Cursed Flaming Bags of Poo

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by surprised_by_witches, Jan 20, 2006.

  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Cursed Flaming Bags of Poo

    OK, twice now I've had flaming bags of poo delivered to a sim's door and both times they turned out to be cursed, or apparently so, so I thought I'd check with you all to see if this behavior is normal.

    Sim 1 drops bag of poo at Sim 2's door, sets it on fire. Sim 2 stomps it out, cleans it up. Sim 1 returns, puts new bag of poo. This time Sim 2 cannot stomp, only clean up, and the burning sound accompanied by flies remains, plus Sim 2 gets environment in the red every time he steps out the door, and I can't do a thing about it.

    The first time this happened I quit without saving, left the bag there all day so there would be no replacements, then put it in my sim's inventory and forgot about it. But she visited someone's house and they thought she smelled bad, so when I played her again I took the bag out, stomped on it, threw it out, and no further bags were delivered. Problem solved.

    The second time I thought to heck with this, I'm leaving, so sim victim went to a community lot which of course saved his lot, which is now cursed. He can't go out his front door without getting the "my environment's driving me crazy" reaction and the score going directly to the red.

    Guess he'll have to move. Sigh.

    Anyway, is this normal, or is my game acting up again?
  2. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    There's several things you obviously lack. The first is, of course "Less Whiny", which ends the snivelling about mere "Environment". They'll still not LIKE it, but given that the best response to a lousy environment is to LEAVE, whining about it is useless.

    The second, of course, is the latest Lot Debugger's "Remove Stuck Poo Bags", which should cleanse the invisibly stuck poo bag that causes this effect. When I first made it, I extracted 17 stuck poo bags from my lot!
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh LOL. I've never seen a bag of poo in my game. I'm obviously not playing enough :rolleyes:
  4. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    I've never had a flaming bag of poo either. LOL Would almost like to see it. I wonder how the sim that gave it to you would react if you pulled it out of inventory and set it right in front of them?! That's one thing I miss about not being able to give items as gifts. Wouldn't that be a hoot?! This person thinks they are getting a gift only to discover it's the bag of poo they had put on the other sim's porch the night before. LOL

  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Ooh, ooh, is that the stuck object remover? I've got that. I just didn't think it worked on invisible objects.

    I've got "don't wave at me" and I love it. I'm going to go get "less whiny" right now and while I'm there I'll check your site for "stuck poo bag remover."

    17, huh. Why am I not surprised? :rolleyes:

    Just for you, Ruthie Faye, here's a picture of the flaming poo bag. Sorry it's not closer up.

    Here's how you get one: cheat on your date five seconds in, if they're already in love with you. That's what the guy who owns the house in the picture did.

    Or, go on the world's most embarrassing date, which is what happened to a sim who will remain nameless. She was minding her own business when the Count showed up and bleahed her and she peed her pants in front of her date. There was no shower on premises so I ended the date.

    In hindsight I should probably have made her drive to the Maple Springs Pool and Spa and seen if I could bring the evening up to a So-So at least, but like her I was mortified and sent her right home.

    And lover boy showed up later that night with le flaming bag de poo.

    Poor girl.

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  6. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    OH thanks SBW! That is so funny. Like the date wasn't bad enough now you have to clean up burned splattered poo off the porch! LOL

  7. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    The Stuck Object Remover is specifically designed for invisible objects (visible objects can be deleted by normal move_objects). It can be used to remove stuck poo if you know where it is.

    Stuck Poo Removal is part of the Lot Debugger.

    Horrible dates and poo amuse me far more than flowers.

    Meh, that method is boring.

    I have my sims date townies, buy them a coffee or two, then BLEH!!! them. The results are pretty amusing.
  8. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Only 17 Pescado? Heck, I would have thought you have gotten 50 by now :p
  9. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    He's counting sim-dates, not real dates, Josh. :eek:

    Just kidding JM...Please don't hurt me. :D
  10. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I haven't gotten any poo bags yet, either. I guess I better start playing more. And if the "Don't Wave At Me" hack is what it sounds like, I actually wouldn't want to get it. I love it when my sim waves at me, no matter what they're waving about. It's sorta creepy...but still cool.
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    OK, so I downloaded the lot debugger and it worked great, but then my community lots started malfunctioning (couldn't save actions, all of my sims were jumping around or not doing anything). I downloaded a couple of other hacks too. I removed all hacks and slowly loaded them again to figure out which ones were safe, though I haven't reloaded the debugger. I got less whiny, Monday fix and anti-watchout at the same time. Haven't reloaded any of those, either.

    Is that going to screw up that lot?

    There's something about the combination of hacks I've got that my game didn't like. They're all by Pescado. If it will help I'll post a full list, in case I've got one that's old or something.

    As for bags of poo amusing you, Pescado, that surprises me not at all. :p
  12. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I'm pretty sure smelling bad is NOT caused by having bags of poo in your inventory, amazingly enough. Items in the inventory no longer "exist" and have no real effect on your sim in most cases.

    That was just one lot, and those were only the stuck ones.
  13. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Lot debugger is a standalone object and cannot conflict with anything, especially when it is not on the lot. As for your sims jumping around not doing anything, there's lotsa things which can cause that. Try running in debug mode and posting up the resulting error logs if you see that on MATY.
  14. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    LOL...well I was expecting more along the lines of 50-100 stuck ones for you Pescado.....:p
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Well, removing the debugger from my game solved my problem. If I need to use it again I'll do the same thing.

    I don't know how to run things in debug mode. The very thought gives me hives.

    Not sure why it happened, just glad my game is working again. It wasn't just jumping around: they couldn't stack tasks while at a community lot and couldn't quit the task they were doing as the icon didn't appear on the screen.

    Now it works fine, for whatever reason, and that's good enough for now.
  16. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    My sim-self and sim-Hubby have a son, Thomas, who has bad luck with women. He tried to pick up Arwen Grace (Tina's daughter) at a party and wound up having a bathroom accident. So, I thought that if anyone in my game should have a flaming bag of poo, it should be poor Thomas.

    I had the gypsy bring him a blind date. She delivered a pretty blonde townie girl. A few minutes after the date began, another, more attractive townie girl walked onto the lot, and so I had poor Thomas walk over and "Wolf Whistle" her. Blonde Townie did not appreciate this, and so . . .

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  17. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Kristal!! :eek: I am surprised and shocked ... to think you could so casually do such a thing to your own sim-flesh and sim-blood ... and then brag about it to the whole world ... LMAO

    I really tried today to mess up my sims' lives. Adil was getting along swimmingly with the maid, Kaylin while his new wife was out at work so I thought I wonder what would happen if he kissed her ... yikes! Ms Starchy Knickers pushed him away and wagged her finger at him. (I wouldn't mind but she had stayed the night recently at Adil's ma and pa's house (which is how come he also knows Kaylin and is in consequence chummy with her) and I saw what she wears underneath that risque black maid's uniform ... let's just say it was the sort of "negligibles" that are more usually to be found hugging a wrinklier bod ;)
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    That Kaylynn :D. If that's the maid from Pleasantville, when Don Lothario invited her to move in, probably thinking he'd get full time free maid service, she just sat around in the hot tub. She wasn't much fun. I don't quite remember the clothes she was wearing under the maid's dress but it wasn't long before Lothario ran off with another woman, anyway. Kaylynn wasn't too upset by it since he'd left her the house and hot tub. :p
  19. hannahc78

    hannahc78 Sims 2 Rocker

    Bag of poo????

    I've never had a 'flaming bag of poo', so why and how do you get one? Just wondering even though it may sound like a stupid question.:paranoid:
  20. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    You need to go on a horrible date, which means you have to have Nightlife. Ask a sim on a date, and then do something really bad, like flirt with another person, or kiss someone else. Maybe insult the person you're on a date with? If the date turns out horrible, they will leave a flaming bag of poo for you. If it turns out as just a bad date, you'll get a hate letter in the mail.

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