hey what is this if you have a really bad date you get a bag of poo or flame? by the way i play on and off. like sometimes ill have a really cool...
whenever i get a teen to ring another teen to 'go out' they accept but never turn up and the teen had got permission beforehand what does this mean?
i would definetly say nightlife i couldnt play the game without it now i have it
life aspiration? hi i was just wondering if you could change the life aspiration of a sim for example from romantic to family because i want my...
nannys are completely useless ive hired one once and she was baby sitting a toddler and twin infants and she sat there watching telly for 3 sim...
i got mixed up with twins i named the boy elle and the girl jack oops but i didnt realise till they were toddlers
if you have them move into together then she will become controllable and then if you control her and click on him i think there is an option to...
where can i find it? sorry if this is in the wrong section but does anyone know where i can find a top similar to this were the mesh(if needed)...
i dont quite get what you mean can't you sell items say like a bed from the orindary buy mode? do you have to get it from a different menu
my sims never fail to cause a fire when they dont have many cooking skills thing is its normally when there newly moved in and i always forget to...
ive done that before but once i actually exited 10 times and i was just about to give up and the girl came out i was nearly tearing my hair out
i always get the pets to get the playfullness bar to the top and the owner will have an option to command the pet to play with the other this...
i dont play the 'ready made' sims as i call them a lot so which neighborhood is wanda tinker in
i always thought that there should be an option to hover the carpet or dust the tops and as fuzzy sed when the child changes why should it vanish...
ooo big foot maybe they could shove a yetti in there or loche ness monster oo or easter bunny! hey why isnt easter in the game it cant be because...
i think one of the reasons is because u can control everything that happens to the little dudes so you could protect them from all the horrible...
lol i do the same(not shallow either) and ill get an idea to make a really ugly family then after a few days of playing i change my mind and make...
i dont know which caliente sister it is but the one with the blonde hair went off and married mortimer for his money and got pregnant with either...
im glad that you cant have that kind of relationship on the game because i feel it is intirely inaproppriate all together never mind on a teenage...
i know its annoying but just imagine if you played one of the twins and the other aged and then you went to play it and there whole life had been...
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