University: not just for slackers...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by IslandNiles, Mar 27, 2005.

  1. IslandNiles

    IslandNiles New Member

    University: not just for slackers...

    I installed University earlier today, it seems difficult.

    I created two students and I'm finding it difficult to control even one of them effectively. All they seem to do is sleep, do their assignments, write their term papers, sit their final exams, and perform basic functions like eat and go to the bathroom. Even then, neither one of them has got particularly good grades. They always seem to be in need of social and fun, and there don't seem to be enough people in the dorm willing to talk to them! It's so difficult to get that adademic bar (I forget what it's called) up AND have a life as well. I don't remember actual university being so difficult!

    Considering I have a happy family unit elsewhere in Veronaville, in which both adults are at the top of their career tracks, university seems like a very difficult game!
  2. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    See, that's what I like about Uni. It has a challenge to it, a goal. You get them through college and let them have a life! :) :D
  3. LeonHart

    LeonHart >>Newbie

    I like that too, has a good challenge, specially when you're in 3rd, 4rth year (making the bar going up is very hard then), I'm new to it, too, but I think I got it pretty fast, I can do good controlling 4 sims..... if you want a little tip, just ask here, and I'll tell you how to improve the bar.....

    I don't like a thing of university though, my sim and a friend made a band, we had enough creativity to be good paid, so we went to play at the amphitheatre, but when we arrived it was like 1 am, so we decided to stay there, after a few coffee cups, we began to play, but, obviously, at that hour only a few ppl was there, so we got bad tips..... and when we finished, it was time for the final exam, I think that the exam time should stop when you're at community lots, or atleast, have MORE time!! so you can really enjoy going out.....
  4. JulzSC

    JulzSC Wanderer

    Yeah, thats why I don't really play in the university part. I like the new objects and actions but I don't find the University very fun! It's more of just getting through it
  5. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    if you can afford it get the bubble blower . cheers them up and everyone wants to do it so it becomes easier to hang out together. also you'll seem to have more time as a sophomore. or if you pledge. remember that time doesn't stop if your sim visits a community site. so even if you have started 2 at the same time they can end up on different test schedules.
  6. LeonHart

    LeonHart >>Newbie

    Exam times also change when you choose a major.... I've tried the aging cheat, but it doesn't work.... I hope to find later a trainer so I can freeze the time while beign at the university..... :p

    -------------------------- // Edit \\ ----------------------

    Lol, guess what? I just founf a little hack for doing something like that at MTS2..... why don't you take a try?
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    The most important purchase a sim student needs make is the best bed. The cheap beds take so long to max out their energy bars they have no time for anything else. Next conentrate on filling their wants to give them aspiration points. Use these to buy energisers which are also essential (they substitute for the missing weekends and vacation breaks during which students in real life either earn extra cash or sleep all day ... either way an energiser gives your sims a "free day") :D
  8. Nephthys

    Nephthys Backstabber

    You could just be like me; cheat and use Meriola's Energizing Painting.
    Yes, I have no willpower.
    But my Sims are happy and suuuper-clever :rolleyes:.
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    If need be, try focusing on one sim first and working your way up to two, three, seven...that's what I did, once you get the hang of juggling your one Sim's wants and needs, it's easy to do it with two. :) Though I've also found juggling lots of Sims at once seems to keep their social meters high. :rolleyes:
  10. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    If you go to the community lots after MN you can expect it to be *very* quiet. You might get one or two people, but it's best to go during the day.

    And since time doesn't stop for the exam meter while you're at a community lot, you need to be aware of that. Your Sim can go to class or to his/her exam from the lot (although you have to wait for them to get back from the class/exam before you leave the lot.)

    However, Merola64's Multipainting makes the University life much less difficult. ;) ( Merola's Multipainting )
  11. aharris

    aharris New Member

    I always concentrate on getting my academic meters up first them I let all my Sims go play with the leftover time. Stragnely, I haven't had any trouble getting anythign accompished yet in TS2U, and started out juggling 5 sims in a dorm.
  12. Flameangel

    Flameangel New Member

    That's what I do too.
  13. alisonk98

    alisonk98 New Member

    That game is pretty hard but I like a challange :winks: .
  14. eastbay

    eastbay New Member

    Well after buying the exspansion pack and going through pure madness to get it up and running i have to agree with you on it's no slouch for the beginner ,
    Also like many of us that got so youst to all the little goodie hacks and wonderful stuff we had is no more unless you just want to to stay in sims 2 land i am still knocking up familes to generate a healthy dose of dorm bodies
    lol" i think if you take away the good graphic's and a few goodies you got the old sims ..but i think each exspansion pack is gonna really throw ya for a loop as they come out ...:bunny:
  15. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I can agree with that, eastbay. I think that our "inborn" sims will have an easier time at Uni than the ones we make fresh for college. They start gaining skills from toddlerhood, and will be better ready to pursue their degrees. I have been putting more of an emphasis on getting skills and friends with the children than usual. Before, I would let my toddlers play with whatever toy they wanted, and not direct the kids much unless it was to keep their fun meter full so the little brats would finish their homework.:p I didn't really start skill-building until they were teenagers. Now, I'm thinking about skill building the whole time I play them, and even directing my toddlers to play with the bunny, the zylophone, and the wooden pegs. No toyboxes or dollhouses for them!! I keep the toys scattered around the house to make play with them instead of the toilet. LOL
  16. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    Gosh, I sound so military compared to you Kristal! I've always had my toddlers use the skill toys only. I mean, why not? =) Usually by the time their birthdays came around I'd have them at least up to 5 each of logic/creativity/charisma. The kids, as soon as their fun meters were up, they'd be studying.

    I think I just do that because the skills seem to be SO much easier to build when they're younger (just like RL!), so I like to get them out of the way as fast as I can.

    And now, it makes college a breeze!
  17. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    interesting approach... I'll have to try that, 2. most of my young sims seem to enjoy music as well, so it's easy to become creative.
  18. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I think I must be the most control freaky where toddlers are concerned. I only buy them the charisma bunny cos that charisma can't be skilled again until they are teens and it's a non fun activity unless the golf reward is present. I save the logic and creativity skilling for childhood when something is needed to lift the l'il blighters into the pink so they'll do their homework before boning up on some cleaning, cooking and mechanical skills.

    All my toddlers reach 8 charisma pts so they qualify for a scholarship too! :D

    I tried maximising it, but points 9 and 10 need too many bottles of smart milk. :(

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