Is it, now? Interesting.
I belive that's the- Sweet holy frogs! It's an alien mothership! They're here to take my bacon! NEVER, I say! I will defend my delicious hoard to...
Smug. .....
We understand, we understand. Q: Did I hear you say that this is victory?
Nothing here ever does. <sigh>
Yeah....sometimes I wish you couldn't..... I have a hard enough time reading all the NEW posts..
However, the cheese, powerful and tasty as it was, was not enough to stop the pig legions. Due to the fact that there was no bacon to feed their...
Ultrasound works too.
cars, but there wasn't much they could do about, being mostly slaughtered by the A.W.N.P.B.V legions. FInally, someone got up and shouted...
Hmmm, those are interesting....
Must be a west coast thing......
were all cut down by the raining pigs, which happened to be Axe Wielding Ninja Pigs of Bacony Vengeance come from the Realm of Pigginess to...
Okay, I checked out the site. It's weird. What network is Channel 18 in SOuthern California?
I would assume most of the people on the coast there, Josh. :cheeky:
I;ve been to that screen, but I geuss I just never saw that lil' tiny button there.
You can CHANGE it!? :eek:
Bacon! Lots and lots of bacon. The rain lovers found the storeroom of bacon and...
I like them names on the SIDE, thank-you-verymuch.
all of the local TV news weatherpeople reported a high chance of rain. However, it did not rain. A group of rain-loving rioters destroyed the......
really, really, absolutley un-called for, horribly bad in ways that no one could ever imagine. Meanwhile, a horribly scary....
Separate names with a comma.