When Good Sims Go Bad: A Short Story

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kristalrose, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Well, I didn't say I was going to completely stop typing their stories, but it's on hiatus...I've started a Legacy family, and am knee-deep in plans and everything.
  2. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    A Couple of Years Later. . .

    Jackson had lost quite a bit of weight. He felt tired and nervous all the time. He could hardly stand to look at himself in the mirror. But, he had never been happier.

    Virginia still seemed oblivious to his comings and goings. Elijah was now walking and talking. Somehow, by some miricle, Jackson had been home to witness Elijah's 1st steps and 1st words.

    At Delilah's house, Trevor had recently become a teenager. Jackson had also been there for that event, as well. He had come to think of Trevor as a son, and took great enjoyment in spending time with the boy, and his buddies.


    He continued to help Delilah around the house, keeping things clean and in good repair. Delilah loved sitting back and watching him work.


    Life was peaceful and calm. Until one day, when an univited guest waltzed into the house unannounced.
  3. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!


    Delilah was washing dishes and preparing to cook dinner when she heard the truck pull into the driveway. Trevor was talking very excitedly to a female, someone who's voice Delilah thought she recognized but couldn't quite place. No matter. Maybe Trevor had brought a girl home to study with. . . wait, are they getting into the hot tub?

    "Yeah, this is my hot tub. Nice yard, ain't it?"

    "Sure is," the female voice purred. "Say, your mother's not home, is she?"

    "She's inside. She won't even notice we're back here, baby."

    "Ohh, I think you have underestimated you mother. And misuderstood me. I'm not here to see you, Trevor."

    Delilah could hear the disapointment dripping from Trevor's voice. "You're not? Then, who are you here to see?"

    "Oh, your mother and her new baby. Didn't you tell me that she had a new baby?"

    "Yes, ma'am."

    The woman chuckled. "Oh, it's ma'am, now, is it? And, I believe, when we met in the bowling alley, you mentioned that your mother had a boyfriend who stays here a lot. What was his name again?"


    Delilah didn't know what to do. Part of her wanted to go outside and run this woman off her property. The other part wanted to grab up her children, load them up in the truck, and drive away. Before she had a chance to act, she heard a car door slam outside and realized that Jackson had planned on spending the night with her tonight. She stood transfixed as both the front and back doors swung open simultaniously. Still in shock, she watched Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Hicks enter the kitchen. Before he could see Virginia standing beside the back door, Jackson pulled Delilah in his arms and said, "Hi Honey, I'm home!"

    "Hi Bas_____. I'm home too." Virginia said coldly. She walked over to the couple, pushed Delilah aside, and slapped Jackson so hard he saw stars.[​IMG]

    Jackson felt faint. "Virginia! Wh-wh-what are you doing here?"

    "I met this cute little guy at the bowling alley. He was trying so hard to pick me up it was laughable. Just a littte kid, already lookin' for love in all the wrong places. Anyway, I humored him a little and we got to talkin', and guess what? I know his Momma. She was my college roommate. Isn't it a small world. And, this sweet little guy also has a baby brother. Why, Delilah, I'm hurt! Why didn't I get a baby-shower invite?"

    "You need to leave, Virginia." Delilah said in a low voice, her eyes narrowing into slits.

    "Well, before I do, I'd like to see this baby." She began strolling through the trailer, calling out, "Ba-by? Oh, Baaaabyyyyy!"

    Jackson chased after her, still stammering, "D-D-D-Don't d-d-d-d-o this, Virginia. Let's go home and we'll t-talk."

    From the nursery, toddler Jeremy let out a coo. "Aha!" Virginia shouted, entering the room. She peered into the crib, looking at the tiny boy. "Is this your son, Jackson?"

    Jackson nodded his head slowly.

    "You not only had an affair on me, not only cheated with my old college roommate, but you HAD A BABY WITH HER?"

    Jackson lowered his head. "I'm sorry you're hurt, but I refuse to apologize to you. I love Delilah. I love Jeremy. I even love Trevor. I have been happier here than I ever was with you at our house."

    "Well, that's just fricken fabulous, Jackson. You can stay here. We are so divorced!"

    Jackson started sobbing silently. Virginia gave him a sarcastic smile and left. She actually seemed happy, or perhaps relieved. Jackson started to follow her and got as far as the back porch before he broke down emotionally. Virginia was gone.
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    oooh, WOW! It couldn't end well, though. It was going to happen sooner or later.
  5. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!


    Deliah could not get it out of her head. Jackson wanted to marry her and be a normal family. He even wanted to have another baby. She looked down at the little blond-headed boy playing happilly in the floor beneath her feet, and thought that maybe, just maybe, being his wife and the mother of his children was not a bad thing.

    But she needed to change her ways. Something that she had supressed in these years since getting together with Jackson was her own true wants. She felt stressed and sad because she could not date men and have woo hoo in public places. She knew in her heart that this was wrong and childish and unnecessary. But, this was what was in her physical makeup.

    There was an answer to the problem. There was a way to change her very personality, make her want different things in life. The answer lie in the odd machine that she had purchased downtown from Dr. Strangelove.

    She walked outside and looked at it for a long time. It looked like an electronic cement mixer. In fact, when Jackson had asked her what is was yesterday, that's what she had told him she had bought.

    "For Jackson", she whispered as she set the machine into motion and stuck her head into the front opening.


    A week later, they were in the front yard, beside the flowering hedges that Jackson had pampered so lovingly. Infront of Jackson's mother, step-father, children, and family friends, Delilah and Jackson spoke vows of love and committment. They were married.




    Of course, the world was not perfect. Jackson had not seen Elijah since Virginia had divorced him. He heard rumors around town that she was now dating, and probably had never stopped dating while she was married to him. But, today, Jackson is not dwelling on that. He's looking at his beautiful wife, and wondering, for the millionth time, how being bad could have rewarded him so well.


  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Awwww ... that's just sweet. Virginia never really loved him, anyway. I'm glad he ended up with the woman who did. :)
  7. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    me too!! Saved by the love of a good man, right? & Virginia probably doesn't believe in Santa Claus either...
  8. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    LMAO Probably not.

    I about had a heart attack when Virginia showed up on the lot!! I was making Virginia do the "Domestic Goddess" thing, and watching her, and not paying attention to Trevor at all. (Actually, forgot he was home.) and the next thing I know, Virginia is strolling through the house in her bikini!! So, I figured that it was time for Jackson to be caught. :rolleyes:
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    LOL, Kristal. That's why I love giving them free will. Great story. :D
  10. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    That was great!
  11. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    That was a wonderful story, please write another!
  12. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Excellent. Please do some more short stories, Kristal? The long ones are nice but the short ones are cute. They don't take as much effort on the brain :p.
  13. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    Brava! Brava!

  14. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Thank you, thank you. :) I live to entertain.
  15. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Great story! Very realistic. Though I wasn't very sure that RL man could carry on like that for more than a few weeks without getting caught. :rolleyes:
  16. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Very nice writing, Kristal, and it really kept me interested.

    I want another story, too!

  17. GoldenKnight445

    GoldenKnight445 New Member

    That is a great story, i mean really Virginia was probaby two-timing him with every man she saw anyway. Write a sequel or something.
  18. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Yeah... how about Who's Afraid of Virginia Hicks?

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