Troubleshooting Corrupted Neighbourhoods

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Shintoga, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. Shintoga

    Shintoga Student of Simlish

    Corrupted Neighbourhoods

    Is there any way at all to rescue Sims from a 'crashed' neighbourhood, or even to reload one? I had just got a Sim through Uni, and sent her back to her home neighbourhood, when I had a powercut and when I put the game back on, I couldn't get back into the neighbourhood. I am so peed off, as she was a fourth-generation Sim in my Legacy family, and was about to start a new life with her college boyfriend. Can anyone help?
  2. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    So, what happened? You're computer lost power and shut down, and when you tried to get back to your Sims the neighborhood wouldn't load?
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Aw Shintoga that sounds mega bad. It might be possible to repair a corrupted file but it might not be. Such a repair is beyond my ability tho :(

    Can you load one of the other neighborhoods? If so it is likely that your neighborhood was corrupted because it wasn't properly saved and closed. Either way this is a timely reminder that as well as saving your game regularly you should also back up your neighborhoods to a separate place (either another folder or better still another drive or data disc).

    Also uninteruptable power supplies can help avoid the misery of power cuts. (Geez It's the 21st century and we oughta be on free fusion power by now ... either that or every home has its own trashcan sized superconductor storage cell with enough power to keep a home running for several months ... guess I was just too gullible a child when I watched all those "Tomorrow's World" programmes on TV (which, BTW, I am still waiting to see go 3D ... another promise broken :( ) ;)
  4. Shintoga

    Shintoga Student of Simlish

    That's more or less what happened. When I try and load the neighbourhood, only two of the squares at the left light up, then it just sits there forever. It has happened a few times before so I am 'used to it', but this time was more annoying as I'd just spent a lot of time and effort getting my Sim through college, and it happened just after I'd sent her home.:mad: I think my Legacy Families are all cursed at birth!:(
  5. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    I had a similar problem. I installed NL, as I should, and all the neighborhoods worked like a charm, except one. This was created same time as the others, and I had used sooo much time on it, nurturing the sims, and building really cool houses. Now my problem is, that I want to find a certain couple in that hood and find their stats, so I can re-create the in a working hood. How do I do that?
    And is there anyway to play that hood again? My load-screen starts up, then just freezes after the squares are filled up, then starts to flash, like blue and black and then crashes. Only this one hood.Please help
  6. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Jack, could you open them up in Sims PE to get their stats and then clone them? I don't know, this might be bad information, but maybe?:eek: I know how it feels to loose a favorite sim.

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