Troubleshooting Harsh professors?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Zootyzoot, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Harsh professors?

    Shebang is a Freshman at Wen College Noya. She is overflowing with skill points, far more than she needs for her course, but for some reason her academic potential meter doesn't reflect this. Nobody else has this problem - neither her sister, who is also in university, nor her friends in dorms, nor her housemates. Does anybody know what's wrong with my poor Sim, and how to fix her?
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Here's what I always do if a Sim is acting strangely: Move them to the bin and then move them back in to their dorm, or relocate them.

    Not sure if this will help but it's worth a try. It won't hurt her, though she will lose her stuff ... but you can avoid that by moving it to her sister's room, if they share a dorm.

    Sounds like a "going to college" glitch to me, like something happened when you made that transition ... so maybe you just need to make it again.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    When is her exam due, Zooty? Maybe she inadvertently managed to pee-off one her professors. (I assume she has completed a term assigment :p )
  4. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Suprised by Witches - I love your name, by the way - I'll try that. I think, however, it may have something to do with me having maybe used the testingcheatsenabled cheat a little to soup up her skills. But I haven't had this problem with any of the other college Sims I've artificially enhaced, as it were. What does anyone think? Mirelly - :), but it's not that - its her potential, not her performance, that's suffering - the one based on skills, not study/ relationship with professors.
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Thanks! It's the result of a cute thing my kid said ... or rather something she misheard me say. Besides, I've always had an affinity with witches, surprising or not. :D

    I'm betting your cheat codes have something to do with your problem ... I'm kinda paranoid about using them, myself.
  6. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    If you use the cheats or the painting to give them the skills during the semester, it won't affect the potential bar. I gurss Maxis really wanted us to work for those points:p
  7. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    I don't think that's the case, because all my other college sims have full potential bars, and a lot of their skills have come from cheating. The only sim this has happened to is poor Shebang. Also, when I took her illegitimate skillpoints away and built them up the old-fashioned way, her potential meter was still unaffected. I think it probably is the cheats' fault (and so mine for using them ;)), but it still doesn't make sense.
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Slight detour but still on the same general theme ... ;)

    I just found a use for that stupid vacuum aspiration reward gizmo. Use it to keep your students in gold stautus by sucking the points out of that darn Llama and the ruddy Cow. Also make sure to rush out and greet and prof Lee whenever he shows up cos he's good for for skill or two. The repair man, the maid and any other NPC service that has to turn up is also good for stealing skill points ... but mostly it is just so satisfying to turn that $%^&*(# mascot into a gibbering wreck.

    Attached Files:

  9. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Hummm. . . ."Here Crystal The Cow, come here girl. I have this nice shiny object for you to look at. . . " Mwa Ha Ha Ha!! ;)
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Finally, a use for that cow! I got her to clean up her own mess, at least, the second time she set off the dorm sprinklers. She cleaned the bathrooms too for good measure ... good little cow.

    After that, every time she showed up I put her to work. That'll teach her.
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I've been having a field day with that vacuum gizmo. One of my sims graduated and moved back home leaving her philandering boyfriend, Wyatt Harris (a romance campus townie) to chance his arm. So far Wyatt had achieved a public woohoo (with "my" sim) plus notching up an asp of make-out with 3 different sims ... he had to be a bit sneaky to fit that in. Anyway he was a year behind Kiri so when she went back home he had a luxury house and lots of rewards laying around with unexpired uses on them. He got his first senior year semester's work all done and dusted before the clock showed 65 hours to the exam. The he jumped into the bucket and jiggled around a bit to revive himself and phoned the girl with highest relationship score. I lost count of the woohoos he did ... and the places. Luckily I lock his fears so he got stuck with Kiri ... well he came out of Uni with all the dosh ... $27,000! So I made him marry Kiri (all his fears related mainly to Prof Zoe LOL ... actually that scene was kinda gross and I want to assure everyone that I was only following his wants as they arose.) I drew the line after he got wed and the first time his 6 wants rolled his mother in law figured in two of them ... one being flirting! Ew! They're on the second pregancy .... It'll be twins, cos they set up home with their old roomies from uni (Kiri's twin bro, Jack and his GF from when he was a child, (ahem) Mirelly -- :eek: aw doncha just wish the ground would just swallow you up!) Anyway Jack and Mirelly had a daughter and Wyatt and Kiri had a son then they got the lullaby and Jack and Mir were on the bed and ... !!! No Try for baby option. There are 4 adults and 2 babies in the house so the diddle-ee-dee music meant that twins had been 'created'.

    Don't you just hate it when the surprise is spoiled?

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