancel the sim and in game u can reopen the promt!!) Let me know if this helps ya, cause this is the only way i can input it too for some reason.