Being a landlord? Will sims living in an upstairs flat be able to be charged rent that goes into the lower sims house? It would be great to have...
Actually it is a dealy. The release date in its self is a delay. Because the time they said before was mid summer. But the release date is in...
Ughh I would go to those events they post on the sims 2 website but I would have to go all the way to california to go there.
That time frame CANNOT be logical. Honesitly. 4 day year? Come on gimme a break. I think its more going to be a 20 day a year period. I mean do...
Weather who needs it. To be bluntyl honest I don't see hte big deal about weather. Remember it was just to the weather effects. Maybe they could...
Plan ruining. I was really hopping I would have summer to play the sims 2. Hmm we could get it to release at june 1st but that requires...
It was a bit of a disappontment that I couldn ot make a relestic from of me. However I had fun making weirdos with giant faces HUGE EYES and the...
Not another delay! Argh! Why did they have to throw in september delay? I would rather of had a june 1st release then an early release of the...
Unrelated to his eating for several reasons. Not to shut down popluar rumor but he was the one who created the healther menus. Besides if your a...
No real appeal to me. I really see no appeal to me. For a few reasons. 1. I care more about the sims 2 who cares about it, unless it is a mode...
A way for weather that is just too darn cheesy. They could have a cheesy low quality lame way of weather. Have a little orb that shows the...
Locks rock! I would love making sim dungeons and locking the visitors inside and feeding them BAD FOOD and leaving them to flood their cell. Or...
One thing I forgot. When will there be a demo or beta tester openings be available. It would be a dream for me being able to get a sneak peek. Of...
One little question. How will age change? The baby stranding up to be a toddler I could understand but how will the grow up process take place?...
My questions. 57. If you become fit will the other gender be more attracted to you? 58. Can you die in public or will fires be unstartable and...
The making magic rain was spell inflicted and rained only on waterable plants.
There must be a sand and dirt tile thing as well yeah! I wonder if sims will mind if I write "I'm with stupid" with the arrow pointing to their house.
There have been a few simulaities such as the latest picture of the teen sunbathing and err all I can say about it is that there were lots of...
Theres an old saying. If you are arround only yourself you well probably go crazy at the annoying features.
Stay in school or else! Lets see a whole myraid of problesm fcoudl arise. 1.slow skill gain 2. lower life rating 3. kid repossion a.k.a....
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