help with an advanced build

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Vchat20, Jul 26, 2005.

  1. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    help with an advanced build

    ok. im hoping someoen can get the house started for me. or in the very least, give me some "n00bish" tips on how to get past the advanced part in this.

    basically, im trying to do my own house here. problem is that there are 2 places in the house where ill need split level stairs. one section is at the back door (which is on the side of the house) where at ground level there are stairs that go into the basement. at that same area, there are stairs that go up into the kitchen in which the whole first floor is off the ground by the height of a deck.

    the second area is the stairs going up to the second floor. their is a landing halfway up. the half bit of stairs going up is right above the stairs going down to the basement as mentioned before. once up to the landing, turn around and the second half of the stairs goes up above the stairs going from the back door into the kitchen.

    beyond that it should be a very simple build. only thing that my get in the way is that the front porch will need to use a deck and the basement will probably butt up right against the deck.

    ill try my hardest to get some pictures or diagarams up to help out. i have tried the tutorials at mikeinside and i couldnt get it to work. i think the last place i left off was where i couldnt get the stairs into the basement and kitchen from the back door.
  2. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    well, i played around with it some more and here are the problems im running into:

    -cant get the foundation in the basement and AT ground level without the one side of the "front porch" deck slanting down to match the foundation
    -with the foundation at ground level, the ground surrounding the foundation also slants to match up with the foundation 4 steps down from the top. this prevents having a connection from the back door to the ground
    - havent tried plain walls in the basement, but common sense would lead to believe it would end up in the previous situation with the ground slanted in and no access to the door.

    oter than that, i was able to easily do the split level floors and place the connecting stairs as i liked. its trying to get the ground to cooperate thats the problem.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Split levels are only possible by means of cheats but that doesn't end the trouble. All doorways that connect directly to the outside are considered as possible front doors but the oldest door in the lowest level has the ultimate priority. I proved this by burying a door deep in a sub-basement thru and underground labyrinth ... it took a sim hour to reach! All visitors still aimed staright for it.

    Good luck with your design, anyway. Maybe you can make it available for download when it's done?
  4. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    thats my plan. :)
  5. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    well, due to the overhwelming complexity of trying to build my current house, i have decided to go back in time and do my old house instead. so far everything seems to be going well. ive got the terrain done how i wan and the basic structure of the house is built just fine. right now im stuck on objects. cuz to make it realistic, there ar some objects i am going to need that the game doesnt have by default. for example: pine trees (large. probably 3 or 4 stories high), floor model 32" 4:3 television, large bay window (2x2 squares, goe from the ceiling and uses about 3/4 of the wall), screen door (just the screen in the top half), and a regular wooden door that has a window in it in the same configuration as the screen door. as well, an above ground "round" pool would be nice, but im highly skeptical that something of that sort is possible right now.

    on a side note: is there any way to put windows in the foundation and have it go all the way through to the basement?
  6. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    well, i finished it off. may not be totally realistic, but it does bear a striking resemblance.

    just a few corrections on some parts which may not be true to the original house:

    - the lot is much larger in real life. double the size of the lto back behind the pine trees and youll have it. the lot in real life is 2 acres.
    - every room except for the kitchen, the laundry room (the one with the 2 washer/dryer combo's), the room the stairs lead down into, and the bedroom in the 1st floor in the back corner are slightly exaggerated in size. they are pretty cozy in real life (not cramped, but not "roomy" as the virtual house depicts)
    - the pool is not square nor does it have a deck. the real thing is a semi-large round pool, 4" deep, and only has a ladder to get in and out.
    - the small table in the back does not have a full sized roof over it. in real life its just a large beach umbrella
    - the stairs leading down into the basement under the back porch does not run parallel to the back porch. in real life it runs straight down into the basement door. but due to the connecting stairs preventing me placing floor tiles above, i had to sacrifice.
    - the red shed in the back isnt that large. it is just large enough to fit a riding lawnmower

    and of course there are some other tiny things, but nothing major.

    Attached Files:

  7. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    No cheat necessary

    I found a site that migt help you out. You dont need cheats. And you can make both split levels, inside the house and arched roofs and helf walls. Check it out:
    This guy has some pretty cool stuff.
  8. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world


    ... I build a basement and wanted to put flooring above it to build the groundfloor. Behold! the middle of the space in the basement "lifted" and I suddenly had a splitlevel. This got me wondering: Is this deliberate or a minor glitch? I finished the building - remember that the space directly above the raised level need the same amount of space one floor up - with 3 split levels. The problem is that I cant connect walls to the split levels, because of the stairs.
    To make real cool ones, try i think. Search on google. Why didnt I say that to begin with???
  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Nice one Jake. MikeInside has really got the drop on building. I am totally awed by his dummy levels solutions for half stair-landings. I understand how to do it but sadly my poor brain cannot cope with the logistics of applying the knowledge to real house situations.

    On a general side not I have found a nice simple way (no cheats needed at all!!) to build a house with either a detached or an integral garage and still have a basement level (ie a floor submerged or partly submerged below ground level). The only plot requirement is that the site must slope up to the right (viewed from the mailbox with the street behind you).

    Under normal circumstances, I have found that it is difficult to view the ground floor of the house if a foundation is used in conjunction with a garage. This is because the garage walls can remain visible and block some views of the ground floor on the foundation slab.

    A second problem occurs if an external door is placed in a basement level because this then becomes the house's main front door regardless of where it is placed (trust me I tested this to stupid levels of complexity!)

    My way offers a simple solution to these problems. In my new neighborhood I have banned myself from constant remodelling of houses so my sims now have to move when they want a bigger or better house. My executive-model house, in various styles, typically has 4/5 bedrooms all with en suite showers. I often provide guest powder rooms on both public floor (ground/basement and first). The ground floor usually has a large lobby, dining room and kitchen and sun-loggia plus a large undergound room. Upstairs is the master suite with nursery and playroom plus a large living room and on the upper floor are the 3/4 family bedrooms with gable windows. The separate detached 2 car garage has at least 3 large rooms in its attic as well. The last one I built sold for $95,000 including large pool but excluding all fixtures and fittings ... which is pretty reasonable if I say so myself ... :rolleyes:

    Over the weekend I'll gather together some screenshots and post a short guide "Mirelly's Garage 101" in a new thread.
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    :) I'd be very much interested in that design, Mirelly.
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    OK Lyn, you shamed me into doing it. I did the work on Friday evening but assembling the pics was another matter. Albums cannot be exported except straight up to the exchange and that puter hasn't got web access any longer. I'm too mean to splash out on a wireless router and too scared of big hairy spiders to clamber about in the rafters dragging a network cable behind me and as I just decorated the whole house I don't want unsightly cableage all over the shop. Where was I? :rolleyes:

    Anyway I just finished turning it into a web page :) Just open up the zip archive and click on the file that screams CLICK ON ME :p

    Hope you find it useful.

    PS Sorry about the typos and the recycled template and oh yeah ... the plot I built on was way too steep but I wasn't gonna ruin a perfectly good site for demo. When I get around to it I'll post up a few pics of some actual houses that are lived in although the poor fella seen in the lesson, Clancy Teapot, has made a quite an impression on the good folks of High Oak. He actually took in a couple of graduates but they drove him out and now he lives more appropriately in a run-down trailer with cockroaches for company. The graduates? They busy trine to fill all those spare bedrooms :p That house is quite playable ... well it was until it nearly fried my poor old nVidia's silicon vitals but I spoke of that fiasco elswhere ... :rolleyes:

    Attached Files:

  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    :D Thanks, I got it.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I love it, Mirelly. Started work on a house last night. Although I've built basements before it was always such a struggle to get foundations and regular walls to go together. I'd manage, somehow, obviously by accident, to get it to work. Never knew the reason. Now I do. Thanks.
  14. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    I just realized that I can make splitlecels without cheats or anything.
    First I plan where on the lot I want to build the house. Then I make a blueprint on a piece of paper, adding the staircase.
    I raise the terrain 4 times - with the smallest size - then on top of the raised terrain I add a 1x1 square terrace. 2 squares away from this I raise the terrain 8 squares, add a terrace and connect the levels by stairs. NOTE! Not all stairs can be used. When youre done just level the terrain to groundfloor again and there you go: splitlevels. Mind you, that the larger you build each level, the larger and taller youre house needs to be.
    The trick with the garage is cool too. I make a garage then add a new building on top of that with own staircase, build the "main house" on a foundation 4 or 5 tiles away and connect them by stairs. It looks cool
  15. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

  16. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world


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