How Do I How do I create stuff new to Uni?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Rowanstaff, Sep 3, 2005.

  1. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    How do I create stuff new to Uni?

    How does one do certain Uni things, like:

    1: Check on the status of characters to see who can go to college and then send characters there.
    2: Make a college campus including dorms, secret societies, and school lots.
    3: Make new professors.

    Any other uni specific stuff people can think of not listed could be added to this thread.
  2. garyalexza

    garyalexza New Member

    1. Once you are in the college neighbourhood ... theres an option to bring any teenager from the main neighbourhood to Uni. Basically you can send any teenager to Uni, but its best to get them some scholarships first. You get the skill based scholarships by reaching level 8 in the specific skill. There is also a scholarship for dancing and for pool as far as I know, but I'm not sure how long it takes to get those (you have to dance with someone or play pool for long enough)

    2. You can create a custom Uni neighbourhood when you use the college chooser on your neighbourhood. I'm not sure on the specifics as I've only used the generic college neighbourhoods provided.

    3. As far as I know you can't create professors. I think they come from the pool of characters that is used for mailmen, social bunnies, cheerleaders etc.
  3. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    Groovy, thanks. Some stuff in Uni is still a mystery to me.
  4. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Like the meaning of life?
  5. garyalexza

    garyalexza New Member

    No thats 42.
  6. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    LOL at Gary.

    Rowan, you can also send a teenager from the neighborhood by calling college or using the computer. I like doing it that way because the game gives a cute little cinematic of Mom dropping the kid off. :)
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    It does? My game just has a taxi arrive and drive off, and then when I go to the college lot the kid pulls up in a taxi and spins around to become a young adult. I never noticed his mom involved in the process.

    Is it because I have a slower machine?
  8. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    It might be your video card. I couldn't see the cinematics until we got a newer one.
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Huh. Well, now I've got a 600 MHz processor because my 800 MHz processor crashed and I'm trying to talk my husband into an upgrade.

    Since I'm basically jobless this isn't an easy sell.

  10. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I learned my lesson many years ago. My husband's company has always provided his computer and prefers the family not use it. He considers mine an absurdly expensive gaming unit. As it's prone to do, mine gave up the ghost when we could least afford it nor was it a priority expense. Once we replaced it, I started "hiding" 5 to 10 dollars a week. When it was time to replace that one I had more than enough cash to buy a top of the line...and it was all mine! :D I have enough saved for my next computer now. Although mine is doing the job, I worry about adding 2 or 3 more ep's. (My husband isn't stingy except in this area. He just finds spending this much money to play games ridiculous. It probably is but I don't care. I developed a long term plan so I can continue to feed my habit. ;))

    Out of curiosity, has anyone built a secret society? I don't think I've built anything on a University lot. I've renovated existing buildings and demolished unused/poorly designed lots. Is "secret society" a building category?

    I would like to know about using the "deleteAllCharacters" on campus. Can I use it there? Will it affect the existing neighborhood?
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    LOL, Zy. My hubby and I went round and round. What convinced him was when he tried to log on to the computer and it was sloooooooow. Our 800 MhZ processor died over the weekend, you see, and we have a 600 MhZ donor one.

    He finally agreed to the upgrade I wanted, since my friend can do it for under $200. In the scheme of things that's not so much.

    I guess I'm lucky because my husband thinks hobbies are something you shouldn't put a price on. He says if you did that you'd never do them. Which is why he let me get a purebred dog, and is now OK'ing this upgrade.

    I must sound like Blondie, but the truth is I'm awful with money so it's better that he decides these things. I'm really not a submissive housewife in any other way. Honest. LOL.

    Don't know about Delete All Characters, but my daughter found the secret societies in the Uni templates (kid's getting so smart ...) so I know you can plop them into your campuses.
  12. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Yes, it will affect the existing neighborhood, as far as I know. You also need JMP's no-regeneration line of hacks to keep the townies away. The game continues to create service NPC's, and there will be one or two Secret Society people when your sims get abducted.
  13. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I created my new neighborhood and used deleteAllCharacters. I made my townies and regular sims. I played it for a few days and realized I hadn't made a University. I was afraid to use the deleteAllCharacters for Uni at this point. I wasn't sure if it would delete all my carefully made townies in the regular neighborhood. After three restarts, I don't think I'll chance it.

    You're preaching to the choir, girl! I've got all of pescado's hacks in my game. (Okay...I did remove a few that I don't like/need.) I'm stunned at how many here don't have them.

    When money isn't in short supply, we indulge our hobbies. At this time, putting two kids through college has become the "hobby". (I've really tried to treat laundry, dishwashing, and grocery shopping as fascinating hobbies but my imagination just can't stretch that far. :p) It's hard to justify the expense for a second computer when money is tight. "Hidden" money is a type of painless enforced savings that allows me to buy exactly what I want when I need it. Since no one (except you guys) knows I do this it's kind of a little private game. I justify it in that if there was a real emergency that required Katrina...I do have real cash on hand. After our region's week long ice storm without power, I realized accessing an ATM might be out of the question. (That sounds like a good excuse, doesn't it? I'll stick with this story. ;))

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