making movies Hi, Totally new to Sims 2. Actually, don't even own it, yet. But I want to make movies and sims 2 looks like a great medium for me to do it. I have a few questions. Can I express particular facial features, like determination, sadness, victory? Variations with the eyebrow positions and squints and such? Can the movies be seen on the internet with Flash players? Or only Media Player, Quicktime and Real? Can I be in total control of the characters and sets, in regards to scripted movements and interactions and dialogues? Thanks for the help. jim
Hey there. 1) Yes, you can change their expressions. Use the "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" cheat and look for an option that lets them cycle expressions. 2) Flash? I guess if you render it out in flash then they can. .wmv at .mov are the most common though. DivX is also quickly catching up. 3) Yeah, that is a given with The Sims. Future home of my movies. current home of my movies.