Building underground garage Ive read a thread somewhere, I think its on MikeInside, that you can build an underground garage. The problem is, that the tutorial for this only looks like a garage, using lowering terrain tools, and floortiles that match. Its not really a drieway/garage, coz you cant use it, but is there any wway to build a real one that goes underneath the house?
Hm. I have been looking for the garage in a basement tutorial I did but it seems to have vanished :( Jake! I still have my basements 101 tutorial album on the exchange To have a working garage in a basement you have first to build the garage and then put the foundations around it ... obviously you don't drag the foundation across the garage door or else your sims won't get in with their cars. The way I do this is to raise the ground outside the garage until it is 12 (mouse) clicks of raisedness above the level of the garage floor. You can then drag foundation from that level up to the top of the garage walls ... The basic principle of this technique is shown in my basments 101 tutorial (above). It is very much up to you how you imprement it in order to get a basement garage. I've also seen tutorials (maybe at Mike Inside's) for sloping drives but I haven't tried them cos the cars don't angle with the drive and just look silly being half in and half out of the ground. The best plots for "underground" garages are ones with a good slope either from side to side or else sloping upward away from the street. Plots that slope steeply down from the street suck and should not be used for any purpose
Hai Carumba, Jake. Wossup widya! They work for me and (by the way) I found the link to that tutorial in a reply I made here some months ago and ... lemme see ... could the person asking for basement help have been a Dane by the name of erm ... what's that name again ... [edit] oops sorry faulty memory. wasn't you, Jake ... sorreeeeee [/edit]
Ha ha! Cute, Mirelly. Yes I asked for basement help some time ago. Now its about an underground garage that works! Not quite the same, eh?
You know I am utterly certain I posted a full length tutorial about this subject (a couple of months ago ... however not be able to find it is somewhat of a problem ) nevertheless, I am bloody-d$%^&ed if I'm going to do it again. However I recently uploaded this house ( to the exchange which has a entire 'ground' floor' as garaging within foundations. Jake I ain't gonna do it all for ya. Take a look and compare and contrast the hows of The Federal with Justin Demmo's tutorial. I am sure you are smart enough to figure it out. (Don't forget you need a plot with a suitable embankment to semi-submerge the house into. You cannot build 100% underground ... period this is because a cellar has to have at least one square of foundation at the top edge of its enclosing walls. My contributions to this subject are now complete .... mostly cos I have to go and hawk up a bucketful of snot .... ewwww
Okay, I have no clue how to do it myself, but alia, who posted the "Stupid Cupid" has several other lots on the exchange. I downloaded one of her houses, and beautiful modern mansion and it has an actual underground garage. The driveway slopes down to the basement level. And it actually is a working driveway/garage. My sims have had no problems with going to work or to community lots with it. Here is the link to that specific house:
Thanks for that, Shana. I have played around with the sloping driveway thing and it is frankly horrible. You can certainly make a driveway higher or lower than street level and the cars will obligingly sit on the ground but driveway itself remains a ghost image covering the plane it thinks it is on and unless you paint the entire house and front yard cement grey the drive ends up looking odd from almost every angle. It is frankly best to have a flat drive and to landscape the plot around it. I mean how many of us live on a totally flat prairie? Most people like to be near hills and valleys. If you build a house a plot that slopes upwards away from the street you can have a working underground garage by following the Justin Demmo tutorial I linked to above (if Jake actually bothered to read it to the end he would see how to put a door (including a garage door) into a foundation wall .... obviously you have to build the cellar first and the advandced stuff is at the end. I also keep telling him that I am not gonna build him a garage, There are plenty to download if he wants some without any effort at all. But if he can be bothered to look at the help on offer they're pretty simple to build (properly -- without boolprop cheats and always look exactly perfect from every possible angle! ) as well. They are also not especially tough to do with the sloping drive tutorials available on the web by Googling sims sloping driveway ... which I what I did 50 minutes ago, tried them out, built an underground garage that worked but looked sooooo wrong (see pic), took loads of pics for a possible tutorial but dumpoed out when I realised how bad it was going to look. (Don't tell me about work arounds that improve the appearance ... they're only even more codge on top of duct tape and chewing gum So I stick to my original suggestions. However Jake is a free agent and it is not for me to criticise ...
I'll admit, it does look pretty funny when they are driving into the garage, like your picture shows. But it's pretty when it's just sitting there!
No it's more wrong than that, Shana. That grey driveway outline sits above the ground level and the ground is only hazily visible beneath it. You wouldn't believe the land surface has a smooth slope down to the sunkent garage ... it looks like there's a big kink (on the left hand side especially in the pic) bit it is a smooth grade ... it took me several minutes to get it nice and smooth. It would look fab without the driveway ... but then a car wouldn't use it BTW Jake. I'm not deliberately being mean to ya. Just teasing really and anyway I'm still feeling grumpy and sour due to having lost a weekend with albatross flu (I'm now convinced that was no ordinary bird flu) ... come to think of it ... there's a very long thread concerning birds, flues, and general mayhem, running through my entire life starting with a chicken coming down the chimney when I was a babe in the cradle and currently cresting with my latest calamitous assault by the dreaded Influensis Pterodactylus PS The green plumbob in the pic belongs to my new tutorial sim: Ivana Lesson
Jake I did a tutorial I did it just for you, so if you don't download it, admire it and tell me how fabulous I am I will personally invade Denmark and ... and ... well, I'll think of something ... :bandit:
You guys are great. And I dont take offense that easily. The whole reason for my frustration was, that the 3(three!) tutorials for underground garages Ive found never worked as a real garage. Thats why I wanted to make certain, that it was a real working garage and not just for show. And it read your tutorial and you are the master and I bow down before you and lick your boots. (Eh, sorry that was meant to be for the other forum I write in...) Please dont invade Denmark. Its not that big anyway, its kinda cold right now and you wouldnt like. PROMISE!
LOL Jake. The nice thing about being European is that we're all cousins. I've always wanted to go see Denmark ... one day perhaps. If I turned up suddenly though it would be to help defend the freedom of the press :( To paraphrase you: "don't take offence too easily" would make a wonderful credo for world peace, wouldn't it? Or as a wise old Aussie I know says: "never attribute to malice what you you can put down to ignorance". There is no crime in ignorance because ignorance is curable. Stupidity on the other hand, too often has tragic consequences .... Here endeth todays lesson
Unfortunately, the people who object seem to think that doing it the other way around is ok. If only people would just respect each other, it wouldn't be a problem.
Performing a screeching four-wheel slide 180 degree turn ... Can anyone tell me why everytime I see the name MikeInside, I think of Frankie Muniz and TwoJeffs puts me in mind of Terry Jones (aka Monty Python's Arthur "Two Sheds" Jackson ... but when I think of JMPescado ... all I can think of is crabs ...
Double underground garage I just uploaded this one to the exchange. I had a family living across the street in a house I had built that wasn't working. It was and "upside down" house on a plot that sloped steeply downwards away from the street. The game defines the ground level as the level at the mailbox (I think) cos houses that are lower than the mailbox are always tough work to navigate around. If you click on a sim who is on a lower floor you will be lucky to see his plumbob at the bottom of the screen! So I decided to see what could be done with the same slope but going up the hill on the other side of the road. It's looks pretty fab, if I say so myself. (All built using the same techniques described in the tutorial that is a few messages above ... ) 2 car (side by side) garage. Forecourt parking for 4 more cars, pool. 4/5 bedrooms (smallest bedroom adjacent to master suite suitable for nursery or a study) 3.5 bathrooms. 2 fireplaces. All electrics and plumbing, fully equipped kitchen. Under $100,000. Please lemme know what y'all think of it [edit] duh! adds link[/edit]