10 kids life want?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ShaunaFlash, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. ShaunaFlash

    ShaunaFlash New Member

    10 kids life want?

    Just curious if anyone ever actually had 10 kids to fulfill a family sims life want. I'd be interested in hearing any tips you may have because I'm thinking of giving it a try without cheating. I want to be able to do it without turning aging off. Is it possible? I'm pretty new to the game. :)


  2. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Well, the adult lifespan is 29 days, and pregnancy is 3 days. You're not allowed to even try for baby past 5 days to the transition. So....well, you do the math. :p

    Fortunately, this is not actually a lifetime want, just the suicide-power-want. It's also worth calling attention to the fact that trying to fulfill this want will cause long-term damage to your game.

    I once again point to the math: 10 kids, times 10 kids, times 10 kids, is over 1000 sims in 3 generations. This is well into the "exploding big fiery ball visible from space" point for your game. Exponential growth curves are not pretty.
  3. ShaunaFlash

    ShaunaFlash New Member

    Yikes! I see why I've never heard of people doing it!

    To be completely honest, when I say new to the game I mean that I played it once at a friend's house and have been obsesively reading stories and message boards, absorbing all sorts of information ever since. I also have a trial version of Sims 2 Body Shop for Mac. I won't actually get the game until my birthday (tomorrow) lol. So, I wasn't sure the exact timespan of the adult stage and everything.

    I suppose the reason I thought it would be fun to try is that I like the babies and (so far) have had no experiance trying to raise more than one kid. :p

    Thanks for the info.

  4. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Maybe you like babies, but don't forget the math. Simbabies may be awesome, but too much of an awesome thing...is really bad, and dumb.
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    The 10 kids want is achievable for male sims, but I agree with Pescado. Some sim wants are close to obscene and the sim that wants them 'deserves' to be disappointed.
  6. garyalexza

    garyalexza New Member

    And I'm sure Pescado would agree that the aspiration points gained by achieving this want would probably be less than the aspiration points required for energizers and elixir to achieve this want :p
  7. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Oh c'mon!! Is it really that bad?? Because I'm trying to do it with my Sim-self since she was resurected and has all her Adult-days ahead of her to live over again. She's now up to 5 children and one on the way, and hubby Jimmy, an old man, is now up to 6 since he has a daughter with the gardener. If I diversify their aspirations and do not allow any other child to be a family sim or if they are one to achieve the 10 kids want, how does it do damage? I also never, ever, allow more than 6 people in a household. Before someone gets pregnant, someone has to go to college. Exactly how does this damage the game, JMP? It is just the overload of Sims in the household, or the exponental reproduction of 10 family sims begating 10 more family sims? Becasue I'm not playing that way. Is there something else I need to be aware of? I can right click that want and unlock it just as easilly as I right-clicked it to lock it.:rolleyes:

    Here's a thought: Make a family sim male live the life of a romance sim. Have him keep a family in the house, and then make frequent visits to community lots and meet his girlfriends in the changing booths. :D I've done that before with a romance sim who had 8 children before he met the hula girls. Only 3 lived with him.
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    PLus a sim can always adopt. The sim I had that dropped out of uni after the first semester got married and is living in a little slum with five kids 3 of which he adopted (all as toddlers or babies). The other two came courtesy of one of the dormies who had graduated ... for the life of me I cannot remember which one as I haven't played that family for a few weeks. (It was too durn depressing to be honest! Stinky diapers everywhere cos it was a week before they could afford a changing table. Anyway they have 18 or so days of adult life left so plenty of time for more wee bairns. Though maybe they should adopt a teenager first to help out with those diapers ... hmmm. That would be a bit sensible and that family has shown no sense thus far so it'd be a shame to spoil the record :p
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I had a pair of family sims who had 10 children but I forgot to save that want so they got no benefit. It can be done without cheating or aging off, though you need lots of elixir of life. They had six, adopted four. They are now elders with a toddler.

    Kristal, what Pescado means about it ruining your game is, you now have 10 potential adults who all need homes, jobs, and all have needs of their own to fulfill. If you're a benevolent goddess and don't deprive them of their wants or kill them all off you're now stuck with 10 more families to raise.

    I had so many kids in college it got really boring, which is why I started my new neighborhood. I did make a couple of extra families so I wouldn't have to interact with NPC's so much, but I now have five houses that contain a grand total of 13 sims. Oooh, 13. Good thing I'm not superstitious.

    And the only reason I have that many is I had a mad desire to create the triplets of Belleville as toddlers and raise 'em to old age. Tip for birthdays with more than two kids aging at a time: start early in the day! My "baby" of the three is now a whole day younger ... she'll catch up when they all go to college at the same time, though.

    I'm busy trying to kill off their parents. I would like to have orphaned teenagers and see how that goes ...
  10. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    The family I'm currently fiddling around with has this lovely plot: Lora Yuna marries her next door neighbor/sweetheart Garrett. They are both Family sims: she wants 3 college graduate children, he wants 6 kids married off.

    Meanwhile, her brother David Merrick and Garrett's sister Dizzy go off to college, both graduate with honors, and move in. DM is a knowledge, Dizzy is a popularity.

    So...Dizzy and Lora Yuna get pregnant at the same time. I find this charming, cute...yeah. LY and Garrett already have a son, Cloud, in towe. He's a child now, thank God. Dizzy has her daughter first---Meryl. LY has...twins. Boy named Leon, girl named Selphie. Three babies in the same house. Figures. :rolleyes: At least LY can fulfill her lifetime want now, and Garrett is already halfway there. :D

    As to having 10 kids...I don't even want to go there. Six is enough for me at this point in a household. With the size of my neighborhood, which is HUGE at the moment, I don't think I could handle 10 separate families coming from the same parental unit. Maybe in a legacy neighborhood...;)
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    It wasn't easy. The parents were constantly unhappy and the dad got an "eh" rating when he became an elder. The mom did a little better ...

    They still have four at home and it will stay that way for a while since I'm not playing them anymore. They had six still in college ... imagine those tuition bills! :D

    Good thing Sims college is free.
  12. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Pescad is right (as ever :rolleyes: )

    I just pulled this pair of screenshots (melded into a single image - the left and right half of a scrollable window). The Wilsons are my secondary neighborhood family. I got kinda carried away with them and this documents how close they came. Deirdra's lifetime want is to marry off 6 children ... she's almost there. Callum's is to be a criminal mastermind. So far he got fired from every job he ever had before he reached the top. But you know, he's a kinda happy old farty for all his foibles and failings. He's still only 60 and he has a lot of happy memories .... I am not expecting him to have to cope with being widowed though ;)

    Anyway the pic. No elixir was used and they weren't actually planning on a large family. (There was a long gap after the twins cos I thought 4 was 2 too many! But the broodiness continued so I relented and along came Skye and still the broodiness so Corey was adopted and then along came Zoe and then Stuart was adopted ... yikes. If not for that faint-hearted gap decade they could've hit a dozen with no sweat!

    Attached Files:

  13. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    All my diaper-ridden houses are related. I had to make the Sado family (large and poor, with no job skills and little furniture, but kind-hearted) just so they weren't all marrying their aunts and cousins. They all have built-in friends but it can be hard to meet new people!

    SBW, I would love to have orphaned teens but I didn't think it was allowed. Didn't try it - I thought social worker meanie would come take them away. Let me know the results.
  14. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    If they can allow an orphan scholarship, I'd assume they'd let a teenager live on his own...but I've never tried it either.
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm pretty sure they can, since the social worker can't take teenagers. I had a family who had all of their kids taken away except the teenager. And teens can stay home by themselves. You don't get a naughty, naughty message if mom and dad both leave.
  16. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Orphaned teens can stay on their own. Also, an orphaned teen isn't necessarily home alone to begin with: Having both parents deceased can actually occur quite naturally without murdering anyone, if the child was born on the last possible day and the parents don't make the transition to elderhood in a shiny platinum state. I've actually had this happen before. An orphaned teen may also very well still be living with an adult relative that is alive and well. Be warned that if aforementoned orphaned teen is NOT living with somebody, when he goes to college, the house gets jacked and you lose the entire family networth. It will not be transferred to Uni.
  17. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I had a sim get an orphan scholarship. He was the last of the brood and his mom died the day before he went to uni (dad had gone earlier). His big sister was back home from uni so the house was safe but I felt sorry for him cos there was no-one to take him to college :sob: (I'm filling up now!)
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    So, just curious ... can you get the orphan scholarship if, say, one parent died after the other moved out (and didn't move back in)?

    Just wondering.
  19. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Ah not too sure about that, sbw. My definition of an orphan is to be missing both parents.
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Mine, too. :D

    Just didn't know if game logic agreed.

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