Curtains Up

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by babewithbrains_14, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Curtains Up

    :) Well. This is it! My story thread.

    Oooh, I don't know why I'm so nervous. I think It's okay. I'm just worried nobody will read it (even though I know you will, because you are all so nice). And I would like replies - don't want to sound demanding and it's been said before, but feedback does help. I will try my very best to keep going with this. I lose interest easily though, so I'm sorry if it doesn't happen. I'll let myself down if I don't. :(

    Okay, now I know why I'm nervous. It's because I've had material published before, but it didn't really interest anybody - it wasn't that big. I win stuff all the time. (Okay, now I sound big-headed. It's just the nerves, I swear. ;)). And I perform on stage all the time. I never get worried about that. No, I'm worried because - you're my friends. My best mates! Yep, might never have met face to face, but you all support me. This is really big for me. Thanks to everyone!

    Okay, I'm going to get it over and done with now. I might put up two installments. My stories are always slow -just thought I'd warn ya. :)

    By the way, if I put 3 posts up now (this and the 2 installments), I won't get banned, will I? :eek:

    So here goes!!! :praise: :scared: :praise:
  2. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 1

    Sophia Brooke ran in from school and leapt onto the bed, sobbing into the pillow. Why was life like this?
    Her mother and sister had no problems with other people, but Sophia did not have one friend. Even moving schools hadnt helped. There had to be something wrong with her. She wasnt even friends with her big sister Coral - they were strangers who shared the same bedroom. She felt the bed dip slightly as her mother, Celia, sat next to her and stroked Sophias long red hair.

    What did they do today, honey? Celia asked gently. She hated seeing her precious, beautiful baby girl like this. A muffled mumbling emerged from the pillow.

    I mean, I hate that school! said Sophia, sitting up and wiping her eyes. Theres always some snidey comment here, a catty remark there. They have to put me down in front of the entire class! And I cant escape them. Theyre in every class I have. It seems like the others are joining in as well now. Sarah and Suzy have the power of popularity I dont. And with that, Sophia collapsed crying on to the pillow again. Celia sighed. It seemed like they had tried everything and said everything she could to make Sophia feel better. It just wasnt working anymore.

    Do you want to hear some good news, pretty babe? Celia asked Sophia, who stopped crying straight away, and lay motionless on the bed. Im Captain Hero. Sophia squealed and jumped up to hug her mum.

    Thats so great! You totally deserve it. Youre so clever! I have the coolest mum in the world Celia smiled as Sophia continued to congratulate her, but inside she was miserable. It didnt matter if she was the coolest mum in the world she couldnt make her daughter happy at school.
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Nice going, Babe! I like it already. (Apparently you and I had the same urge at the same time. :eek: )
  4. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    How strange is this?

    I put 2 posts up, you put 2 posts up. They are both sims stories. And we're both the first to reply to each others'.
  5. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Yay, I have been waiting for this! Time to get back to my story thread....:eek:
  6. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 2

    I smiled as Coral came in with her hair still wet from the shower.

    ‘Happy Birthday, Big Sis,’ I said, jumping up from my bed to hug her. ‘When do you age?’

    ‘I thought it would have been ages ago.’ replied Coral. ‘It’s already gone nine. I really don’t want to have to wake up in the middle of the night just to go up a dress size or two!’ I laughed. Coral hugged me tight, and there was a moments silence. ‘You know it upsets me to see you unhappy. I wish there was something we could – oh.’ Coral stepped back. ‘Thank God. It’s happening!’

    ‘Good luck!’ I said, before calling down the stairs. ‘MU-UM! Coral’s aging!’ Mum ran upstairs, just in time to see Coral lifted up by the lights that would make her into an adult. My big sister laughed as we watched in wonder.
    And as quickly as it had started – it was over. Coral stood up and looked at her hands. Her black and rainbow polka-dotted mini-skirt and halterneck top had vanished, replaced by a navy blue long sleeved top and pink combats.

    ‘Eurgh. I have got to get some new clothes soon.’ said the adult Coral, breaking the silence. We laughed and hugged, as Mum sniffed and wiped a tear from her eye proudly. But still, I was upset. Coral would be leaving soon. And already there was nobody to look out for me at school. True, she hadn’t been able to do much during lessons – but she had always made sure there was room for me at the table with her friends at lunch, and stuck up for me outside.

    We are friends, I realised. I just didn’t think I could survive without her at school. A thought hit me, and I said it aloud.

    ‘I’m going to college, then.’ Mum and Coral stared at me in silence.

    ‘Wha- ' started Coral – Mum threw out a hand to stop her and looked into my eyes. She understood. She knew why I had to go.

    ‘If that’s what you want, pretty babe. We have enough money for you to go. Coral and I will be fine here.’ I looked at Coral. She stared back at me. I was regretting mentioning college.

    ‘Mum – I’m leaving too. I have to get out. I need my own life now.’ Coral said quietly.

    ‘What?’ Mum turned around and looked at her. ‘So you’re just going to leave me on my own? Both of you?’ Her voice cracked with emotion.

    ‘I’ll stay if you want me to.’ Coral replied instantly, and I nodded.

    ‘Or me. I’ll stay.’ Neither of us wanted to upset Mum.

    ‘No. No – it was selfish of me to say that. To be honest, I’ve been expecting it. I just didn’t – wasn’t prepared for it then.’ Mum hugged us both. ‘My little chickadees, you’re both growing up.’

    ‘And this way we all get a new life.’ I said, hugging them both back.
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Don't knock yourself, Babe. You're doing great. I liked the integration of sim-life into the story. Sim's lives are somehow more realistic when we acknowledge some of the unlikely toony effects. (I've been watching closely for months now and I'm pretty sure that sim children keep their little hop-up steps in two halves in little pouches just below their knee-caps ....) ;)
  8. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Lol! I know what you mean. Stories that are supposed to be about Sims should show more of the actual programming. Of course, we can use artictic licence, but to completely ignore the facts of the game throughout the whole story is sometimes too far fetched. Especially when stuff is completely made up, and things just seem like an ordinary story. I do think it's wise, however, to ignore hacks, mods, and custom objects that alter gameplay, such as JMPs College Clock.

    I had used the college clock to skip a week and so my Final was in two hours.

    You could reword that to use the College Clock, but I'd just put that the semester had seemed to fly by.
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I don't think there's a right or a wrong way to do it. I think your story is charming, but I don't like to include the behind the scenes stuff and often just make things up, though it still follows my game.

    I just find the game details detract from my storyline, and I prefer my vampires darker than the game allows ... among other things.
  10. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 3

    I drifted around the house. It didnt seem right, me being here on my own. The atmosphere had already changed, even though my youngest was not yet gone. Coral had only just left, and Sophia was getting ready, on the phone to Sim State about scholarships. Suddenly she appeared in the doorway of the lounge, where I was sitting on the sofa staring into space.

    Okay, she said. thats it. Im off.

    Already? I stood up straight. I mean, right this minute? Sophia nodded slowly.

    Terms about to begin, Mum. Im really, really going to miss you. Her eyes were filling up. I hugged her.

    I know. Ill miss you too. Call lots, okay? And visit whenever you can. I froze. Over her shoulder I could see a taxi pulling up. Honey your taxis here.

    And she left.
  11. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 4

    I needed to select my room. I needed to declare my major. I needed to get a haircut. I needed to go out shopping. I needed to meet some people.

    I was only the second person to arrive, but the time taken to age had given other people the chance to start moving in. I was now officially a young adult, and I wanted to get some new clothes even though I felt great, but a little stressed, I certainly didnt look great. The aging process had given me a cheap-looking green dress, and now my forehead looked much too high for my straight hair to look okay.

    I walked through the dorm. A few of the doors had other students photographs on them, and oooh. Some of the guys here were cute! I had considered my requirements for my room, and knew what I wanted. I had had a tendency for being late for school in the past, so I thought it best to get a room on the first floor, so I didnt fall when running down the stairs, and I wanted a room with lots of windows. There were only two rooms on the first floor left the end rooms. The two centre rooms had been claimed by a couple of guys.

    One room looked like it had already been furnished, and the last person to own this room had good taste. Since I didnt have that much energy to redecorate myself, the furnished room it was. I just wanted to make a few adjustments. The double bed, carpet and wallpaper were recoloured into red, and I had saved up for my own computer. The previous owner had left a clear glass desk and chair, as well as a mini-refridgerator, so there was no need to get more furniture. I stuck a few posters up and stepped back, smiling. This was my home now.

    This was going to be my fresh start. I didnt have any friends, wasnt that outgoing, and I grew up badly. I wanted to get away from being the kid whose name you couldnt remember when you looked at old school photographs. The girl who had never had a boyfriend. The one who nobody cared about. I wanted to break some hearts, make some friends, and be happy at college.

    I pinned my picture up on the door.
  12. horselovinmonkey

    horselovinmonkey New Member

    babe you have talent, I really like your story!
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm commiserating with Sophia already. I love the way you're managing the different family members.
  14. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Thanks! Both the above posts mean a lot to me!

    Lynet: I am currently asking Jeeves what 'commiserating' means. :D

    Edit: Oooh. Thanks. Sophia's quite optimistic, though. She's going to do well for herself.
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Very nice story so far. I like Sophia ... keep writing!
  16. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 5

    My dorm was interesting. The people there were just normal, but there was always something going on. I wanted to get a house after a couple of semesters, but I wasnt rushing. The room I had selected already had furniture in it, so I just recoloured it. Black and white. Very classy.

    I was just glad I had some money. I had friends whod come to college with hardly anything, and they didnt last 5 minutes before they were ringing up their parents. I had worked solidly at my job until I had enough to make a decent start in life. Gran hadnt really cared I was leaving. We werent that close.

    I had yet to declare my major. I wanted to provide well for a future family I may have, and so I selected Economics. My first class was in an hour.
    As I locked my room, I saw a red headed girl stood outside the room next to mine. Her picture was on the door.

    Yes, Mum. I have enough money. Ive even redecorated my room and still got enough cash to stay here. She rolled her eyes and smiled at me. I grinned back. She was cute! No, Mum. Im in a dorm. Ill never be alone at home. She sighed. Mum, have you spoken to Coral yet? Yes, I know shes old enough to look after herself, but I am too. And I know shed love to hear from you. She checked her watch. Mum, Im gonna have to go. Ive got class in an hour. Okay. Uh-huh. I love you too, Mum. Bye!

    She closed her mobile and smiled at me again. Nice to meet you, neighbour. She said, extending her hand. Im Sophia Brooke. I shook it and smiled back.

    A pleasure. Im Stuart, Stuart Bond. She giggled.

    Just like the movies!

    I laughed as well. Yeah. So, you what major are you?

    Drama. Well. Not yet. I havent actually declared it yet. I had just gotten out my phone when I had Mum down my ear. I had to tell her I had class because I knew shed go on even longer. Ive had it for an hour! God only knows how shes going to be able to afford the bill. Still, thats parents for you, isnt it? She had a sunny laugh, one of those contagious ones that just made you want to join in. I couldnt help grinning.

    Erm yeah. I guess so. I replied. Anyway, I do have class to get to. Economics. She pulled a face and I laughed.

    No offence its just not my kinda thing. Thats for the smart ones.

    None taken, I said. Anyway, see you around, Sophia.

    'Goodbye, Mr Bond.' She laughed and disappeared into her bedroom.
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Nice, Babe. :)
  18. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 6

    I opted for Drama as a major. When I was younger I had wanted to be an actress, and I figured I needed a confidence boost. Mum had prattled on for ages on the phone, and I was really tired. I decided to just switch it off.
    When I got back from my first class – well. I was extremely worried. This semester was about some of the earliest professional productions, which all ended in death. The topic was interesting enough, but I hoped I would be able to cope with such a large amount of work.

    ‘This semester, your first, you will face fresh challenges in your new life as a young adult.’ My new teacher told us the first lesson.
    ‘This term you are expected to complete a daily assignment, and create a term paper. Also, you will have to be prepared to take the final exam at the end of the semester. The paper is difficult. It will take you a good few hours to do, and you will require a computer. I also advise you to cram in as much studying as possible. Any questions?’ The professor looked around the class. ‘No? Okay then. Now, I trust you are all mature enough to cope with such a workload and also make sufficient notes during class.’ There was a pause, which was filled by somebody taking the opportunity to break wind loudly. The class laughed and the corners of the teachers’ mouth twitched. ‘Mature? Evidently not.’

    Remembering this brought a smile to my face. I could hardly suppress a giggle.

    ‘What’s so funny?’ Stuart asked, smiling. We were both sat in the cafeteria, working on our assignments. It seemed every topic had the same structure – assignments, a term paper, and a final exam.

    I explained and he grinned too. We had the same sense of humour. Suddenly Stuart closed his book with a snap.

    ‘Well, I’m done. Do you want to hang out for a while?’ he asked.
    ‘Sure.’ I answered. ‘Just let me finish this sentence.’ I scribbled something down, and closed my book.


    ‘Well’ I said, stretching and yawning. ‘I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day today!’

    ‘You mean yesterday.’ Stuart corrected. ‘It’s gone one.’ I gasped.

    ‘It is? Oh my God, I want to go shopping tomorrow – I mean today – and I can’t be late for class. I had better go, Stuart.’ He nodded.

    ‘Me t-too,’ he said, yawning. ‘I have class first thing. It was nice talking to you.’

    ‘Yeah, we’ll have to do it again sometime.’ I said. ‘See you around!’

    ‘Bye.’ He called, as I left. I jumped into bed in my jammies, thinking. Could he be the first flush of uni romance? I shook my head softly. No.

    Too bookish.
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Poor Stuart. :D

    Nice writing, Babe! Keep it up.
  20. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 7

    I yawned for the third time. I am never going to stay up ‘til one talking again, I told myself. Yeah, right. Realistic prospects, Stuart!

    A few people looked at me as I snorted to myself with laughter, then my head hit the desk as I fell asleep. I sat up straight.

    ‘Wha?’ I asked, looking around wildly. I heard the giggles of the students sat around me, and my face burned. ‘I wasn’t asleep!’ I hissed indignantly.

    ‘Mr Bond!’ the professor called sharply, and the entire class turned around to stare at me. ‘Might I ask why you are creating a disturbance in my class?’

    ‘Sorry, Professor.’ I replied sheepishly. She raised her eyebrows at me.

    ‘Late night, Stuart?’ she asked. I nodded. ‘Then I suggest you get a full nights sleep tonight. If you fall asleep in any more of my classes then I will not be happy.’ She returned to teaching. ‘Now, if you see chart 7…’ It wasn’t my fault I had stayed up late. There was something about her, about Sophia that just made me want to talk to her. It wasn’t sexual. No, it was more than that. We were friends.

    When I got back to the dorm, I threw myself onto my bed. Sleep. That was what I needed. Sleeeeeeeeeeeep...

    ‘Stuart?’ I sat up with a jolt for the second time that day, and peered bleary-eyed at the red and orange lump in the doorway. I blinked, and my vision cleared.

    ‘Hello?’ I didn’t recognise the girl. She was dressed in an orange top with a short black skirt, and wore dramatic green eyeshadow - a brilliant contrast to her red hair. I only knew one person with red hair.

    ‘So – Sophia? Is that you?’

    ‘Yeah! So – you like it?’ she twirled. Wow. She was – amazing. I looked at her – and out of nowhere came the longing to kiss her, to smell her hair, to feel her hand in mine. She was looking at me expectantly. ‘Well? What do you think?’

    ‘Y-you look amazing.’ I said. ‘Really pretty.’ She smiled.

    Why had my voice gone squeaky!?!

    ‘Great,’ she said, sitting down on the bed. ‘It’s for later. Straight after class, I’ve got a date!’ I felt sick.

    ‘A – date?’

    ‘Yes, Stuart – a date. Don't sound so surprised - I am capable of getting one! I’m going out with Stephan Platz, the guy who lives next door to you.’ She was really happy, but she frowned at me. ‘Stuart – are you okay? You don’t look too good.’ I cleared my throat.

    ‘Yep. Yes, I’m good. I’m great! I’m just really, really... erm... tired though.’ On cue, a yawn erupted from me. Her face softened.

    ‘Aw. Well, you get to sleep. I’ll see you later.’ she kissed me on the forehead and left.

    I lay back down. Where had that come from?

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