loopy loopy love.

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ASHMEANS r a d, Jan 3, 2006.

  1. ASHMEANS r a d

    ASHMEANS r a d dance master ?

    loopy loopy love.

    hmmm aight.
    so i have une question involving the topic of loooove =]

    is there any way that you can get a sim to fall in love with another sim and have them not love them back?

    ha i think it would be interesting to work around a little with that one.. :cool:
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You can wind up in that situation for sure if one of the sims in love or married to another flirts with a third. The philanderer may be clueless (if (s)he hasn't been slapped) that the other is steaming mad with mucho negative points.

    It's happened in a couple of my sim families. :rolleyes:
  3. jennyno1

    jennyno1 New Member

    you can using a cheat!!! get the cheat screan o (hold ctril,shift nd c) then type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and then save go into the neighbourhood and come back into the family nd then talk to the sim so u know them then drag the green bars up sp ur sim loves the other sim but the other sim doesn't love ur sim and you can also drag up the mood and to turn it off after type in the cheat but instead of true type in false and there is alot more cheats with bool prop!!!
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Say what? :confused:

    Slow down, Sweetie, and use punctuation please, if you want anyone to read your posts.

    I've occasionally had a sim with two bolts for a sim who had three for them, mostly after they've had a fight. But in general it does seem to be reciprocal.
  5. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    boolprop sounds like a great cheat. but i think its to risky to the game. i feel bad just using motherlode :D
  6. ASHMEANS r a d

    ASHMEANS r a d dance master ?

    yes boolProp is quite a risky one..
  7. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    I think jenny means that when you enter bool prop in the nhood, you can drag a sims' relationship bars up just by clicking. ;)

    Boolprop is risky though. Once again lol!

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