There's something immensely creepy yet funny about that picture. But that is a very unusual bug; I've never seen anything of that nature being reported before.
Hey Josh, are you sure you didn't accidently move that bookcase while you had the move_objects on cheat engaged? That will cause that.
Woo! The attack of the killer bookcase! Is it gonna be a movie, Josh? I don't see how that could be done with moveobjects but maybe snaptogrid??? ... I mean ... it's diagonal and covering two squares, at least two!
That's sure what it looks like to me! But then, I've had kids playing cops and robbers walk through tables, so I guess anything is possible. (A pictures of the kids in the table is somewhere in one of the messages on this site.) And I know I hadn't used moveobjects.
She thought the terror was over... Look out, this will become the subject of a new Japanese turned American horror movie that isn't very scary... The Bookcase. Rated R for Really Slow Paced.