Got to the Third Generation!! Yay for Me!!!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kristalrose, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    That explains it. Mine haven't died that way yet.
  2. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    Hmm, I wish I could say I have had the same luck. I have gotten to generation 3 before, right before the power went out. When the lights were back on I was looking at an empty lot with the people I started out with ages ago. I ended up just restarting and have never been too succesful with getting to the third generation, my sims like fire and keep burning themselves and the nice houses I put them in.
  3. Shintoga

    Shintoga Student of Simlish

    That's just it though, none of my Sims have died of starvation, though I know the ghosts who do die that way steal from the fridge. I have one branch of the family living in that big town/city house, the one with the garage attached and the big 'entertainment room' on the ground floor (I just use it to store Aspiration awards and other bits of junk:) ). All the Sims in the family so far have died of old age. I have the fridge near the door that leads from the balcony, and I can almost guarantee it will get raided at some point when the ghosts decide to pop out for the night... It just struck me as weird for a 'normal' ghost to steal food. Oh well, they have plenty of money...:p

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