What could make The Sims 2 Even Better?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    Not you... THEY have to get a life!!! (sim kicks flamingo laughs evily slowley walks away)
  2. Sylla

    Sylla New Member

    After playing University for the last few weeks, my major wish now is for them to have either 1 day off a week, or a spring break (spring break would work if in a future expansion they used the vacation theme). There never seems to be enough time to do anything at the moment in Uni unless you skip class.

    I would like to have a lead singer for my bands, i want to be able to recolour objects with out having to use a mod (no offense to you modders out there), ummmmm....what else? Can't think at the moment. Oh well....
  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    LOL! They did a good job emulating real life though. That's how I feel in college..never enough time to do everything :D
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    While designing some community lots the other day I wished for an expansion pack "In Business"

    It would be so cool to have sims run a restaurant or a produce market or a chocolate factory but living 'over the shop'. The lot operates as a normal residential lot but the sims who pass by are potential customers who have to be smooched and cossetted and generally fawned over the better to part them and their simoleons from each other.

    I am just trying to imagine how hilarious it would be to have the Headmaster sat out in the restaurant waiting for his lobster while the sim chef is laid flat out in the kitchen due to exhaustion and the toddler is having a tantrum due to a potty accident right in the middle of things ... stinking the whole place up. :rolleyes:

    Maybe when they retire they get to sell the business or else pass it on to a younger relative. If sold the business could become a straightforward community lot staffed by NPC's
  5. Deva

    Deva New Member

    What great ideas you ppl have! I don't really have the time atm to think something smart out, but I agree with SexierJess :p
    "Hmm.. More objects, more genetics, more nicer* hair options, more male clothings (especially the sports wear coz I dislike the male sportswear lol) [​IMG] , more options to interact with babies/toddlers. And definately more baby objects, I just prefer toddlers to children/teens sometimes [​IMG]"
    I want that.
    Also, I want some careers back from TS1, like the musician-career. My very first family ("the Johansson's") are at their 4th generation now, and they seems to have a musical bloodline, since everybody *loves* to play the piano and always have ten points in "creativity" when they reach adulthood.
  6. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Deva, its:


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