Problem with Titania and Tybalt I just had a small question about this: Someone else in my real family was playing the sims a made Titania leave Oberon and move in with Tybalt. She started having children, Now remember Titania and Tybalt are white (caucasian) all they had was black babies!? what the heck! how is this possible. Just wondering about this it seemed strange to me. thanks
Their both white?! that's weird! Like if you have a black and white people you can have black, white or tanned skin..Quite odd.
not really......even juliet if u make her mary another white man [not romeo] she'll have black babies too
Titania's heritage Ok here's the real question: Is Titania the white-looking offspring of a white and black couple? If so she can pass that appearance along. Same for Tybalt.
Well since it was The Titania and Tybalt that maxis had in the game anyone could just go and look in their family history yourself but I will check it out. I just thought that was weird. Though why would juliet having children with a white man make them have black babies?
Oh, Maxis characters... how quaint. Well, that explains it. I don't use the standard Maxis neighborhoods.
I think that Maxis went above and beyond the call of duty to make this game multicultural, including inter-racial families. I applaud them for that. A lot of people have either deleted those Maxis made families, or just never play them, Stone, so not everyone can go back and check a sim's family tree. Mine are gone. I stopped to look at this thread because my Russian Sim Couple had a baby daughter last night I named Tatiania.