Laura Bones

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by person123, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oh, I just noticed that I left in the playing...thingy. Heh, yeah, she's a family sim and, as any other family sim, wants to get engaged, fall in love, have a family, etc. I hope this doesn't give away things later in the story...

    By the way, the things in the picture, like her aspiration, wants, fears, and the other person living in the house have absolutely nothing to do with what's going on in the story, all right?
  2. kuponutty

    kuponutty Confused little moogle

    You can't fool me! Little kuponutty wants in! I can get very annoying. I hope you keep writing and not give up because of my questions! ANd is it true that teen sims can get abortions? I was wondering if they could!
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    No, they can't. And I think we should not talk about it anymore, please, because the moderators might get worried and put an end to this thread. We really don't want them to do that to Person123's story.

    [Mod] Well said Lynet! ;) [/mod]
  4. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Well, if you read the story carefully you'll find that Laura was in college (even though I don't have Uni, who cares if the story is dynamically different than the real game?) when she got pregnant and got an abortion.
    I guess I'm too used to reading fantastic stories on and analysing every single detail of the story, therefore finding information that I wouldn't normally have. Of course, I'm not saying that the people here aren't good readers, but....yeah, I'll shut up now. *sweatdrop*
  5. kuponutty

    kuponutty Confused little moogle

    That reminds me of good old animes... *Sigh* I should shut my mouth too. Don't want this thread to be shut down! And in the flashback, I assumed she was back in school since it was a memory.
  6. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oh my gosh, this took FOREVER to get out, and it's not even that long! I'm really sorry guys, I'll try to have the next one out Wednesday.

    Itd been a couple of months since Laura had met Komei, and hed finally coaxed her into going out on dates with men he deemed acceptable that had asked her.
    However, none of the guys shed met really sparked her interest; there was one man named Abhijeet Deppiesse who had been quite handsome in an exotic sort of way, but her opinion of him dropped drastically when he began flirting with their waitress right in front of her!
    Laura sighed and rubbed her temple, searching the room for a respite. Shed been promoted to an assistant teacher at work and finally made enough money to buy a nice laptop, among other amenities for her house. Her bedroom was looking a lot more cheerful with bright yellow wallsitd always been one of her favorite colors--and a new comforter and pillows for her bed. Her kitchenette finally had a food processor and coffeemaker, and shed also bought a larger dining table and another chair. The living room was now furnished with an old, and yet surprisingly decent-looking couch shed snuck out of the dumpster behind IKEA. She now felt comfortable with inviting Komei over for dinners on Saturdays.
    Laura scribbled down an 85 and circled it, groaning in frustration. Mrs. Barbowski, the teacher she assisted, had given her a stack of homework to look through and correct. She squinted her eyes, trying to differentiate an R from a V in--she squinted again--Mavk Berenshive's handwriting? How stupid could these kids be? They were already in 4th grade! Hadn't their teachers taught them how to subtract yet? Laura rubbed her eyes and stood up from the cheap desk she'd purchased at Amazing Savings, mentally declaring her task a lost cause for the evening, and went downstairs to get a cup of coffee.
    She smiled briefly and reveled in the fact that she could have coffee whenever she wanted now instead of driving her poor excuse of a car down to Dunkin' Donuts. Laura poured the steaming brown liquid into a chipped blue mug, gulping down almost half of it all at once and closing her eyes, feeling the caffeine doing its job.
    Smiling perkily, she sat down on the aforementioned (Author's Note: I LOVE that word. Aforementioned. Aforementioned. Aforementioned.) couch and grabbed her latest library book, thumbing through it until she reached the spot she was on.
    She only read five words before she heard knocking at door. Groaning, she stood up and opened the door covered with peeling paint.
    Komei was standing there with a forlorn, lost look on his face, his eyes glistening slightly. Can I come in? his voice rasped.
    Um, sure, Laura stood aside, blushing when she saw the little bunnies on her pajama pants. Whats up?
    I...I have a daughter.

    Yes, I'm evil, aren't I? That reminds me--where has JMP been lately? Yeah, the word evil reminded me of him. :rolleyes:
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Nice going with Laura Bones. Komei? She's so pretty and he' a serious makeover. At least in my neighborhood, he did.

    Poor JMP. Hasn't got Nightlife yet, I bet. He must live at the very end of a very, very long, rough road.
  8. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Yeah, well, he looks better with a mustache and glasses. It's pretty ironic that I finally posted this on the day I have the most homework. :D
  9. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    What? Laura was stunned. Youwhat?
    I have a daughter, Komei repeated in a monotone voice. Shes two years old.
    Twowhos her mom? She tried to think rationally, but she still hadnt realized all that the man had said.
    Charlotte Duvonte. Shes my ex-girlfriend. She dumped me three years ago.
    Laura paused. Shed heard that name before! She racked her brain for a memory, but nothing came up. When did you hear about this?
    Just now. Apparently Charlies moved into Graderon. I saw her at the grocery storewith my daughter. His voice had lost its lifeless tone and sounded sardonic now. Shes changed since weve been together. Nicer, more responsible, I guess. Well, thats a given when you have a baby. But she got all prissy and spiteful when she saw meshe acted like she was the one who got dumped! She was the one I wanted to marry.
    Laura gulped audibly. You loved her. It was a statement.
    I loved her. But, he laughed bitterly, she decided that my hair looked too dorky and decided to ditch me for Craig Peterson, some guy shed met in school.
    What are you going to do about it?
    Komei thought for a long time, and Laura felt uncomfortable, staring at his profile. I dont know. He blew out a breath, seeming to deflate. I hope Charlotte takes care of her. If she doesnt, well I dont even know the kid. Do I want to go the trouble of fighting for her custody?
    Dont you want to at least get to know her?
    Well, I just got my life the way I want it, you know? Good job, nice house, good friendsdo I really want to screw everything up with a kid? A two year old?
    Laura bit her lip. If I had a kid, I wouldnt want to give her up
    But, see, youre a woman! You wouldve had to carry that thing around for nine months, and then go into childbirth With men, its just one night that sets the deal. I justI dont know. Im feeling a little shaky. Can I stay here for the night?
    The woman was bombarded with images of them sleeping in the same bed and she blushed profusely, but the thoughts quickly dispersed when she saw the completely vulnerable look on her friends face. Sure. Ill get some extra blankets. I guess youll have to sleep on the couch. She smiled apologetically at him, but he was submerged in his own thoughts. Her smile disappeared, and she was reminded of exactly how serious this whole thing was. She went into the tiny cob web-covered linen closet and brought out a thick, warm quiltthe nights were beginning to get chilly. She brought it back into the living room and silently handed it to him. He murmured thanks and lied down on the couch, spreading the blanket over his lanky form. He looked rather comical with a purple, heart-covered quilt and his sock-covered toes sticking out. Komeis eyes closed almost immediately, and his breathing soon eased. She left the room and went upstairs, brushing her teeth quickly before falling into bed, her mind still buzzing.
    Daddy! Daddy, why are you leaving me? I dont like my momma! Cant you take care of me? A little girl with dark red hair tied into pigtails ran after Komei, her young, lisped voice crying loudly.
    I never asked to have a daughter! I dont want to take care of a daughter! He roughly pushed her away and watched her stumble and fall, scraping her knees and elbows.
    Daddy, why are you so mean? Tears were pouring down her face, and it rapidly morphed into that of a young womans with chestnut-colored hair and chocolate eyes. She was still crying and asked, Why did you leave me with an unborn child all those years ago, Komei? Why are you so irresponsible?
    Komei cursed and yelled, I didnt leave you, remember? You left me! I loved you! But guilt and regret shined in his eyes.
    Komei! You left both of us! Komei! Komei!
    Komei! Komei, wake up!
    Komei stirred, his eyes shooting open. Charlotte?
    Laura shook her head. Its Laura, remember? You spent the night here.
    Komei frowned and his eyes finally slid into focus. II had a dream.
    Yes, I know.
    Hed plainly said everything out loud, and he flushed slightly. What time is it?
    Its already nine. Its a good thing its a Saturday, or I wouldve had to leave you here. Listen, Ive got to go grocery shopping. I made some pancakes and they should still be warm. Unless you want to go back to your place.
    No, I think I might stay here for a bit. He smiled tiredly and sat up, rubbing his eyes.
    Alright, see you later. She opened the front door and stared at him for a moment before leaving.

    Argh, still pretty short. I wanted to make it longer, but also wanted to continue in Laura's point of view, and talking about what she does while she's grocery shopping wasn't appealing to me. :rolleyes:
  10. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Wow. I mean, wow. My eyes are killing me I'm so tired - but I'm just so eager to finish reading! It's a fantastic storyline, and your writing is very realistic. This is a lot more adult than other sim stories I've read, which makes it appeal to me even more. It's very different.

    If this was a published book and there were quotes on the back cover, mine would say;

    'Quite simply, a truly talented writer.' babewithbrains_14

    Hehe, I liked writing this post. Keep this story up girl!
    By the way, fabby avatar.
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Good stuff, 123. I love this story. More!! :D
  12. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Laura couldnt concentrate. It was the lunch break for teachers and students alike and she was trying to eat her salad in peace. However, all that Komei had said the other day were still on her mind. How could Komei just not care about his own child? How could he completely dismiss the whole issue from his head? Wasnt it bugging him everyday, like it was for her? She stabbed at the bits of lettuce in her plastic box angrily, staring moodily at a random spot on the wall. Why did this have to happen? Shed been so happy with her new life, and then Charlotte whats-her-face had just had to drop this bombshell on both of their lives! She stood up from her seat and threw the hardly-touched salad into the trashcan, leaving the teachers lounge in a rush.

    After school was over, Laura drove her car to the address Komei had given her a few months ago that she hadnt had to use. She pulled into the delightfully smooth driveway and got out of the car. As she rang the doorbell, she fidgeted slightly, feeling all of her emotions bubbling and boiling beneath the surface like lava, itching to burst out. She saw Komei through the glass plated door and waved impatiently.
    He hurriedly opened the door for her and let her in, watching her jerky movements confusedly. Whats wrong?
    Whats wrong? Whats wrong, he asks! She asked the air hysterically. Jennifer Duvonte is whats wrong! Hed told her his daughters name a earlier after getting a phone call from Charlotte.
    Komei sighed and ran his hand through his hair. This again? I already told you my decision
    So? Arent friends supposed to help each other out? Arent friends supposed to help each other make decisions? She stared at him angrily, her green eyes flashing dangerously. How can you just erase her from your mind? Alright, so Charlotte might not be the worst mother in the world, but dont you want to at least get to know your own daughter? Dont you feel some kind of attachment to her?
    No. No, I dont want a daughter. I thought we already established that I wasnt ready to take care of a daughter.
    Cant you at least go visit her? Talk to her? Let her know that her father actually cares about her? I had tons of friends in high school that had divorced parents, and the one that didnt live with her always came over to visit and came for birthday parties and piano recitals and crap!
    No, you cant just leave her! You cant completely forget about her! I know that you will try, that youll never answer Charlottes calls or e-mails or anything, but deep down youll start to hurt! Youll eventually regret your decision! I know it!
    LAURA, SHUT UP! Komeis face was red, and his eyes were narrowed into venomous slits.
    Laura recoiled, surprised by his outburst.
    She opened her mouth to say something, but quickly thought better of it and left, her eyes stinging.

    Yeah, I'm on a roll! :D
  13. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Laura, please call back. Im really sorry I yelled at you. Please, forgive me. II decided to visit Charlottes house. The answering machine paused for a second, and continued, Call back, Laura, please. Im sorry. It beeped, and Laura angrily deleted the message.
    After three weeks Laura was still spiteful, and had completely stopped calling Komei, inviting him over for dinner, or even talking to him when they crossed paths in Graderon. She only brushed past him, looking straight ahead while he called back to her.
    She applied a coat of lip-gloss to her lips and observed herself in the mirror, adding a touch more of eye-shadow or blush. Finally, she mentally declared herself decent and stood up, smoothing the wrinkles on her black dress and slipping on her high-heels.
    The doorbell rang and she felt her heart jump in excitement. Shed met a man named Joe Carr at the mall the other day and after a few minutes of talking hed asked her out. Hed told her to dress formally, so, excitedly, shed picked out her best dress.
    When Laura opened the door, Joe was standing in a crisp suit, flashing his bright white teeth at her and holding a bouquet of yellow roses.
    She squealed and cried, Thank you! Theyre lovely! I love yellow, too.
    Really? I picked them out because yellow is such a radiant, sunny color. Red is too clich. He handed the bouquet to her and she buried her nose in it, inhaling the sweet flagrance happily.
    Let me get a vase for it, and then we can get going, she called over her shoulder as she headed into the kitchen, opening and closing several cabinets. Alright, lets go.
    When they were outside, Joe dutifully opened the car door for her and closed it before getting in himself, smiling charmingly as he put his key into the ignition.
    The restaurant they went to was called Audrias, and it looked extremely formal and expensive.
    The interior was decorated with many pots full of ivy that twisted all over the place, and tiny marble figurines were placed in niches in the wall. The host led them to a small table with a white cloth and a peony in a crystal vase. He handed them two menus and left with a flourish.
    Laura felt a little insecure and nervously patted her hair. Shed pulled it up on top of her head with many pins and faux pearl clips, and though it looked quite elegant, the clips surely looked tacky. Joe smiled reassuringly at her and she blushed, picking up the menu and flipping through it just to hide her red face. Her freckles! Shed forgotten about her freckles! They might look cute on normal days, but at a fancy restaurantshe groaned inwardly and sighedthere was nothing to be done about it.
    The Mushroom Alfredo looks delicious, Joe said airily, shaking Laura out of her thoughts.
    I think Id like the Chilean Sea Bass. A waiter came to the table asked for their orders, and they each ordered their preferred dishes before handing back the menus.
    So, tell me about yourself. Joe leaned forward against the table and sipped from his glass of wine.
    Im an assistant teacher working at Chartreua Elementary School. I like to read and write. My absolute favorite book, however, is Pride and Prejudice
    Oh, I finally got around to reading that last week! It was amazing, very insightful.
    And so the night went on, them talking and eating their dinners. Laura was having a great time, and she truly thought she might actually start dating him officiallyhe was good for taking her mind off of Komeiuntil, of course, he had drove her back to her house and walked her to the door.
    Without invitation, he walked inside after her and proceeded to kiss her, ignoring her muffled protests and pulled off her shawl.
    She finally managed to pull away and cried, What are you doing?
    Arent we going to, well, you know? He waggled his eyebrows suggestively and kissed her again, shoving her against the wall.
    Geget off of me! She kept beating her fists against his back but he didnt show any answer, until she kicked him very hard in a very uncomfortable spot.
    AAIIRAGGGHH! Whats wrong with you?! He slapped her and tried to pin her arms against her body but she kept kicking him, screaming and shoving. Finally he pulled away, snarling. You know what, I thought you were hot, but youre just like everyone else! He grabbed his things and left, slamming the door behind him.
    Laura whimpered and sank down to her knees against the wall, shivering uncontrollably. The phone rang and she jumped to her feet, running to answer it.
    Hello? Komei? Can you come over right now?

    Yeah, it's a little weird, but I couldn't think of anything else to make Laura forget about Komei's harshness and want him to come over. Sorry if it's inappropriate. :( If you want me to change it, just say so.
  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I don't think it's inappropriate, 123, but I'm not the person to judge that. You'd be surprised what I don't find inappropriate LOL ...

    These things happen in the sims, so I think it's OK to post them as well.

    Oh, Joe Carr, you masher. And I thought he was a nice family sim. :eek:
  15. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Komei opened the front door (Laura had given him a key previously) hurriedly and, upon spotting Laura crying on the floor, rushed over to her side. Laura, whats wrong? What happened?
    II was on a date with Joe Carr, she began, but gulped and hiccupped, the tears taking over again.
    Komei stiffened noticeably, but gathered her into his arms and rocked her back and forth like a child, letting her cry into his shoulder. Did he hurt you?
    He tried tohe tried she couldnt continue anymore and burst into tears all over again.
    Shhh, its okay, you can cry. Komei comforted her silently, but inside he was boiling with fury. How dare he?! How dare he hurt Laura?!
    The womans sobs finally subsided and she sat up shakily, wiping her eyes on her shawl. Komei, I dont want to be alone, she whispered, clinging to him with all her might.
    Its okayits okay he said in a soothing voice, rubbing her back.
    Laura stared at him, her green eyes sparkling with tears.
    Komeis eyes unwillingly fell to her lips, and he slowly leaned forward and kissed her.
    She didnt act surprised at all and wrapped her arms around his neck, but he quickly gasped and pulled away.
    Im sorry, I didnt mean toI mean, I did mean to, but
    Laura silenced him with another kiss, but he didnt respond and pulled away again. Laura, we shouldntyoure just feeling hurt. Tomorrow youll regret it. He gently pulled her arms from around his neck and stood up. Ill get a blanket from the linen closet and sleep on the couch. You go upstairs and to bed, alright?
    Laura nodded mutely and went up the stairs, grasping the railings for support.
    Komei shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. He grabbed a quilt from the linen closet and spread out on the couch, feeling tired and excited all at the same time. Hed kissed Laura! This was what hed wanted to do since hed met her! But it wasnt supposed to happen this way. She was supposed to be happy, and theyd start dating and fall in lovebut she was hurt. Shed just been feeling hurt. Their friendship would be ruined forever because of this.

    The next morning, Laura was feeling horrible. How could she kiss Komei like that? What if he didnt feel the same way about her? Shed been feeling this chemistry since theyd met, and now their friendship was probably ruined. Sure, they might try to forget about it, but the awkwardness would always be there, lurking under the surface. She sighed and got out of bed, washing her face and brushing her teeth. Her hair was a great big tangled mess. She slowly went downstairs to find Komei already up and making breakfast. He smiled wanly at her as she sat down at the dining table but didnt say anything.
    Laura sighed. This was so weird! Hes probably so embarrassed. She groaned and dug the palms of her hand into her eyes, yawning loudly.
    Komei placed a plate of pancakes in front of her and started eating his own, keeping his eyes on the plate.
    They ate in silence for a few more minutes until neither of them could take it anymore.
    Komei, I
    They both started in unison, but stopped abruptly, waiting for the other to continue.
    Laura started first. Komei, Im sorry about last night, and Komei felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach. I was just feeling so overwhelmed and everything. I
    So you didnt really want to kiss me? Komeis voice was soft and his eyes filled with sorrow, even though he tried desperately to hide it.
    IIf you didnt want me to.
    I do. I wanted to kiss you. But last night your emotions were probably all jumbled up and everything. Im sorry. He had finished his pancakes and put the plate in the sink, leaving the kitchen in long strides.
    Wait, Komei! Laura ran out after him, feeling confused. Why was Komei acting like this? What was going on? She grabbed his arm. Wait
    I thought we were just going to forget about it! Nothing happened, okay? It was all a mistake. His face looked pained, and he avoided her gaze.
    I love you, she blurted, and immediately clapped a hand over her mouth. Im sorry! I justwanted to say it and
    I love you, too. Komei looked like he couldnt believe what he was saying.
    You do? Laura was sure she was in a dream.
    Yeah, I do.
    He kissed her.

    UGH, I seriously did not know what I was doing in this part. Since, obviously, I haven't experienced a broken heart or anything like this, it was really hard to try to imagine what they'd say. I think it came out okay, though. :eek: Anyway, I don't know why I'm typing this up when I should be finishing up my homework. It's due Tuesday but I really don't want to have to do much homework tomorrow...trick-or-treating. When did all you adults stop trick-or-treating? My mom's always like, "You're too old to trick-or-treat, why do you still do it?!" Psh. You're never too old to eat 5 lb. of candy in one day!
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Goodness gracious, Person123. For someone without the experience you've done a crackin' good job. And no one's too old for candy or dressing up ;) . Mom is probably just remembering experiencing an upset stomach after eating 5 lbs of candy she collected once upon a time. :p
  17. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Komei twirled a strand of Lauras hair around his finger, sighing for what mustve been the hundredth time that week. This time, it was a sigh of contentment.
    Laura sighed as well, and giggled. We sigh a lot, dont we? Sometimes for good reasons, sometimes
    For bad reasons. Very bad reasons, Komei finished. He smiled at her and placed a kiss as light as a butterfly on her nose. I love you, he whispered. I love saying I love you! He chuckled.
    I like saying it too. Laura grabbed his other hand and brought it to the space between both of their pillows.
    Sothis whole thing is over? Whats been going on with Jennifer? She watched him carefully, but he didnt wince or grimace.
    Ive been going to Charlottes house every weekend. Shes as mean as ever, but Jennifers beautiful. You were right. I like getting to know her. This happened way too early for meI wasnt planning on having a daughter until I was married! But Jennys soamazing.
    Laura smirked. I knew Id be right! Cancan I see her, too? You know, come with you sometime? Would Charlotte hate that?
    Komei snorted. Shes always bringing men over and kissing them right in front of me. Im sure she wouldnt mind if you came over. Then again, itd be just like her to act all hypocritical.
    Laura grinned. She sighed again and looked around the room. Her gaze fell onto the small digital clock on her bedside and she yelped. Oh, gosh, I need to finish my work! Ive still got a stackfull of homework to correct She jumped out of bed and grabbed all of her clothes, running into the bathroom to change.
    Komei watched her bemusedly, thinking about what had happened. He and Laura were togetherafter half a year of hard worknot jerking at all whenever she mentioned some man shed thought was cute, always understanding and listening as she talked about a bad dayitd all come down to this. He lazily got out of bed as well and put on his own clothes, checking the clock as well. It was almost time for dinner, so he went downstairs and started some dinner, throwing leftover pasta into the pot and mixing some sauce as well.
    Laura poked her head into the kitchen worriedly and relaxed when she saw he was there. I thought youd left! After, ahem, that, I really hoped you wouldnt just up and leave. She entered the room completely and dropped a heavy stack of papers onto the dining table, taking out a red pen and mentally steeling herself from the task ahead.
    What, is it that hard?
    Yes! Yes, it is! Im going to need glasses soon, with all this stress on my eyes. These kids handle their pencils like baboons She trailed off, already starting to completely rewrite a sentence on the paper. Who writes My name is Vacuum cleaner for a sentence using the word vacuum? She scribbled out a few more sentences and looked up gratefully when Komei placed a large plate of spaghetti and meatballs in front of her. Thanks, Im starving. Why do you cook better than me?
    Because Im a family man. He grinned and began eating his own plate.
    Laura scowled.
    Sowhats going on with your job? Is that bacteria still dying? Komei was the Chairman of the Science Department at Graderon University.
    Hmph. It just doesnt move! As soon as we put the de-ionized water on it, it just goes into some kind of self-activated hibernation. Komei continued babbling on and on, using all kinds of big words, and Laura simply zoned out, eating the spaghetti and thinking. This was what shed been waiting for since her fathers company had been sued. She was finally happy.

    It sounds like it's the end of the story, right? I finally got a good ending for a chapter! I'm so proud of myself. :rolleyes:
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Awww, little Laura, happy at last.

    Very good story, 123. You sure you're actually 12? ;) You do a very good job of imagining what it's like to be older.
  19. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    “So, um…how are things going?” Laura fidgeted, waiting for the one-worded answer that she always seemed to get nowadays from Komei.
    “Okay.” He stared at his dinner plate and pushed the vegetables that he never ate around, washing the juices squirt all over the sides. He checked his watch and smiled apologetically, still not meeting her eyes. “I’ve got to go—you know, work.” He pushed his chair out and put the plate in the sink before leaving the dining room, his right hand jammed into his pocket.
    Laura watched him leave, confusion etched on her face. He’d been acting peculiar lately—nervously staring at her when he thought she wasn’t looking, always fingering something in his pocket… She got up and put her own plate in the sink, turning on the tap to rinse some of the sauce and grease off. What was wrong with him? Did he not feel the same about her anymore? When this thought hit her, she panicked. It’d already been almost a year since the incident with Joe Carr, and it was possible for him to fall out of love. It happened in the movies all the time. She went upstairs and changed out of her nice clothes. If he broke up with her…she’d be miserable. That’d be three horrible events already in her mere twenty-three years of life, not including her date with Joe Carr. She went back downstairs to completely wash the dishes in older clothing.
    Later that night Laura lied in bed, feeling slightly put down. It’d been a nice year. When Komei had told her he loved her for the first time, it’d been as if her world had suddenly filled with sunshine. At first the sheer bliss of being in love had almost overwhelmed her, but now that she’d gotten used to it, she didn’t think she could go back to her own personal hell. She drifted to sleep, thinking about Komei’s negligence…

    Her mother and father were laughing with her in front of a large, plasma-screen TV in their old mansion. She went into the kitchen to get a bowl of popcorn, but when she came back her parents were being swallowed up by a large, dark asylum, its mouth lined with hundreds upon thousands of teeth. As their pleading cries for help faded in nothing, the whole house burned down before her eyes and she was thrust into the atmosphere of Columbia University, all alone. Her old boyfriend, Ben, kissed her and told her everything would be alright, but suddenly she felt her stomach burgeoning with life, and Ben, surprised and disgusted, pushed her away, saying he wasn’t ready for commitment. Tears were streaming down her face by now. Suddenly her stomach burst open and the skeleton of a baby climbed out, wailing with hate and spite. “You killed me! You killed your own baby! How could you?” She tried to take it into her arms, but it only ran away, screaming in grief and somehow laughing sinisterly at the same time. Then Joe Carr appeared, and she was clothed in a slim and fragile slip of a dress. His face was split wide in a malicious grin as he slipped her clothes off, oblivious to her struggles. Komei materialized at the doorway and suddenly both men were wielding shining swords. Komei continued to strike blow after blow, and as Joe blocked them he was being pushed backwards to a gaping black hole that had appeared. He fell in, screaming in fury. Laura tried to stand up and kiss Komei, but he only turned away, saying, “I don’t love you—I never did!”

    Laura awoke with a gasp, her body drenched in perspiration. She sat up and ran her hands all over her face. She’d been having this same dream almost every night for a while now, and was beginning to fear going to sleep. Suddenly the bedroom door opened and Laura quickly threw the covers over her head, fearing it might be Joe Carr again, or, even worse, the skeleton baby.
    “Laura? Are you awake?” Komei’s calm, but monotone voice floated around the room, bringing back a sense of normalcy, and Laura peered above the sheets hesitantly.
    “Komei? What are you doing here?”
    “I decided to stay the night.” He occasionally stayed over when he felt like spending more time with her, but he hadn’t done it very much recently. “What happened?”
    “I had a nightmare. Actually, I’ve been having it for a while now.”
    He sat down on the bed aside her. “Tell me about it. It’ll help.”
    “All…alright. I was with my parents, and then suddenly they were eaten up by a gigantic asylum. Then I was at my old college, and my old boyfriend, Ben, kissed me and said everything would be back to normal. But then…then my stomach got bigger, and he broke up with me, saying he wasn’t ready for commitment. My stomach burst open and this little skeleton of a baby crawled out. It screamed at me for getting an abortion and ran away, and then Joe Carr was here again.” She shivered and Komei wrapped his arm around her waist, something he hadn’t done in a while. “He started trying to undress me, but then my knight in shining armor came.” She smiled at him weakly. “You fought with him with a sword, and he was pushed into a black hole. Then I tried to kiss you, but you—“ She stopped abruptly, realizing what she’d said.
    Komei looked away guiltily. He got up off the bed and walked around to her side, kneeling in front of her. “Laura, the reason why I’ve been acting weirdly lately is because I was—I was nervous. I…I’ve been wanting to ask you something.”
    Laura stared at him, half of her hoping with all her might, the other half saying, ‘No, he’s not going to ask, of course not!’
    He brought a small velvet box out of his pocket and Laura’s breath caught in her throat. As he opened it, he whispered, “Laura, will you marry me?”
    Laura paused. “I...I don’t know what to say…”
    Komei’s expression faltered, but she quickly giggled nervously, her voice coming out in a squeak. “Of course I know what to say! Yes! Yes, Komei Tellerman, I want to marry you!”
    His face broke out in a wide smile and he jumped up, pulling her into his arms and crushing his lips against hers.
    “We’re getting married! I can’t believe it!” He laughed and kissed her again. “I love you!” He took the velvet box again and took the ring out, slipping it on her finger. “I’m going to marry the most beautiful woman in the world. Well, not really.” He smirked and she slapped him on the arm, still giggling, though.
    They calmed down slightly and sat on the bed together. “So…that’s why you’ve been acting weird? This whole past month? Just because you didn’t have enough guts to ask me to marry you? Gosh, my fianc is a wimp.
    Komei’s face turned serious. “Say that again.”
    Laura stared at him, bemused. “What? That you're a wimp?”
    “Say I’m your fianc again.”
    Laura’s expression softened. “You’re my fianc, the man I love, who I’m going to marry.” She smiled and kissed him lightly.
    “We’re going to get married.”
    “Yeah, we’re going to get married.”
    Laura paused. “I don’t know. We’ll have to make plans and stuff.”
    “I guess. I just can’t believe we’re going to get married.”
    “God, will you shut up?”

    Okay, so in this one there's a little bit of humor at the very end, a little out of character, but hey, I was getting sick of all the drama. Then again, what else will you get in a sim's life? :p

    To my shock my thread was all the way on the second page! Has it been that long since I updated? I also find that less new members are reading my story than others, maybe because of the name of the thread. I should've spent more time thinking of a title, but hey, you know me with my impatience.

    I also had a lot of fun typing up the nightmare--sounds a little sadistic, but it was fun making up some freaky stuff. My nightmares are a lot more realistic--no black abysses or scenes fast-forwarding or anything. :ermm:

    This must be the fifth time I've edited this post. I momentarily forgot about Komei's daughter. *bangs head on table* eh, well, I don't want to delete this section, so let's just say Komei hasn't taken Laura to see her yet for a reason beyond anyone's understanding.
  20. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Some of us just lurk, reading without comment. As long as you're happy with the story keep writing.... If you get fed up with Laura, bring it to an end. If you want advice, just ask... you'll get an earful.

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