Is It Time To Join "Sims Annonomous?"

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kristalrose, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Is It Time To Join "Sims Annonomous?"

    Maybe I should be the charter member. LOL

    Hubby finally got my computer cleaned up, and so I made up for the weekend of no simming by playing a marathon session for like, 5 hours. I graduated 2 students from Uni. I have to tell you something about them, but that's for another thread. :rolleyes:

    Anway, this morning I'm driving into work and a good song comes on the radio. The kind you turn up, tap the steering wheel, bob your head to, and look like a complete idiot when someone passes you at a stop-sign. :p So, I get to listening to the words, and think, "Ya know what? This would be a good movie for my Sims! When Nightlife comes out, I can use these sims, take them to a club, film them doing this and that. . . " I was even going through my Sims wardrobe mentally, planning what they'd wear!

    Sad, sad, sad.
  2. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    LOL I've doen that before too. I'm thinking that it's normal for simmers. :p
  3. garyalexza

    garyalexza New Member

    Hi my name is Gary, and I'm addicted to the Sims. I've been clean now for almost 24 hours, I wish yesterday hadn't been a public holiday here because the temptation was just too much for me. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it through the night without giving in to the obsession...
  4. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    For me it's architecture and clothes - I start thinking about how I'd make that skirt with Bodyshop, or mapping out a house in my mind, and then when I get home scuttle straight onto the computer. When I'm away, I never think about my individual sims or even families - only clothes and houses; especially houses, actually. Seeing a house I want to make makes me *itch* to get back onto the sims.
  5. HillsAngel

    HillsAngel New Member

    I'm always driving along looking at houses and imagining what it's like inside so I can create it for Sims. I guess this discussion forum makes a pretty good SIMS Anonymous for us :bandit: .
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    For me it's the sims. I like making new generations and seeing how they play out. I'm trying to see how many gens I can reach in my current neighborhood.

    I also love building and decorating houses I've seen in movies or in person. I've always wanted to own more than one home, and now I can, in a way.
  7. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I think I belong in this club as well...if I'm not at home playing the sims I tend to be thinking about them, viewing other people's sims on the sim exchange, checking up with message boards about the sims, and planning what's going to happen when I get home. My boyfriend thinks I'm obsessed...I am. Last night he asked me if I wanted Nightlife for reaction...Christmas! That's way to far away, I can't wait that long! He laughed and compared it to his San Andreas addiction that he had when it first came out.

    I also have a confession: Saturday, since he had to work and I had no plans for the day...I played for 9 hours, breaking only to eat and use the bathroom...pathetic...and it's not the first time!

    Hello my name is Shana and I'm a sims addict.
  8. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    I'm with jupitershana. If I'm not at home playing them, I'm thinking about playing them. My husband works swing shifts sometimes and this week, he's working evenings. It's been Sims, Sims, Sims! He calls to check up on me, asking what I'm doing . . . DUH!! I do try to stay away from Sims on the weekend, it takes all I've got and it's sort of possible. Though, if I have a stray hour, guess where I can be found . . .
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    My problem is the Sims gets in the way of my other creative pursuits, as I only have so much time in the day. Right now however I'm under a great deal of stress and I find the Sims invaluable for relieving it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Once my situation rights itself I'll have to ration the sims, or that novel will never get written ...

    Hello, my name is SBW and I'm a sims addict.
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I was a founder member of SA when I began saying "dag dag" instead of goodbye. For some reason I have been able to restrict my simminess with TS2 to my cat. For example when she appears at the end of a hard day sitting out in the sunshine I will say to her, rhetorically, "A toodi plip!" She says "miaow" which I take to mean that I have five seconds to open a can of catfood before I need plastic surgery on my legs. :rolleyes:
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    LOL Mirelly. My cat meows in my face until I get up and feed her. She's too old to injure me, other than my eardrums.

    My next cat will NOT be half Siamese. No one yowls like she does.

    Dag dag,

  12. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    During the summer I played the Sims 2 while doing my chem summer assignment. Did pretty well too, on both things. :rolleyes: Though reading and Simming doesn't mix very well...heh heh...:D

    I play about an hour or two a day, I'm sorta obsessed. It keeps me entertained for a very long time, unlike some games on my PS2 and PC. Though WoW is giving it a run for its money...but it's a totally different experience. When WoW is down for maintenance, I'm playing Sims 2. ;)
  13. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    hmm...sounds way to familiar. My boyfriend works till 10 at night, calls every night at 8 on his last break...always asks that same thing.

    about the cats, two of my three are addicts with me, constantly shoving their face into the moniter to see what's happening, or sitting next to the screen watching the action. Cute, but annoying when they try to stand on the keyboard and you're trying to pay close attention to your sims actions.
  14. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    My hubby works nights, too. He works this 7-days-on, 7-days-off shift where his week on he works four 12 hour shifts, 6p-6:30 a. On the nights he goes in at 6, I get on the computer at, oh, 5:45 (time he leaves) and play until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Of course, I take short breaks to care for the kids and put them to bed, to load the dishwasher, start a load of laundry, etc. But execpt for that, my butt is right here in this chair, my fingers on that track-ball------> and my little Simmies keeping me company.

    This year he worked on New Year's Eve, and I was alone after I put the kids to bed, with the exception of the teenager, who stayed up to watch the ball drop with me. I purposefully called a house party on my Sims at midnight, so I had a party with them. OMIGAWD, that is so freakin' sad!!!
  15. kuponutty

    kuponutty Confused little moogle

    All that I can think of right now is chatting about TS2, planning my new Sim Family, or I'm just playing it. And my homework is due tomorrow!!! :eek: :shocked: :eek:
  16. HillsAngel

    HillsAngel New Member

    I work in a job where I handle loads of application forms each day and love to see unusual names on them. I sometimes use these names for my Sims. The other day I fell in love with a girls name of Ceilidh. I assume it is pronounced as 'Kaylee' as in the Scottish dance. Anyway I'm now planning a Scottish family who all wear kilts and tam o'shantas. I've decided on Ceilidh for mum, Jock for dad and I have Hamish, Ewan and Campbell for boys names but I'm short of ideas for Scottish girls names. Any ideas?
    Boy I'm glad I don't have homework to get done. It must really infringe on Simtime!!! :confused:
  17. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL, Hilly. Yeah homework must put a real blight a day's simming :)

    At first all I could think of was Moira (dunno why, but yuck! ;) ) then I Googled and got this list with some surprises on it as well some really neat names ... but this list of gaelic names is even better! :D

    However I was just reminded of Pagan which I always thought a great name ... :D
  18. HillsAngel

    HillsAngel New Member

    Thanks for that Mirelly. I like Siubhan and Coallach for girls. I always thought Morag was an Australian name but the website says it's another version of Sheila which would explain it. I reckon plump for Morag (it'll be easier to pronounce). Might have to start thinking about a Welsh and an Irish family. Then again I might have to think about getting some work done. I'm given to understand that's what they're paying me for.......;)
  19. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Aw no! Work is the curse of the simming classes and no mistake. Take my example and retire early ... you can always take up a life of crime when money gets tight ... oh hang on that's in the Sims' universe isn't it? I wasted half a day yesterday looking for a big shift key under the bed so I could motherlode myself a big dollop of cash :p
  20. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!


    Yeah, Maxis really ought to put us on the payroll for all the Simming we do, talking about Simming, making things for our Sims, helping out other Simmers, etc. That way we could all retire from our boring "real-world" jobs and just Sim full time. :rolleyes:

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