Troubleshooting My sim died but I don't know why?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by alisaalthaus, Dec 30, 2005.

  1. alisaalthaus

    alisaalthaus New Member

    My sim died but I don't know why?

    I am new to this game and my daughter is as well. First, when I tried the new sim family, I put them in a house that they were able to afford in the custom neighborhood area. I then went back in to try with another sim family in a different custom neighborhood, it would not offer any houses, just lots to build on. My daughter had the same problem. Is this a one time shot you get in the game? I even tried the custom neighborhood in another area, but it still would not offer the homes, just the lots. From there you have to build your own house. That is my first question. My biggest problem is my sim. I had everything going quite well until I decided to see if she could have a baby. I am assuming she was pregnant because she did get pretty fat. I saw no indication that she was pregnant except for this. Throughout this pregnancy, she had problems. I put in the most luxurious bed, for example, which she didn't like. I then gave her the basic bed...same problem. She would lay down, get up, lay down repeatedly. She would get so tired that she would sleep on the floor. Nothing pleased her. Even when she had to use the bathroom, she wouldn't. I checked everything out. There was plenty of room for her to move around. I even gave her plenty of comfortable chairs. Even the couch wasn't good enough. All my indicators for food and hygeine, etc. were about halfway. She then laid on the couch and was actually sleeping. She sat up, stood up and started clutching her stomach. She was extremely fat by then and I thought she was going to give birth. Instead she collapsed on the floor and there was the grim reaper. Now this is odd. I have had nothing but problems with this sim. Even my daughter commented that she was too much trouble. I am not sure, maybe she died trying to give birth...can that happen in this game?
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh dear. You are in trouble aren't you! :eek:

    I'll go thru as many as I can in no particular order.

    You speak of cursom neighborhoods. These come with no buildings at all. You have to build your own. On the other hand if you mean that your houses bin is empty ... I'll have to get back to on that.

    Next the pregnancy problem. You did not mention the male sim involved ... even in the Sim universe a male is still needed. A successful Try For A Baby action ends with a little rock-a-bye-baby jingle. Pregnancy last 3 days. The first day is accompanied by nausea or vomitting. 24 hours after woohooing she will stop what she's doing to spin around and finish up in a maternity smock ... she will chuckle and admire her big belly. 24 hours later she will get even bigger. 3 days after the woohoo she will make a right fuss, clutch the bump and go thru some histrionics before performing a pirouette and coming up with a brand new nooboo (baby). During those 3 days she will get tired more quickly, get hungry quicker and need more/better food to satisfy her, and need to use the toilet more often. She will also fear having potty accidents, passing out and being sick so letting too many of those happen will bring about aspiration failure and that's not good either. ;)

    On the other hand there are illnesses that sims can contract. In increasing degrees of seriousness these are a cold, the flu, "a mystery illness" -- the latter is known to cause fatalies. It is also rumored that there is a risk of death from pregnancy, but I know nothing about that.

    Sims are difficult patients to look after. When they have the flu they cannot cough in bed ... they get up to do it ... which is kinda dumb cos they get better quicker if they sit down or lay down. I've never heard of a sim refusing to use a bathroom ... it's usually a job and half to keep the little beggars away from them.

    So ... not really sure what the trouble is, dear. I suspect though that your sim was sick with something and if she was pregnant then the additional stresses of that killed her
  3. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    It is possible to go into the game options and turn free will off in the household when a sim is "misbehaving" like that. She obviously had so many motives low that she didn't know what to do first, lay down or go pee. And I agree with Mirelly that she may have had an illness. Turning off free will won't stop her from jumping out of bed to cough, but it will stop her ADD-like behavior. (I want to lay down. No, I want to eat. No, I want to clean the kitchen. Oh, wait, I need to take out the trash. Ooooh, I'm so hungry. on and on)
  4. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    I never had any of those problem you suggest. Sure, the cold, and illness, but nothing that could cause death. I have, however, heard somewhere, that you can die from eating too much fat food(just as in reallife), so maybe she wasnt pregnant, just fat?
  5. caleb_720_ourocks

    caleb_720_ourocks New Member

    I Agree

    I also have never heard of a sim not wanting to go to the bathroom or not wanting to sleep, that sounds very odd to me. I agree with Jakethedane, mabee she was just fat, because i have a fat sim before and they do kinda look pregnant...i guess...
  6. babiigurlbrittx3

    babiigurlbrittx3 New Member

    She might have died from from being pregnant since theres a patch to stop that from happening. If you downloaded the patch then she definitly didn't die from that. When I first started playing the sims that happened to me to but she died from hunger when she was pregnant. Did she have a bubble over her head while she started to clutch her stomach? If there was and it was a fork and spoon or something like that then it means she died of hunger. But if you havn't downloaded the patch and your game wasn't already up-to-date then yes there is a possiblity that she died from pregnancy.
  7. Cabinet

    Cabinet Trust Me

    According to your description, there were no houses available in your house bin. Or--you didn't look in that area.

    There's a picture of a square--that's the lot area. There's a picture of a house on a square--that's the house bin.

    There are three towns already available when you first play. If there's a house with the green diamond above it--it's taken. If you see houses with a green outline in the yard--you can afford them.

    As for you sim that died...

    She was fat. She kept getting up so she could lose weight.
  8. simgurl84

    simgurl84 New Member

    I've had sims try to go and die on me while they are pregnant. I will not let that happen as by then I am too attached to the sim. I just shut down my whole compter at once. Anyway, most pregnant sims have a noticibly bigger tummy within 24hours of the "Try for Baby" (if it worked). A piece of advice, always make sure that your pregnant sim isnt hungry at all before putting her to bed. Also, make sure that she has a good environment, invest in a plant, picture, and or candles for her. Good Luck!
  9. Cabinet

    Cabinet Trust Me

    There is one thing I thought of.

    Was your Sim's personality "Athletic"?

    That could also explain the ups and downs.
  10. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    There was a bug for a long time that killed off pregnant sims if you saved after they got pregnant but before they started to show. If you have the latest patch installed, this will not happen. :eek:
  11. cathie

    cathie New Member

    There is a code!

    Hmmm i don't know about your other problems but i know a code that can fulfill all of your sim's mood bars with the exception of the environment one !!!!! the code in case you are interested is this : maxmotives . lol use this and your sims will never be hungry or tired again lol :D hope this one help you out ! :crossfingers:
  12. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

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