The obesity gene

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kristalrose, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    The obesity gene

    I have one family that seems to have heavy women. I made the Mom heavy, but made her daughters thin in Body Shop. When I created the girls, one was a toddler(Leia) and the other one was a child (Bambi).

    When Bambi got into college, she suddenly put on the college 10 pounds. She keeps having to exercise to keep herself just above the "fat" line. Poor thing! She must really retain water like a sponge!:p

    Little sister Leia is a teen and still thin and pretty. She's a romance sim and dates college boys. :rolleyes: (Yes, okay, I admit it, I have the hack that allows that, don't beat me up!)

    Mom has since had two more daughters, Scarlett and Josephine. Last night Scarlett transitioned into a teen, and "Whamo" she was chunky, too! (And not very attractive, I might add. Poor Scarlett.)

    Okay, Mom carries the obesity gene, obviously. And yes, since Scarlett was born in game, she would be made up of her parents genes. I have noticed that in most cases a sim child will take on most of the genetics of the parent of the same sex. So it makes sense that Scarlett would also carry the obesity gene.

    But what about Bambi?? I made her in Body Shop. Does the game look at the charecteristics of the parent when you put them together in a household and then use the genetics of the parent to help it create the child's older self? If it was a one-time thing, Bambi getting fat after eating too much chineese food, it would be one thing. But she seems to wake up every morning fat or pudge out after any meal.

    What do y'all think?
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Personally I think curvy is beautiful, though I admit most of my sims are thin, if only because they have lots of body points ... plus "get fat" is a fear and I try not to let those happen. But I was disappointed when Carlotta got thin after achieving 5 body points ... she was so pretty the way she was. The boys look a little funny, I think, almost pregnant because only their tummies get fatter, but the girls look more like me when they're more on the curvy side. Thin sims have no butts. :D

    I haven't had a chance to test that gene. I had two male teens who started out chunky but only because their families couldn't afford a swimming pool and when they were kids they didn't run around enough. Once they started exercising on the family exercise machine it went away.
  3. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    There's no such thing. If you don't want your sims to blow up like balloons, don't feed them so much. Food costs money, y'know. If you *DO* want them to become fat, then go ahead and stuff them with tons of the free Greek house pizza and snacks.
  4. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    It's funny, all my college Sims are either fit or normal body weights, except for poor Tidus, who has always been borderline or actually fat. No matter what he does, he still gains the pudge.

    His mother and aunt are pudgy too, but momma Rikku has the fear of getting fat since she's a popularity Sim. So I've made her and sister Paine lose the extra pounds until they turned old... they don't seem to care as much when they're old fact they look kinda cute. :D

    The sisters were all made in Body Shop, their third sister is fit due to her Athletic career. They were all made with a normal body makes one wonder. :confused:
  5. JulzSC

    JulzSC Wanderer

    I have this one sim who I make work out almost every other day because other wise she gets bigger! I think there is some type of gene!Hehe.

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