Matchmaker Help

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by afropower234, Nov 24, 2005.

  1. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    Matchmaker Help

    Hey all, wondering if anybody can help me. I seem to either have a really buggy game or I'm doing something wrong. First my sims can't and won't woohoo in a car. I have no idea why, because at 100-100 they do it everywhere else possible, but not in the car...they just sit there looking at each other until one gets hungry and leaves. Second, my matchmaker lady is broken. I've only used her once, and it was when I first got NL. She just dropped by at my house, I clicked on her and next thing I knew, my sim had a date. Pretty simple until, every time I call her, she shows up and all I can do is dismiss, Influence to, and talk to. It's rather annoying because I've disabled ALL custom content, and nothing is messing with it, so I don't know what to do. I'm on the verge of just selling it for some quick cash, and going back to Uni...:mad: :mad: :confused: :mad:
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    How queer. There might be a bug associated with the lot ... possibly even related to the first interaction with the matchmaker gypsy (or the date who appeared).

    Is this problem the same on another lot, or is it only affecting one house? If it only affects one house you might consider trying to see if the FFS lot debugger can fix the problem ... or maybe Pescado will post his opinion here ...? :rolleyes:
  3. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Never seen such a problem. Have you tried greeting the gyspy when she arrives?
  4. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    Well, it can't be the lot, because this is every single lot that she comes on. I greet her and everything and I have my sims talk to her and one is best friends with her for god's sake. She still won't sell me matchmaking services, vamp-D which as of late i really really need, or the love potion. It's annoying, because it's really ruining my gameplay. At first I thought it was just one lot, but it is every lot. I downloaded the patch from TS2, and the good hting is, the gravestones don't go back to the curb, they stay where I put them, so that is a good thing, but other than that, the patch is doing nothing for me...I have no idea what to do...I'll check out the debugger tonight Mirelly, thanks for your help guys, cause this is really killing my gameplay.
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Well your best bet is to save your EA Games/The Sims 2/ folder (in My Documents) ... and try reinstalling the whole game starting over with the base game. It's entirely possible that a key file has somehow gotten corrupted and without knowing which one just reinstalling the whole game is the easiest option. :(
  6. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    That sucks...I guess it's my only option....Well I'm off to reinstall TS2, thanks for all your help...
  7. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    Ok, I deleted everything and reinstalled, it works fine, better than ever, the gypsy sells me potions and dates effectively, my sims are doing something they've never odne before, slowdance...and they get all the interactions tied in with vehicles. It must have been a bad download or something, so I must start all over again, but it was worth it. Thanks guys.
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Whew. Glad that was solved! Nothing more disappointing than buying a game and not having it work right.

    OK, maybe there are a few things more disappointing than that ... but still, glad to hear it's all working properly.
  9. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    Yea, no problems to report, so it must have been a bad download, but my game's really boring without my downloads, but I don't want to risk it in any way, shape, or form..
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Finding the bad download isn't going to be too hard to do ... tho it is a little tedious :rolleyes:

    Each time you play you the game add a batch of downloads (10 or 20) (keep a record of the file names) Then call up the matchmaker when you play to make sure verything works fine. Sooner or later you'll hit trouble and when you do you can pull out the most recent batch and quarantine it.

    Um just thinking about this again ... there has to be a quicker way that involves less messing about ....

    Try this:
    1. Divide your downloads into two equal halves and plop them in separate temp folders (a) and (b)
    2. Put the (a) group in the game and play to see if you have trouble
    3. Take out the (a) group and try the game with the (B) group
    4. If the problem is only associated with one download then one of the groups is totally safe. Rename that group "safe"
    5. Take the unsafe group and divide again into two equal halves (a) and (b) and repeat steps 2 to 4.
    NOTE If you have more than one problematic download this method will fail sooner or later (because both groups will throw up problems). The later the better tho because you will get at least one group identified as 'safe' and that's better than nothing ;)
    Should be quicker if you have hundreds of downloads
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    How very logical. :)
  12. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Since NL I have noticed that downloads are complete lottery.

    For example ...

    Today I was playing a family that I have specific plans for ... I made a bad chance card choice and a sim who had just taken a job ideally placed to race thru a few promotions got fired :( I'd only played a few minutes so I exited without saving ... to the desktop because I remembered some cars I downloaded last night. Put them in and restarted the game. The cars were just recolours of Maxis cars (recolored to look more junked/used :rolleyes: ) !! Imagine my confusion when she tried aot find a job in the paper and there were only 2 available ... neither of them being the athletics career path she needed. How queer is that?? I removed the cars from my dl folder rebooted the game and it played out properly eg the way it did the first time around.
  13. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    I've been quarrantining my downloads for the longest now, so far nothing from twojeffs or pescado, not the inteeminator, but that's not even half of my downloads. More like a quarter, so it's a start, but this is really tedious, but I guess all in all it is worth it...But so far so good, thanks for your help.

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