How Do I a little help please

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Maxx2, Nov 13, 2005.

  1. Maxx2

    Maxx2 New Member

    a little help please

    I have been emailing some of the townies on the computer, but I want to invite them over but when i go to call them there names are not on the list only the people i have met face to face.. any ideas on how to get them to meet??

    also when i go downtown there are only one maybe two people there.. hows a girl to meet anyone :D
    Thanks for your help
  2. ducky_234

    ducky_234 New Member

    u have to get to no those townies talk 2 then online and check the relitionship chart to see if thier there and once u get to know them ya u can call them over and somtimes some townies visit downtown so somtimes u can see the and somtimes u miss them and another thing if that doesnt work u can use the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then click ur sim and find the tomestone of l and d and click that and u find add a neighbour then you'll find there name somewhere and they will come to your house and u get to know them ! i hope that helps.:)
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'd suggest trying everything else before trying the boolprop cheat because that one can mess up you game if you're not careful.

    Even if you meet NPCs and townies face to face it takes a moment before their name and face hows up in your aquaintance list. I've found that my family sim has to tell them the whole joke or talk for a bit. I have also found that chatting (haven't tried emailing) with someone on the computer will eventually show up in your list, if you chat long enough.

    In other words, I believe that one email or a brief chat won't work. It takes longer than that. So keep trying and see if that works.

    When you go downtown, try the bowling alleys and stay for awhile. They start out empty but then start to fill up with people. I've found the bowling alleys to be the most crowded. Sims really like to bowl.
  4. resmc157

    resmc157 Quantum Physicist

    If you're desperate to meet a townie...

    There are also several (probably unsupported by Maxis) ways to make any neighbor or townie to appear instantly in your lot. There are several teleportation devices, and there is a thingy in the InSimenator (I'm not sure what it's called, but it looks like a box) that can make your neighbors appear, too. You could use boolProp (boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true), to "Make Me Know Everyone" (SHIFT+Click the mailbox). If you're that desperate to meet these people. Otherwise, just wait a while...
  5. Shintoga

    Shintoga Student of Simlish

    It's the Summoner;)
  6. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    That one can get very annoying, so be careful if you use it! After a couple of days, all those relationships start deteriorating and EVERYONE calls you asking why you're not friends with them anymore...I accidentally clicked on that one once, when I meant to do something else...and there is no way to reverse it! So consider yourself warned...
  7. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Check your sims memories. Do they have a memory of meeting that sim? They have to have the memory before they can call them on the phone. Then, without cheats, I'd just reccomend that you start hanging out at the community lots and hope you run into them. I'm sure that, pretty soon, they'll wander along. :eek:
  8. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    You can tell your sim to chat with someone online, but that doesn't mean the other person will respond. They can "ignore" your instant message, and therefore your sim will not know them, so they won't show up in the phone list.
  9. resmc157

    resmc157 Quantum Physicist

    Oh. I'm very sorry. I forgot to mention that if you click "Make Me Know Everyone" and then "Make Friends For Me", you become friends with every non-townie, non-NPC, and your phone will ring so much, (if you have even a modest ammount of people in your neighborhood), the phone is basically un-use-able. I highly recommend that you DON"T do this. It will ring a bit more frequently if you only use the "Make Me Know Everyone". (or at leat it shouldn't ring incessantly.) And when you are done with this, be sure to type "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled false" to turn off debug mode. In my experience, it is okay if you don't but eventually I ran in to some major problems having boolProp (or more correctly, "testingCheats", as there are several other cheats that begin with "boolProp";) ) on all the time. BoolProp was made by the programers, who are professionals, and knew exactly what they were doing. It is very powerful, and potentially dangerous (to your game, not you.), so please be careful when using this cheat! For more info on boolProp, check out my boolProp guide!
  10. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    also even with the expansion packs you are more likely to meet people at the community lots if you visit during the day than later in the evening. The card rooms seem to attract a lot of visitors as well.
  11. xxbabygrl9xx

    xxbabygrl9xx the best and 1 and only

    i don't know if i'm late but if yu also have university you can form a group with the sims you would like to meet in that group and then invite the group over or meet the group at a community lot. that could really help. but i also have a few questions...can a sims ell phone ring or can they only call people with it?? i always see in stories this one certaint dresser with a mirror,how do i get it?? and on the how to you change you game status so i can put that i have the EP's?? please and thankyou.
  12. ASHMEANS r a d

    ASHMEANS r a d dance master ?

    most of the time if your relations are high enough with the sim a box will pop up asking if you want to invite them over..
  13. kirstymom

    kirstymom New Member

    Green/red film over faces

    Could someone explain the green film over the faces of friends in the relationship bar? What is being timed? Found in Sims 2 Nightlife.
  14. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    Those are contacts. They count as friends until the blue timer runs out. Then, the relationship score stays at whatever it was. This usually happens when you have a good date with someone--one of their friends calls you up asking if you want to hang out because so-and-so had such a great time. To keep them as a friend after the blue timer runs out, get the relationship score up to friend level.
  15. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    The number of people on community lots is determined by your computer. The more memory you have the more sims you'll have on the community lots and the more sims you can invite over for parties.

    If you're computer doesn't have a lot of RAM then try making the community lots smaller. A smaller lot uses less ram that could be used to generate more visitors.


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