How Do I Hi new to game and need some help on build mode

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Warface, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. Warface

    Warface New Member

    Hi new to game and need some help on build mode

    I have added to existing houses with no probs, and it seems fairly easy to get around in build mode. However I created a new lot, and began building on it. I used the foundation mode first, then created my first and second levels. Placed the roof on top no probs. Now when I go to add doors and windows (which are easy to do in existing houses) The doors and windows go red and I cant place them in the walls (which have nothing in the way) I cant place even the smallest window on any wall? Any ideas?
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    First, as far as doors are concerned, you need a floor tile (with nothing else on it) in front and behind the door.

    Do your levels have floors?

    That shouldn't be a problem with windows, though. Did you build on the diagonal? It's possible to add windows and doors on diagonal walls but it might be a little more difficult.

    Guess I should ask -- any cheats turned on that should be off?

    A roof will get in the way of windows. Do you have a complicated roof on different levels?

    What I'd do, anyway, is put a simple straight wall on the ground somewhere else on the lot and test that for windows. If the window installs OK on that wall then something is wrong with your house. If the window doesn't install then something is wrong with your game. :( And that will require a lot more discussion.
  3. Warface

    Warface New Member

    Yeah its completly the bullprop cheat that caused it. I was using that to spawn a baby.......after the fact........then went to build a house and cant place the doors or windows (even tiny windows on any flat wall surface) nothing is in way.......and I tried it when just one level, two level, and with roof on top. Just cant get cheat to turn off. The false command doesnt work.
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    So sorry. Didn't realize I was talking to the same person as in the other discussion area. As I suggested there, do a search of the internet. Sometimes spelling matters. Sometimes it doesn't. But I'd try different ways of spelling it.
  5. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    You typed in 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled false' (Without the quotes)?
  6. Warface

    Warface New Member

    lol yes.....and Ive spelled it every way possible as far as uppercase in different combinations. The game is bugged so much so due to this, that not only can I not place doors or windows (even small windows) anywhere on any normal wall (keep in mind I placed doors many times before this bug). Now the new bug is sims cant pull out the chairs.

    All due to when I activated this dev code cheat. Very weird.
  7. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Hi again.
    Try this: boolProp testingCheatsEnabled false. Notice the capital letters. It might work
  8. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    boolprop should turn off each time you exit the game anyway but just to be sure: Go to My Docs, EA Games, The Sims 2, Config and open userstartup using notepad. Type boolProp testingCheatsEnabled false and save the file. Exit and try the game. If it still doesn't work move on to the next step.

    If this is happening to all houses it may be that you objects.package has become corrupt.

    Copy objects.package from on NL disc 2 into
    C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Nightlife\TSData\Res\Objects, overwriting the existing one.

    Copy objects.package from on Uni disc 1 into
    C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 University\TSData\Res\Objects, overwriting the existing one.

    Start the game, if it works go back to C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 (EP Name)\TSData\Res\Objects\ and right click objects.package, select properties, tick the Read Only box, click apply and you're done.

    If it doesn't work it sounds like some other critical file is missing or corrupt and I would suggest reinstalling your game, remember to backup all you save data!

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