/me sigh. I guess I really can't win. I like the concept of ceilings, but I want the ability to choose where they go... mainly because I adore...
Your Opinions Needed: Peacoats I broke down and bought a peacoat because, well, I love them. However, here's the dilemma: I don't know whether...
It's about time. :p
Barack and Roll. ;)
Me too. :) Makes me want to curl up next to a fire with a good book and hot cocoa. sux2bJosh :p
First Snow of the Season Greetings from the northeast! (ok, so technically we're mid-atlantic region, I don't care! :p) It's currently 36*F...
I also question the logic of not creating a new theme. And I think the opening sounds a little bit Desperate Housewives. :p
Not necessarily gifs, but... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] That last one is reminiscent of at least one or two of my Calc tests this year...
You're absolutely right! That's the thing that's getting me--the inconsistent currency. That's what's getting me--I just wish they'd choose one...
Have you noticed? (Currency Exchange) Have you noticed that in a lot of screenshots, they replaced the traditional "Simoleans" with "Dollars?"...
NO! No, no no no NO! This isn't right. I'm bombarded with ads EVERYWHERE. I do not need real life ads in the game that I play to escape from...
OK, so I'll break forum etiquette to say that I completely agree with this. Not only do I completely agree with this, I would go so far as to say...
Probably Hollywood... with different sections of the town being occupied by my favorite TV/Movie neighborhoods.
Well, we don't host many downloads... but when we do, there's a link right at the bottom of the page that gives where that can be downloaded :)
Note the ceilings! :)
This... just doesn't sound like a good idea to me, honestly :p
I might consider it. But knowing EA, it won't be :p
I don't care for the subscription costs, unfortunately. I'd have to pass.
Better yet, a Gigabyte ;)
Yeah, but The Sims is all about suspending reality sometimes. ;)
Separate names with a comma.