What could make The Sims 2 Even Better?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    What could make The Sims 2 Even Better?

    Okay, stop and complain and voice your thoughts what could make The Sims 2 even better. There's always something that could be done better :)

    ie: Elevators!
  2. SimSay

    SimSay New Member

    I am a massive Comic fan so I would love a team up with Marvel & DC with Maxis to create my own Sims Superhero or Villian HQ, then fight crime or create it! I wouldn't want them to kill each other as that doesn't appeal too much. But imagine a career where a promotion can give a new action/power over another Sim ie Evil Comic Sims could win award to employ a henchman, superheros employ/adopt side kick who like Sims U Fraternity can be manipulated to do your housework for free. Evil Sims can have a big fluffy cat to stroke when plotting!

    On objects I'd like to have the stoneblock they had in Sims Console game to make statues. I also remember a bath mat being mentioned once to stop puddles by the shower/bath!

    So much I want !
  3. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    Hmm.. More objects, more genetics, more nicer* hair options, more male clothings (especially the sports wear coz I dislike the male sportswear lol) :rolleyes: , more options to interact with babies/toddlers. And definately more baby objects, I just prefer toddlers to children/teens sometimes :p

    And more objects like the ones they have in TSU, the mobile and cd player (I think?) those are cool :D
  4. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Well, I've voiced this before, but I'll say it again. I would like to see some more ways that a sim can stay home and make a living, such as farming, canning, wine making, and maybe something like sewing or catering. Also, I would like to see more romantic interactions. The game focuses on humor, even in romantic situations. I'd love to see my sims be able to slow dance, run into each other's arms and embrace (that "leap into arms" is similar, but cheesy. If a man came running up to me and thought I'd catch him, boy, would his butt be on the floor! :p ) Since the next EP is nightlife, maybe something else would be some sort of romantic interaction where two sims could look at each other in a crowded room, like a bar, and be thunderstruck with love, or something like that.

    Yes, I'm in an odd mood today, don't know why. :confusion:
  5. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    As I said in my wishlist thread :p:

    1) More flexible build tools, so you can build houses with curved walls, glass ceilings and floors, houses inspired by Hundertwasser, Gaud, The Watts Tower by Simon Rodia, Le Palais Du Facteur Cheval, the slum sections of cities, troglodyte dwellings, Lucien Kroll etc etc. Also lots more plants and trees.
    New living arrangements, e.g. apartments, communes
    3) The ability to share wealth among different families, as well as to give objects as gifts
    4) A BodyShop/HomeCrafter-esque tool which can be used to create custom jobs/aspirations (I know this would create problems with career rewards/ aspiration faliure behaviours, but this is just a wish list after all [​IMG])
    5) The ability to go travelling, rather than just to a resort as in the Holiday expansion pack
    6) Different types of community lots other than shops/parks; for example, art galleries where Sims can display their art, libraries where they can read each other's books, as well as other books of course, and cafes where they can meet up and talk and not have to leave after a couple of hours because they're about to pass out
    7) More things for Sims to create - sculptures and murals as well as paintings. Also it should be easier for you to get Sims to paint custom pictures.
    8) Sims to be able to gossip about what has happened to them and others more than just talking about how someone they never met once burned their pancakes
  6. SimSay

    SimSay New Member

    Romance Expansion :p , Maybe for the new Area they could have a field for frolicing ( I mean running around hand in hand rather than a woo-hoo, but on that line - rolling in the hay, maybe even a haystack for woo-hoo), a river for romantic boat trips venice style. An Ice-skating rink where a high physical Sim could teach a lower physical sim how to skate & then looooooooooove!

    Strange really I wasn't feeling this romantic at valentines last month!

    But anyway - Call me Freddie because "I WANT IT ALL"
  7. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    I'd like somthing where your sims can date. Also a communtiy lot that can be like a hotel with a pool bar etc.. And room service. It could have the same kinda setup as in the dormrooms. I'd love more furniture and wallpaper's and also when you have a diagonal wall to make say a window or chair go diagnol with it. More decorations. More hair and stuff. Also I'd like it if you could add shape to them men and woman. Like a woman with no hips and then a woman with the biggest butt youv'e ever seen.! Same idea with men. More shape and variety to your sims and their homes. If you are or want to be an interior desighner like me add those things new coaches. A small T.V. that could go on a dresser would be nice too. Those spa hot tubs that are like a bath tub, I could go on forever:p :D
  8. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    Flameangel, Most of these things, are easily available online as additions or hacks.

    What I would like to see with TS2 is a better AI, and more personality going hand in hand with autonomy. I would like sims to be attracted to each other depending on their personality and to fall in love by themselves. The current system makes no sense. The minute they flirt they fall in love? How realistic is that. You should need multiple flirts and compatible personalities. I also would like to see Sims resist you when you try to match them up with incompatible personalities. Maybe the relationship scores would go up slower and go down faster, so that if you would stop micro managing their relationship, your sims would end up in a "bad marriage". That would makes things more realistic and fun.

    At first glance, the sims looks like a Life simulator. You get that impression because the actions are so life-like. Then, after you play for a while, you realize there is very little that is realistic about it. The sims are little more than puppets that obey your orders and that have no or little personality of their own. They fall in love, they have babies and they divorce when you tell them to. They do the job you picked for them regardless of preferences and do the hobbies you assign to them.

    I just wish they would have more of a mind of their own.
  9. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!


    More official modding tools.

    A 3dmax and gmax model plugin.

    A bodyshop tool for objects.

    Stuff like that.
  10. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    These are things I'd like to see too. But in addition to those, I'd like to see pets, more home businesses (not necessarily art work), more food kiosks, and the ability to give gifts that a Sim could actually use. (Like if you gave them a game, they could use the game when they got home.) And well, basically more of everything (but with the game able to load faster.)
  11. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    first and foremost, i'd like to see pets. i'm absolutely obsessed with them, and, if i could, my room'd be covered wall to wall with cages, tanks, and whatnot.

    anyway, i'd also like the Bodyshop to be easier to use. i mean, the fact that you have to use some other editor and use this weird pattern and everything seems too hard. i'd like the bodyshop(and homecrafter) to be like mspaint: they give you a tablet of colors, and you pick one and just fool around with it, making crazy, weird stuff. that'd be good for me. the one thing that irks me most with sims 2 is the hairstyles. i just HAVE to have more variety. in hairstyles, colors, and other things.

    also, like flameangel said, i'd like there to be variety in body sizes. the normal and fat just don't cut it. and the buff looks the same as the normal, in my opinion. i'd like there to be taller and shorter people, skinnier and fatter people, and different sized body parts. especially heads. even though the facial features are incredibly diverse, there's no choice in head size and shape. for example, my own head is very round. not chubby, but round. so, i try to create a sim like me, and it just doesn't look very nice. also, it'd be fun to make a slutty girl-sim with a really big butt and an extremely large chest, but you can't really do that, can you?

    so, i think that's it, but expect me to keep posting in the next week or so as i think of more stuff. :D
  12. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    resurrecting an older thread...

    I would like to have an option to slow down the stinking days, so that they would have more time to interact with each other, do their homework, get a part time job, etc. there is just not enough time to do anything. so it doesn't take 2 hours to eat, shower, sit on the pot, you get the idea.
  13. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    I'd like more interactions. Also for children unless they read or cook they can't gain points more objects for kids etc.. maybe a rocking chair for like mum's with newborns. Or even toddler's more options for a nursey. All their is is a changing trable and a kid. Let's have stuffed toys, rocking chair, bench seat etc...

    This has to do with University but you know when if you fullfill the want the sim will be platinum forever? Well if you want to do that all the time (fullfiling the want(like me)) Then it's always the same depending on their aspiration! So maybe a hack or somthing that includes making it completely random or a wider variety. Like if your a romance sim (i think) instead of become head of staff the top of the acting career. also are those career's (acting etc..) only avialable if you go to university
  14. LeonHart

    LeonHart >>Newbie

    I agree with you, this game needs seriousness :cool:, but I think that in addition for the romantic stuff, I would like to see some sunsets, sunrises, instead of that "Light-dark" day interaction the game has; also it would be cool to build apartments, then you can place the elevators that someone says here, and maybe some game improvements, like slowing the needs decreasing speed when you go out (because when my sims come back home, it takes lots to stabilize their needs), MORE FOOD!!, also that the potato chips and the cookies fill more the hunger needs (eating them now it's only a waste of time), and I would like to see more flexibility in the sims interactions, so they don't get stuck so easily; I want to get 2 sims in the same baththub!! :D, also I want the sims be able to watch tv by beign in bed!! (I still can't believe they didn't include that interaction!! :mad:); also more games!! where's battlefield 1942 huh??!! , finnally I would like to see sunsets, sunrises and night views in the neighbourhood screen..... and I think that's all for now :D...
  15. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    They can watch t.v. in bed.
  16. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    And listen to music ... ;)

    However IRL I generally do not wake up and shout at the ceiling immediately after falling asleep with the TV/radio on ... :p
  17. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    LoL. More Outdoors options. Like a tennis court or somthing. Waterslide for the pool. Patio set, outdoor fireplace, one BIG thing for me is being able to put objects on ANGLES!! T.v. that can go on top of dreesers. More wallpapers etc.. A wall unit for your t.v. like a plasma with a hudge cabnit and you can see little silver boxes for a sounds system and you can put you video game system in there. I will think of more later. Hotel's and apartments. Also you can get like phone calls with your realitive asking if they can stay for the weekend or you phone and ask and you can have a guest house you can't control your realitive tho. ALSO VISTITING OTHER PEOPLES HOMES! They can invite your kids to sleep over or w/e at THEIR house. Then you say yes or no. More instruments like saxophone. Ability to have a basment.
  18. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    they can? I didn't know that. watch tv in bed....
  19. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Meh, TV on a bed. So overrated. Firstly, TV in a bedroom is bad if you use free will, because SOMEBODY will always wake everyone up by turning it on the middle of the night. Secondly, TV isn't even very good for fun, and there's no really good reason for a sim to be on a bed at all unless they're either sleeping or woohooing. Thirdly, don't watch TV, kick flamingos.
  20. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    kicking flamingos is Fun? I've got to get a life.:(

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