Hey, TM! Sorry it took so long to reply. Was in Chile! Here's the link to my forum. We're waiting for you, there! [url]http://www.acuppajoe.net/SMF/index.php[/url]
Bahaha you guys made me LOL:D um Withdrawal symptoms? =D okay some people here need a chill pill me thinks? what pictures SID 0.o :confused:
Sorry Josh I did not get Her Email.She was vary cute..huba..huba..looking too do a little Whoo hooo!...Sim Style..
I'm having the withdrawals. I'll be making a machinima of the event this weekend. I'm still waiting for those pictures, too. Haha.
Hiya Mark? ;) is it Mark! i heard in that last Podcast Josh called you Mark AKA TeasingMeat so must be you! LOL anyways what's up Dude?! You still catching up with the "real world!" he he I bet well see you around if your online and not too busy don't hesitate to Im me! I WILL reply ;) chow Bru
You need to sign up at my forum, TM! I have an irc chatroom, there. I'm trying to get all the attendees to sign up, and so far I have SidDog and simvip. And me. Ha. I need to get on the ball and start emailing folks. Can I bum a light off you? I think I left mine at the Sofitel.