Drat drat and thrice drat!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Mirelly, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Drat drat and thrice drat!

    It's more of a LOL really. But I just started a serious attemtp at a legacy style of family. Ryan and Sally were born and raised in the 'hood so they have a pretty good family tree. When they left their respective homes Sally bought a small house and concentrated on getting to the top of the Criminal career. Ryna bough the biggest empty plot and lived on a sofa until he'd advanced far enough up the military career to build a small house. They both had massive stashes of asp points from their glittering childhoods so each needed a quick session with the elixir of life to regain the days they 'lost'.

    With Sally's dowry their marital home was completely remodelled while they were on honeymoon ... the emphasis was on the future generations and flexible design.

    After they settled down, son Mikki arrived and Sally was expecting another. The Ryan invited Wendy over for dinner ... and to stay the night. The saucy old goat went from bed to bed that night ... but in the morning Sally caught him canoodling with Wendy and sparks flew ... she went into labor and had a daughter Tishikka ... then she threw Ryan out and had a very satisfying cat-fight with Wendy. Poor little Mikki didn't what had hit him ... he came home from his first day at school to see pops walking, head hung low, into the sunset ...

    Sally didn't waste time. She called up Ryan's brother, Dylan who she'd had a crush on when she was a teen. He was all grown up now and the chemistry was instant ... another marriage followed, Dylan brought in $30k and a day later he added a $50k bonus from a dodgy land deal. The house got another really serious makeover ....

    This is where the drats come in. I invited the headmaster over and forgot to do a save before hand. I screwed up somehow and managed to delete him ... I couldn't get him to come again after that. I also had a pair of bare floor tiles at foundations height that couldn't be deleted ... I'd put a bit of sculpture on them to try to disguise them but I couldn't escape the fact that the game thought there was something (or some sim) still on them ... aaarrrgggghhh!!!!

    Anyway ... what's wrong with motherlode? I played the family until I had exhausted all use out of an energiser and then I moved them out and demolished the lot utterly and started over. I knew the house layout so well by now that it only took me an a hour or so to build a brand new one to the (almost) exact same design ... trouble was I needed two motherlodes to furnish it to the same standard as before ... and a lot of bought art wasn't even replaced! Incredible the amount of depreciation. :p

    All for now ... I'll post an album of this saga when I have time ... meanwhile it's fight night! :)

    Attached Files:

  2. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!


    Ohh, cat fight!
  3. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    I love how you furnished the house. I still don't really understand the whole Legacy family ideal...
  4. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Oh, Mirelly, this is so funny.

    I've never seen the draw of Legacy style playing. I just don't enjoy it when I play it that way. I much prefer motherlode, fancy houses, exit without saving, Merola64's Multipainting and the like. I can play for hours that way, but get bored doing it the other way. (Which is supposedly the opposite of "most people.")
  5. Daizee

    Daizee New Member

    I have to agree. I tried doing the legacy challenge but I really prefer using cheats or as I call them "game enhancers". I love Merola64's Multipainting and almost every house has one:rolleyes:. Just in case of an emergency:cheeky:
  6. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    I find if you use cheats it's boring!!!

    iay indfay ifay useay eatschay itsay oringbay!!!
  7. mmr92

    mmr92 New Member

    I don't think that I would enjoy The Sims as much if I didn't use the cheats because I love building house and furnishing them for my families. I am really bad at making the money and keeping it that I would have a shed as a house if I didn't.
  8. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    Sumtin fo evoree-bodee

    That's the joy of the Sims2... Like Burger King you Play It Your Way. Want Legacy families with no cheats? Shazam, your wish is granted. Like building houses, community lots, and mansions? You can start faster than you can say Escrow. Just want to make families, have children, and watch the constant soap opras? Then Mozltov, it's a boy! Want constant soap operas with affairs, backstabbing, and fights? Then jump on in, the Woohoo's fine!

    In short, The Sims 2 doesn't offer one game, but a style of play for each voyeristic, displaciing player willing to forget about real life to run virtual people's lives. :D
  9. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky: That's my style to a T! :D

    But I must say this about the Legacy Challenge: It has given my families a goal, a purpose. It's really the 1st time I've tried to play with no cheats. And it is very satisfying. Then again, so is constructing beautiful homes with all the conveniences, and making families live the "good life." It just depends. Hubby would be the 1st to tell you, I'm such a moody creature. ;)
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL ... good feedback. As I said I'm not exactly playing by any set of rules. I just wanted to see how a family dynasty could develop on a large plot without any pump-up money cheats ... the quick divorce between Sally and Ryan immediately after brat #2 was a bit of a deus ex machina in the sense that it was an excuse to for Sally to do a Zsa Zsa Gabor style house "keeping" ... also by marrying the brother she got another instant cash injection of something like 25K followed shortly by a 50K windfall when astro-nut Dylan decided to abandon going to Venus in favor of a voyage to the bottom of the sea.

    The funniest thing that's happened so far was my sending Dylan to take a quick boost in the boosterizer ... only I forgot to check his ASP bar color ... oops. He was all redded out just as the headmaster arrived ... and yeah ... I hadn't saved. Mom was expecting brat #5 so I didn't want to put her to a lot of trouble ... had to cos Mikki was out earning a crust at the gas station ... anyway ... I noticed that Dylan wanted to send an email for 500ASP's ... ooh that should get him in the gold ... Unfortunately he passed out immediately after peeing his pants and wasting like half an ice age complaining that nobody loved him and -- by the way, you dope -- can't see how stinky my pits are? I let him snooze on the floor while the tour was completed and got one of the kids out of bed to play The Urbs with the poncey principal while mom made some turkey ... hopefully before she gave birth. Got Dylan the dad vertical ... actually got him next to the PC ... he sent the email went into gold made him skip back to the energizer wotsit ... he got in (after complaining that he hadn't got a friend in the world) and then jumped straight back out again to have a quick weep after recalling that he had wet himself ... by now his tenuous grip on gold was a dim memory ... I gave up and left him to sort his problems out with the social bunny.
  11. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

  12. garyalexza

    garyalexza New Member

    I made a very similar mistake last night with the mom in one of my legacy families... She had a day left to become an elder and I wanted her to reach the top of the athletic career so I had her on the gym for a while, and had actions queued for her to drink Elixir so I could give her a bit more time to get there (and get some more money for the family as I had just completed a house expansion...)

    ALAS! She drank the first potion and then I noticed her Asp bar wasn't high enough... She immediately turned into an elder. While I was slapping myself, I forgot to cancel the second "Drink Elixir" and she went and got even older :eek:

    Now I was saving a dose of the elixir for her husband Star but I don't have the heart to keep him young now that shes progressed further. He becomes an elder in 2 days, so I think I'll just leave it.

    Playing by the legacy rules is a challenge, and it brings out the funniest things as well because you can't leave without saving and start over :)
  13. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    I find lagiceis are really hard to do.
  14. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Well I am not averse to using any cheats. I'm not competing in any legacy challenge. The original idea was founded more in the spirit of the new features of the game IMO. Before TS2 there was no generational thing ... now we can found dynasties and watch long term saga's evolve. I like the idea of an old family mansion with portraits of ancestors on the walls.

    Anyway I have put together an album ... part 1 is here clicky
  15. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Exactly. I think that's why I like the game so much. It's not too locked in to one way of playing.

    I figure, as long as it's not for a competition, no matter how you play it's the "right way."

    I also like the humor it can bring out. Mirelly, again you gave me one of the biggests laughs I've had all day!
  16. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    By far one of the best stories I've seen on the official site. Very, very good Mirelly!!! :)

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