How Do I Can I marry cousin Billy-Bob?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Angelyne, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    Can I marry cousin Billy-Bob?

    No seriously, what rules does the game uses to determine who can have a love relationship. I'm starting a new neighborhood with only one family so far. I'm creating a bunch of townies that will of course be unrelated. Sooner or later everyone will be related. Obviously you can't form couple within the immediate family (brothers, sisters) but at how many degrees removed does the game permit a relationship?
  2. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Check their relationship status. If Pearleane doesn't show up on Billy-bob's family tree, she should be fair game. I think it's second cousins.
  3. Renia

    Renia New Member


    Something has gotten seriously wrong in one of my neighbourhoods; I enabled free will, and a twin couple(boys) started kissing eachother! it's just gross! And I ended up with a young female marrying her uncle...(I learned a lesson: don't name two sims the same before you learn how the pedigree-thing is working:-s)
  4. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    Let me make sure I'm understanding you here. Are you saying that twin brothers are kissing in a romantic way? They can kiss but it's a "family kiss", basically a peck. If they are kissing romantically, double gross!, did CPS take them away and you had two families adopt them? If they are brothers in the same family they should not be able to have any romantic interactions. Now I did have a couple of kids taken from one family but I got them back by having "Aunt Grace" adopt them and then move back in with the parents. After she lived there as the live-in nanny for a few days to help raise the newest addition she moved out leaving the boys behind. Well when the oldest boy and the youngest girl got to college they had two lightening bolts for each other! YUCK!! But the game didn't see them as being related.

  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    That is a little disturbing.

    In my game the closest I've gotten to kissing cousins is first cousins, once removed, and I won't let 'em.

    Max and Morgan's grandmothers are sisters, but the game tells me they have two sparks for each other. Too bad.

    I may however let their kids marry if they want to, and if Max has any. That should be far enough removed, dontcha think?

    After all, Max's grandmother was adopted, so it's not like the kids would have three noses or something. :p
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL I am often bemused by the consanguinity issue. Marriage between first cousins isn't against the law in most places. Indeed it only becomes problematic, in terms of inbreeding, when the practise continues over many generations as is apt to occur in isolated communities.

    As far as the game goes I haven't run into problems with finding mates for my sims. When the pool starts to run dry I just boot up Body Shop and make some more ... :rolleyes:
  7. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Isolated communities, like sim neighborhoods?
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yes, exactly! Half of my current generation is related. Which is why like Mirelly I keep making new sims for my sims to date.

    I just find it oogy if they're sorta related, is all. They need to be a little farther removed before I'll let them date. :p
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member


    I wonder what sort of genetic problems would arise in an isolated sim community where townies and Body Shop weren't available? Actually, I bet succeeding generations would look more and more alike. The same eyes, same noses, same skin color, same personalities. Homogenized.

  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Or de-nosed. :p

    I have to admit, I like my Nova family's babies. Every single one has turned out cute. So I always try to have at least one!

    But incestuously, nuh-uh.
  11. Dee

    Dee New Member

    I have 2 french families. A mum and her daughter and a dad and his son. Anywhosies the son and daughter are together, and the mum and dad are together. The son and daughter have to grow into adults now and marry before their parents do because I don't want step brothers and sisters marrying and am not even sure if it is possible.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    What's a French family? I've never heard that term.

    I had a brother and sister marry a sister and brother, though, so now all their kids are doubly related.
  13. Dee

    Dee New Member

    A french family is simply a stereo typical french family with frech names. Sorry if it sounded like something hugely impressive.

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