Looking into getting the sims2 but...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Simon-Grey, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. Simon-Grey

    Simon-Grey New Member

    Looking into getting the sims2 but...

    i am worried about some stuff that idont know about the game. In the sims i have all of the expansion packs from livin large to superstar. Now, iam wondering, in The Sims2 can you still become famous, have butlers, get robots to clean your house, go into differerent neighborhoods and have pets?? I loved playing the sims wiht all of the packs becasue it was so fun trying to get famous and things of that nature and i was wondering if i will still be able to in the Sims2. Also, what new features does The sims 2 have? like building option such as attics, basements etc and new objects and such?

    I thank you greatly in advance!!!

  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    First off ... the screen shots you might have seen really are that detailed; you can zoom in until all you can see is the zit on a teenager's nose ... you can even count the stripes on a bee!

    Second don't expect the above if you intend to install the game on a laptop/notebook or even a PC with the minimum system specs.

    Gameplay is incredibly wider. Sims have real personalities, ambitions and wants and fears; some you can control, some you are stuck with. University adds even more depth.

    In short if you loved the original then you will love the new. Of course the features added by expansions to the old game aren't present in the new ... but who cares. I never really actually cared that much about my original sims ... I thought that I did, but I now realise that I didn't. You ain't seen nothing 'till you see a sim scared to death by a ghost ... that'll teach me to brick-up garbage-spilling passers-by! :p :eek: :confusion:
  3. Simon-Grey

    Simon-Grey New Member

    ^^^ ok, i jsut think i will kinda miss the superstar stuff and all the downtown things....and pets but oh well:(

    as for a comp, i think mine should be ok

    DEll DImension 8400
    P4 HT 640 3.20 ghz
    1GB of ram
    256mb geforce 6800 GTO ultra graphics card
    Audigy 2z soundcard

    shouldnt run to bad :D
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oooh no that puter is terrible ... please send it to me immediately and I will see that it is properly composted ... :p

    Maybe I should just ban you in a fit of jealousy ... :rolleyes:
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Actually ... be aware that there has been an issue with some installations of an Audigy sound card ... one gamer here reported that he needed to physically remove the Audigy card to install ... then put the card back to play ... see this thread - 2 pages!
  6. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Actually if you upgrade your drivers for the Audigy 2 ZS, you should be fine.
  7. stamata

    stamata New Member

    Don't listen to Mirelly, send the comp to me and umm I will make a few adjustments to it, yeah that's right adjustments...
  8. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Don't listen to stamata....he (or she) will steal your computer! ;) :p
  9. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    No, he won't steal the computer. He'll just steal the parts out of it and replace them with his crappy ones. Your computer doesn't have enough RAM, though. I have 4 GBs of RAMs, and stuff otherwise roughly equal to yours, and I run a lean box with very few background programs. It still chugs.
  10. Faktririjekt

    Faktririjekt New Member

    You still have maids, you can still be famous, but you cannot go into different neighborhoods, nor have pets. Sucks, don't it? :(
  11. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Give it time, factoryreject, give it time. All good things come to sims who wait!
  12. stamata

    stamata New Member

    Well, I don't (I am a he) have crappy parts but the only thing I would like is that video card. My specs are almost the same as Simon's so the game will run smoothly. Anything over 1gb of ram is more than sufficient these days, well for now.
  13. Simon-Grey

    Simon-Grey New Member

    ^^^ lol yea....the video card kicks some major but to.....

    and one more q'.....can u have like basements and 3rd stories and such?
  14. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    You can have up to 8 stories but no basments :(
  15. Simon-Grey

    Simon-Grey New Member

    ah that stinks...but iguess 8 stories would make up for it! man your house can be huge!!!! i mean, i cna make a pretty big house in The Sims, a house that big with 8 stories will be unfurnishable!!:D :p
  16. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    Biggest iv'e had is filling 3 quarters of a 5x5 lot and 3 stories high
  17. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Actually you can (of course) have basements! Proper underground basements.

    The number of storeys above a foundation is usually three. That's a ground floor and second floor and an attic. The game actually allows up to 255 floors (thats more than 2x the height of the sadly missed WTC towers!) To do that though you need to alter a hidden setting and unless you are playing the game on Blue Gene you might be advised to install a sprinkler over your 'puter and have the local firestation's number on speed dial ....
  18. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    HOW? Do you make a basment got a guide to it or somthing?
  19. Simon-Grey

    Simon-Grey New Member

    yea please tell man

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